- New symbolic links have been added in `/defaults/main.yml`. You can now define symbolic links for `/usr/share/yunohost`, `/home/yunohost.backup/archives` and `/home/yunohost.app`.
- This role is now divided into four roles: `ynh_setup`, `ynh_config`, `ynh_apps`, `ynh_backup`. Each role has its own README so you can easily navigate between them and understand their purpose.
### Deprecated
- Be careful when you upgrade because of the modularity of the different roles. Don't hesitate to read the latest REDME for an example on how to incorporate the roles into a playbook.
- Two new tasks have been added for post-install apps feature. During Yunohost application setup you can now add additionnal scripts / configuration files which will be transferred to your Yunohost instance and run if necessary.
- The first release of the lydra.yunohost role. This role is a fork of two former Ansible roles : <https://github.com/TheRojam/ansible-yunohost> and <https://github.com/e-lie/ansible-yunohost>.
- CI: ansible lint and syntax check
- README is present in French and English as well as License info.