Fork 0
2022-05-10 22:20:02 +02:00

74 lines
2.6 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import io
import sys
import json
import typing
import os.path
import argparse
import subprocess
class FontArg(object):
def __init__(self, d):
self.font = d['font']
self.range = d.get('range')
self.symbols = d.get('symbols')
def gen_lvconv_line(dest: str, size: int, bpp: int, fonts: typing.List[FontArg], compress:bool=False):
args = ['lv_font_conv', '--size', str(size), '--output', dest, '--bpp', str(bpp), '--format', 'lvgl']
if not compress:
for font in fonts:
args.extend(['--font', font.font])
if font.range:
args.extend(['--range', font.range])
if font.symbols:
args.extend(['--symbols', font.symbols])
return args
def main():
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='auto generate lvGL font files from fonts')
ap.add_argument('config', type=str, help='config file to use')
ap.add_argument('-e', '--enable', type=str, action='append', help='optional feature to enable in font generation', default=[], metavar='features', dest='features')
ap.add_argument('-f', '--font', type=str, action='append', help='Choose specific fonts to generate (default: all)', default=[])
args = ap.parse_args()
if not os.path.exists(args.config):
sys.exit(f'Error: the config file {args.config} does not exist.')
if not os.access(args.config, os.R_OK):
sys.exit(f'Error: the config file {args.config} is not accessable (permissions?).')
with open(args.config, 'r') as fd:
data = json.load(fd)
fonts_to_run = set(data['fonts'].keys())
if args.font:
enabled_fonts = set()
for font in args.font:
enabled_fonts.add(font[:-2] if font.endswith('.c') else font)
d = enabled_fonts.difference(fonts_to_run)
if d:
print(f'Warning: requested font{"s" if len(d)>1 else ""} missing: {" ".join(d)}')
fonts_to_run = fonts_to_run.intersection(enabled_fonts)
for name in fonts_to_run:
font = data['fonts'][name]
sources = font.pop('sources')
patches = font.pop('patches') if 'patches' in font else []
features = font.pop('features') if 'features' in font else []
for enabled_feature in args.features:
if enabled_feature in features:
font['fonts'] = [FontArg(thing) for thing in sources]
line = gen_lvconv_line(f'{name}.c', **font)
if patches:
for patch in patches:
if __name__ == '__main__':