# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later # Copyright (C) 2020 Daniel Thompson """Digital clock ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shows a time (as HH:MM) together with a battery meter and the date. """ import wasp import icons import fonts.clock as digits DIGITS = ( digits.clock_0, digits.clock_1, digits.clock_2, digits.clock_3, digits.clock_4, digits.clock_5, digits.clock_6, digits.clock_7, digits.clock_8, digits.clock_9 ) MONTH = 'JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec' class ClockApp(): """Simple digital clock application. .. figure:: res/ClockApp.png :width: 179 Screenshot of the clock application """ NAME = 'Clock' ICON = icons.clock def __init__(self): self.meter = wasp.widgets.BatteryMeter() self.notifier = wasp.widgets.NotificationBar() def foreground(self): """Activate the application.""" self.on_screen = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ) self.draw() wasp.system.request_tick(1000) def sleep(self): return True def wake(self): self.update() def tick(self, ticks): self.update() def draw(self): """Redraw the display from scratch.""" draw = wasp.watch.drawable draw.fill() draw.rleblit(digits.clock_colon, pos=(2*48, 80), fg=0xb5b6) self.on_screen = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ) self.update() self.meter.draw() def update(self): """Update the display (if needed). The updates are a lazy as possible and rely on an prior call to draw() to ensure the screen is suitably prepared. """ now = wasp.watch.rtc.get_localtime() if now[3] == self.on_screen[3] and now[4] == self.on_screen[4]: if now[5] != self.on_screen[5]: self.meter.update() self.notifier.update() self.on_screen = now return False draw = wasp.watch.drawable draw.rleblit(DIGITS[now[4] % 10], pos=(4*48, 80)) draw.rleblit(DIGITS[now[4] // 10], pos=(3*48, 80), fg=0xbdb6) draw.rleblit(DIGITS[now[3] % 10], pos=(1*48, 80)) draw.rleblit(DIGITS[now[3] // 10], pos=(0*48, 80), fg=0xbdb6) self.on_screen = now month = now[1] - 1 month = MONTH[month*3:(month+1)*3] draw.string('{} {} {}'.format(now[2], month, now[0]), 0, 180, width=240) self.meter.update() self.notifier.update() return True