188 lines
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188 lines
4.8 KiB
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
# Copyright (C) 2020 Daniel Thompson
"""Photoplethysmogram (PPG) Signal Processing
Algorithms and signal processing primatives that can be used to convert
raw PPG signals into something useful.
import array
import micropython
import watch
def _compare(d1, d2, count: int, shift: int) -> int:
"""Compare two sequences of (signed) bytes and quantify how dissimilar
they are.
p1 = ptr8(d1)
p2 = ptr8(d2)
e = 0
for i in range(count):
s1 = int(p1[i])
if s1 > 127:
s1 -= 256
s2 = int(p2[i])
if s2 > 127:
s2 -= 256
d = s1 - s2
e += d*d
return e
class Biquad():
"""Direct Form II Biquad Filter"""
def __init__(self, b0, b1, b2, a1, a2):
self._coeff = (b0, b1, b2, a1, a2)
self._v1 = 0
self._v2 = 0
def step(self, x):
c = self._coeff
v1 = self._v1
v2 = self._v2
v = x - (c[3] * v1) - (c[4] * v2)
y = (c[0] * v) + (c[1] * v1) + (c[2] * v2)
self._v2 = v1
self._v1 = v
return y
class PTAGC():
"""Peak Tracking Automatic Gain Control
In order for the correlation checks to work correctly we must
aggressively reject spikes caused by fast DC steps. Setting a
threshold based on the median is very effective at killing
spikes but needs an extra 1k for sample storage which isn't
really plausible for a microcontroller.
def __init__(self, start, decay, threshold):
self._peak = start
self._decay = decay
self._boost = 1 / decay
self._threshold = threshold
def step(self, spl):
# peak tracking
peak = self._peak
if abs(spl) > peak:
peak *= self._boost
peak *= self._decay
self._peak = peak
# rejection filter (clipper)
threshold = self._threshold
if spl > (peak * threshold) or spl < (peak * -threshold):
return 0
# booster
spl = 100 * spl / (2 * peak)
return spl
class PPG():
def __init__(self, spl):
self._offset = spl
self.data = array.array('b')
self.debug = None
self._hpf = Biquad(0.87033078, -1.74066156, 0.87033078,
-1.72377617, 0.75754694)
self._agc = PTAGC(20, 0.971, 2)
self._lpf = Biquad(0.11595249, 0.23190498, 0.11595249,
-0.72168143, 0.18549138)
def preprocess(self, spl):
"""Preprocess a PPG sample.
Must be called at 24Hz for accurate heart rate calculations.
if self.debug != None:
spl -= self._offset
spl = self._hpf.step(spl)
spl = self._agc.step(spl)
spl = self._lpf.step(spl)
spl = int(spl)
return spl
def _get_heart_rate(self):
def compare(d, shift):
return _compare(d[shift:], d[:-shift], len(d)-shift, shift)
def trough(d, mn, mx):
z2 = compare(d, mn-2)
z1 = compare(d, mn-1)
for i in range(mn, mx+1):
z = compare(d, i)
if z2 > z1 and z1 < z:
return i
z2 = z1
z1 = z
return -1
data = memoryview(self.data)
# Search initially from ~210 to 30 bpm
t0 = trough(data, 7, 48)
if t0 < 0:
return None
# Check the second cycle ...
t1 = t0 * 2
t1 = trough(data, t1 - 5, t1 + 5)
if t1 < 0:
return None
# ... and the third
t2 = (t1 * 3) // 2
t2 = trough(data, t2 - 5, t2 + 4)
if t2 < 0:
return None
# If we can find a fourth cycle then use that for the extra
# precision otherwise report whatever we've found
t3 = (t2 * 4) // 3
t3 = trough(data, t3 - 4, t3 + 4)
if t3 < 0:
return (60 * 24 * 3) // t2
return (60 * 24 * 4) // t3
def get_heart_rate(self):
if len(self.data) < 200:
return None
hr = self._get_heart_rate()
# Clear out the accumulated data
self.data = array.array('b')
# Dump the debug data
if self.debug:
with open('hrs.data', 'ab') as f:
# Re-sync marker
now = watch.rtc.get_localtime()
f.write(array.array('H', now[:6]))
self.debug = array.array('H')
return hr
def enable_debug(self):
if self.debug == None:
self.debug = array.array('H')