2022-04-18 18:29:52 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
import io
import sys
import json
import typing
import os . path
import argparse
import subprocess
class FontArg ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , d ) :
self . font = d [ ' font ' ]
self . range = d . get ( ' range ' )
self . symbols = d . get ( ' symbols ' )
def gen_lvconv_line ( dest : str , size : int , bpp : int , fonts : typing . List [ FontArg ] , compress : bool = False ) :
args = [ ' lv_font_conv ' , ' --size ' , str ( size ) , ' --output ' , dest , ' --bpp ' , str ( bpp ) , ' --format ' , ' lvgl ' ]
if not compress :
args . append ( ' --no-compress ' )
for font in fonts :
args . extend ( [ ' --font ' , font . font ] )
if font . range :
args . extend ( [ ' --range ' , font . range ] )
if font . symbols :
args . extend ( [ ' --symbols ' , font . symbols ] )
return args
def main ( ) :
ap = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' auto generate lvGL font files from fonts ' )
ap . add_argument ( ' config ' , type = str , help = ' config file to use ' )
ap . add_argument ( ' -e ' , ' --enable ' , type = str , action = ' append ' , help = ' optional feature to enable in font generation ' , default = [ ] , metavar = ' features ' , dest = ' features ' )
ap . add_argument ( ' -f ' , ' --font ' , type = str , action = ' append ' , help = ' Choose specific fonts to generate (default: all) ' , default = [ ] )
args = ap . parse_args ( )
if not os . path . exists ( args . config ) :
sys . exit ( f ' Error: the config file { args . config } does not exist. ' )
if not os . access ( args . config , os . R_OK ) :
sys . exit ( f ' Error: the config file { args . config } is not accessable (permissions?). ' )
with open ( args . config , ' r ' ) as fd :
data = json . load ( fd )
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fonts_to_run = set ( data [ ' fonts ' ] . keys ( ) )
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if args . font :
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enabled_fonts = set ( )
for font in args . font :
enabled_fonts . add ( font [ : - 2 ] if font . endswith ( ' .c ' ) else font )
d = enabled_fonts . difference ( fonts_to_run )
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if d :
print ( f ' Warning: requested font { " s " if len ( d ) > 1 else " " } missing: { " " . join ( d ) } ' )
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fonts_to_run = fonts_to_run . intersection ( enabled_fonts )
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for name in fonts_to_run :
font = data [ ' fonts ' ] [ name ]
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sources = font . pop ( ' sources ' )
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patches = font . pop ( ' patches ' ) if ' patches ' in font else [ ]
features = font . pop ( ' features ' ) if ' features ' in font else [ ]
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for enabled_feature in args . features :
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if enabled_feature in features :
sources . extend ( features [ enabled_feature ] )
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font [ ' fonts ' ] = [ FontArg ( thing ) for thing in sources ]
line = gen_lvconv_line ( f ' { name } .c ' , * * font )
subprocess . check_call ( line )
if patches :
for patch in patches :
subprocess . check_call ( patch )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
main ( )