This features two knobs: theming and indent. I was curious whether I could actually hand the theme switching to the parent, so I created an event dispatcher for it. It works! But I had to hack the Svelte component a little. I also need to sync it two the theme switcher in the popup and go over every component that is focused on light mode only at the moment. To limit the work I will constraint myself to the Profile page here. If the theme is meant to apply to other pages as well, we will need to persist the setting. That means a database in Anvil, I guess. I'm not willing to take that step right now. It must come at some point (e.g. when talking to Vervis to actually inform about changes made in Anvil). Signed-off-by: André Jaenisch <andre.jaenisch@posteo.de>
82 lines
2.6 KiB
82 lines
2.6 KiB
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