Fork 0
Daniel Thompson 294797d826 hrs3300: Defer initialization until the HRS is used
This means hardware failure won't cause the initial boot to fail. This
won't stop the heart rate app from crashing when it starts up but at
least it will give a comprehensible crash report.

Signed-off-by: Daniel Thompson <daniel@redfelineninja.org.uk>
2020-11-11 22:07:21 +00:00

97 lines
2.4 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
# Copyright (C) 2020 Daniel Thompson
"""HRS3300 driver
from micropython import const
_I2CADDR = const(0x44)
_ID = const(0x00)
_ENABLE = const(0x01)
_ENABLE_HEN = const(0x80)
_C1DATAM = const(0x08)
_C0DATAM = const(0x09)
_C0DATAH = const(0x0a)
_PDRIVER = const(0x0c)
_C1DATAH = const(0x0d)
_C1DATAL = const(0x0e)
_C0DATAL = const(0x0f)
_RES = const(0x16)
_HGAIN = const(0x17)
class HRS3300:
def __init__(self, i2c):
self._i2c = i2c
def init(self):
w = self.write_reg
# HRS disabled, 12.5 ms wait time between cycles, (partly) 20mA drive
w(_ENABLE, 0x60)
# (partly) 20mA drive, power on, "magic" (datasheet says both
# "reserved" and "set low nibble to 8" but 0xe gives better results
# and is used by at least two other HRS3300 drivers
w(_PDRIVER, 0x6e)
# HRS and ALS both in 16-bit mode
w(_RES, 0x88)
# 64x gain
w(_HGAIN, 0x10)
def read_reg(self, addr):
return self._i2c.readfrom_mem(_I2CADDR, addr, 1)[0]
def write_reg(self, addr, val):
self._i2c.writeto_mem(_I2CADDR, addr, bytes((val,)))
def enable(self):
enable = self.read_reg(_ENABLE)
enable |= _ENABLE_HEN
self.write_reg(_ENABLE, enable)
def disable(self):
enable = self.read_reg(_ENABLE)
enable &= ~_ENABLE_HEN
self.write_reg(_ENABLE, enable)
def read_hrs(self):
# TODO: Try fusing the read of H & L
m = self.read_reg(_C0DATAM)
h = self.read_reg(_C0DATAH)
l = self.read_reg(_C0DATAL)
return (m << 8) | ((h & 0x0f) << 4) | (l & 0x0f) | ((l & 0x30) << 12)
def read_als(self):
# TODO: Try fusing the read of H & L
m = self.read_reg(_C1DATAM)
h = self.read_reg(_C1DATAH)
l = self.read_reg(_C1DATAL)
return (m << 3) | ((h & 0x3f) << 11) | (l & 0x07)
def set_gain(self, gain):
if gain > 64:
gain = 64
hgain = 0
while (1 << hgain) < gain:
hgain += 1
self.write_reg(_HGAIN, hgain << 2)
def set_drive(self, drive):
en = self.read_reg(_ENABLE)
pd = self.read_reg(_PDRIVER)
en = (en & 0xf7) | ((drive & 2) << 2)
pd = (pd & 0xbf) | ((drive & 1) << 6)
self.write_reg(_ENABLE, en)
self.write_reg(_PDRIVER, pd)