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2023-06-02 17:52:30 +03:00

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MongoDB is a source-available cross-platform document-oriented (NoSQL) database program.

Some of the services installed by this playbook require a MongoDB database.

Enabling the MongoDB database service will automatically wire all other services which require such a database to use it.


To enable this service, add the following configuration to your vars.yml file and re-run the installation process:

#                                                                      #
# mongodb                                                              #
#                                                                      #

mongodb_enabled: true

# Put a strong password below, generated with `pwgen -s 64 1` or in another way
mongodb_root_password: ''

#                                                                      #
# /mongodb                                                             #
#                                                                      #


Importing an existing MongoDB database from another installation (optional)

Follow this section if you'd like to import your database from a previous installation.


The playbook supports importing gzipped MongoDB database dumps (created with mongodump --gzip -o /directory).

Before doing the actual import, you need to upload your MongoDB dump file to the server (any path is okay).

Importing a dump

To import, run this command (make sure to replace SERVER_PATH_TO_MONGODB_DUMP_DIRECTORY with a file path on your server):

just run-tags import-mongodb \

Note that SERVER_PATH_TO_MONGODB_DUMP_DIRECTORY must be a path to a gzipped MongoDB dump directory on the server (not on your local machine!)


This section shows you how to perform various maintenance tasks related to the MongoDB database server used by various components of this playbook.

Table of contents:

Getting a database terminal

You can use the /mash/mongodb/bin/cli tool to get interactive terminal access using the MongoDB Shell mongosh.

By default, this tool puts you in the admin database, which contains nothing.

To see the available databases, run show dbs.

To change to another database (for example infisical), run use infisical.

To see the available tables in the current database, run show tables.

You can then proceed to write queries. Example: db.users.find()

Be careful. Modifying the database directly (especially as services are running) is dangerous and may lead to irreversible database corruption. When in doubt, consider making a backup.

Backing up MongoDB

To make a one-off back up of the current MongoDB database, make sure it's running and then execute a command like this on the server:

# Prepare the backup directory
mkdir /path-to-some-directory
chown mash:mash /path-to-some-directory

# Back up
/mash/mongodb/bin/dump-all /path-to-some-directory

Restoring a backup made this way can be done by importing it.