"""Sitronix ST7789 display driver for MicroPython. Note: Although the ST7789 supports a variety of communication protocols currently this driver only has support for SPI interfaces. However it is structured such that other serial protocols can easily be added. """ import micropython from micropython import const from time import sleep_ms # register definitions _SWRESET = const(0x01) _SLPIN = const(0x10) _SLPOUT = const(0x11) _NORON = const(0x13) _INVOFF = const(0x20) _INVON = const(0x21) _DISPOFF = const(0x28) _DISPON = const(0x29) _CASET = const(0x2a) _RASET = const(0x2b) _RAMWR = const(0x2c) _COLMOD = const(0x3a) _MADCTL = const(0x36) @micropython.viper def fastfill(mv, color: int, count: int, offset: int): p = ptr8(mv) colorhi = color >> 8 colorlo = color & 0xff for x in range(count): p[2*(x+offset) ] = colorhi p[2*(x+offset) + 1] = colorlo class ST7789(object): def __init__(self, width, height): self.width = width self.height = height self.linebuffer = bytearray(2 * width) self.init_display() def init_display(self): self.reset() self.write_cmd(_SLPOUT) sleep_ms(10) for cmd in ( (_COLMOD, b'\x05'), # MCU will send 16-bit RGB565 (_MADCTL, b'\x00'), # Left to right, top to bottom #(_INVOFF, None), # Results in odd palette (_INVON, None), (_NORON, None), ): self.write_cmd(cmd[0]) if cmd[1]: self.write_data(cmd[1]) self.fill(0) self.write_cmd(_DISPON) # From the point we sent the SLPOUT there must be a # 120ms gap before any subsequent SLPIN. In most cases # (i.e. wen the SPI baud rate is slower than 8M then # that time already elapsed as we zeroed the RAM). #sleep_ms(125) def poweroff(self): self.write_cmd(_SLPIN) sleep_ms(125) def poweron(self): self.write_cmd(_SLPOUT) sleep_ms(125) def contrast(self, contrast): pass def invert(self, invert): if invert: self.write_cmd(_INVON) else: self.write_cmd(_INVOFF) def mute(self, mute): if mute: self.write_cmd(_DISPOFF) else: self.write_cmd(_DISPON) def set_window(self, x=0, y=0, width=None, height=None): if not width: width = self.width if not height: height = self.height xp = x + width - 1 yp = y + height - 1 self.write_cmd(_CASET) self.write_data(bytearray([x >> 8, x & 0xff, xp >> 8, xp & 0xff])) self.write_cmd(_RASET) self.write_data(bytearray([y >> 8, y & 0xff, yp >> 8, yp & 0xff])) self.write_cmd(_RAMWR) def rawblit(self, buf, x, y, width, height): self.set_window(x, y, width, height) self.write_data(buf) def fill(self, bg, x=0, y=0, w=None, h=None): if not w: w = self.width - x if not h: h = self.height - y self.set_window(x, y, w, h) # Populate the line buffer buf = memoryview(self.linebuffer)[0:2*w] for xi in range(0, 2*w, 2): buf[xi] = bg >> 8 buf[xi+1] = bg & 0xff # Do the fill for yi in range(h): self.write_data(buf) @micropython.native def rleblit(self, image, pos=(0, 0), fg=0xffff, bg=0): (sx, sy, rle) = image self.set_window(pos[0], pos[1], sx, sy) buf = memoryview(self.linebuffer)[0:2*sx] bp = 0 color = bg for rl in rle: while rl: count = min(sx - bp, rl) fastfill(buf, color, count, bp) bp += count rl -= count if bp >= sx: self.write_data(buf) bp = 0 if color == bg: color = fg else: color = bg class ST7789_SPI(ST7789): def __init__(self, width, height, spi, cs, dc, res=None, rate=8000000): self.spi = spi self.dc = dc self.res = res self.cs = cs self.rate = rate #self.spi.init(baudrate=self.rate, polarity=1, phase=1) cs.init(cs.OUT, value=1) dc.init(dc.OUT, value=0) if res: res.init(res.OUT, value=0) super().__init__(width, height) def reset(self): if self.res: self.res(0) sleep_ms(10) self.res(1) else: self.write_cmd(_SWRESET) sleep_ms(125) def write_cmd(self, cmd): self.dc(0) self.cs(0) self.spi.write(bytearray([cmd])) self.cs(1) def write_data(self, buf): self.dc(1) self.cs(0) self.spi.write(buf) self.cs(1)