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2024-01-06 13:03:08 +02:00

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Various services need to send out email.

The default playbook configuration (examples/vars.yml) recommends that you enable the Exim relay SMTP mailer service (powered by exim-relay and the ansible-role-exim-relay Ansible role).


To enable this service, add the following configuration to your vars.yml file and re-run the installation process:

#                                                                      #
# exim_relay                                                           #
#                                                                      #

# Various services need to send out email.
# Enabling this Exim relay SMTP mailer service automatically wires
# all other services to send email through it.
# exim-relay then gives you a centralized place for configuring email-sending.

exim_relay_enabled: true

exim_relay_hostname: mash.example.com

exim_relay_sender_address: "someone@{{ exim_relay_hostname }}"

# By default, exim-relay attempts to deliver emails directly.
# To make it relay via an external SMTP server, see the "Relaying via an external SMTP server" section below.

#                                                                      #
# /exim_relay                                                          #
#                                                                      #

Enabling this service, automatically wires various other services to send email through it.

By default, exim-relay attempts to deliver emails directly. This may work to some extent on some servers, but deliverability may be low. To make the exim-relay service relay all outgoing emails via an external SMTP server, see Relaying via an external SMTP server

Relaying via an external SMTP server

To make the exim-relay service relay all outgoing emails via an external SMTP server, add the following to your vars.yml configuration:

exim_relay_relay_use: true
exim_relay_relay_host_name: smtp.example.com
exim_relay_relay_host_port: 465
exim_relay_relay_auth: true
exim_relay_relay_auth_username: ''
exim_relay_relay_auth_password: ''

Using a per-service sender address

By default, all roles that this playbook wires to exim-relay will all be configured to send emails using a From address as configured in exim_relay_sender_address.

To configure a given service to use another sender address, override the specific variables for the given service.

For example, to make Vaultwarden (automatically wired to send via exim-relay if you have it enabled) send emails from a custom address (instead of the default, exim_relay_sender_address), use configuration like this:

vaultwarden_config_smtp_from: vaultwarden@example.com