- The default version of Ansible Borg role is now v.0.9.4. With this new version, you have the possibility to fix which version of Borg and Borgmatic you want to use but also to choose how does it install those packages. You can check the releases of the role [here](https://github.com/borgbase/ansible-role-borgbackup/releases).
- Added Ansible variable `restic_version`. The default version of Restic is 0.14.0, but it can easily be changed by overriding the default value. You can check the releases of Restic [here](https://github.com/restic/restic/releases).
- Added Ansible variable `m3nu_ansible_role_borgbackup_version`. The default version of the role is v0.9.3, but it can easily be changed by overriding the default value. You can check the releases of the role [here](https://github.com/borgbase/ansible-role-borgbackup).
- Ansible role Borg has been updated to v0.9.3 due to a bug that I discovered. More info [here](https://github.com/borgbase/ansible-role-borgbackup/issues/101).
- You now have the possibility to use BorgBackup with an [extra Ansible role](https://github.com/borgbase/ansible-role-borgbackup) as well as [Restic](https://github.com/roles-ansible/ansible_role_restic). These are built-in into this role, which means that once configured correctly, Ansible will download the chosen roles and will trigger their tasks.
- In order to use [Restic Ansible role](https://github.com/roles-ansible/ansible_role_restic), you need to install the pip package jmespath. For developers of the collection, it can be installed from the provided Pipfile using the following command: `pipenv install`.
- The `ynh_backup.sh` script now has a pruning function. By default, all local backups older than two days old are automatically deleted when a new backup is being created by the cron task.
- Improved README for the local backups.
### Fixed
- In role `ynh_backup`:
- Only one of `ynh_backup.system` or `ynh_backup.apps` is required. If the user puts var `ynh_backup.system` and `ynh_backup.apps` to False the role throws an error.
- New symbolic link created by default `/home/yunohost/backup` failed to get created. Added a new task so that the folder is created beforehand and then force the creation of the symbolic link.
- A WIP version of a dev branch has been uploaded in version 1.0.3. Therefore, `lydra.yunohost` v1.0.3 is malfunctioning and shouldn't be used. This new version contains the right source files from version 1.0.3.
## [[1.0.3] - 2022-06-24]
> ⚠️ Warning: DO NOT USE THIS VERSION, and go to version 1.0.4. Thanks.
- New symbolic links have been added in `/defaults/main.yml`. You can now define symbolic links for `/usr/share/yunohost`, `/home/yunohost.backup/archives` and `/home/yunohost.app`.
- This role is now divided into four roles: `ynh_setup`, `ynh_config`, `ynh_apps`, `ynh_backup`. Each role has its own README so you can easily navigate between them and understand their purpose.
### Deprecated
- Be careful when you upgrade because of the modularity of the different roles. Don't hesitate to read the latest REDME for an example on how to incorporate the roles into a playbook.
- Two new tasks have been added for post-install apps feature. During Yunohost application setup you can now add additionnal scripts / configuration files which will be transferred to your Yunohost instance and run if necessary.
- The first release of the lydra.yunohost role. This role is a fork of two former Ansible roles : <https://github.com/TheRojam/ansible-yunohost> and <https://github.com/e-lie/ansible-yunohost>.
- CI: ansible lint and syntax check
- README is present in French and English as well as License info.