Watch Application System in Python ================================== Despite the grand ambitions of the name, currently this repo simply combines a bootloader, derived from the Adafruit NRF52 bootloader, with MicroPython. Both have been ported to Pine64 PineTime and the Desay DS-D6 fitness band. Try: ~~~ make submodules make softdevice make -j `nproc` all make flash ~~~ Then use nRFConnect (for Android) to program At the end of this process your watch may *look* dead but, if it works, you will be able to use the Nordic UART Service to access the MicroPython REPL. Drivers are, for the most part, an exercise for the reader but there is a proof-of-concept display driver. To experiment try: ~~~ import pinetime, time tft = pinetime.st7789() tft.white() time.sleep(2) ~~~