# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later # Copyright (C) 2020 Daniel Thompson """Conway's Game of Life. On 11 April 2020 John H. Conway who, among many, many other achievements, devised the rule set for his Game of Life, died of complications from a COVID-19 infection. The Game of Life is the first "toy" program I ever recall seeing on a computer (running in a mid 1980s Apple Macintosh). It sparked something even if "toy" is perhaps an underwhelming description of the Game of Life. Either way it occupies a special place in my childhood. For that, this application is dedicated to Professor Conway. """ import array import machine import micropython import wasp @micropython.viper def xorshift12(v: int) -> int: """12-bit xorshift pseudo random number generator. With only 12-bits of state this PRNG is another toy! It appears here because it allows us to visit every possible 12-bit value (except zero) whilst taking an interesting route. This allows us to make the redraw (which is too slow to fully conceal) visually engaging. """ v ^= v << 1 v ^= (v >> 3) & 0x1ff v ^= (v << 7) return v & 0xfff @micropython.viper def get_color(v: int) -> int: r = v >> 10 g = (v >> 8) & 7 b = (v >> 5) & 3 return (r << 13) | (g << 7) | (b << 1) | 0x9c73 @micropython.viper def get_cell(board, stride: int, x: int, y: int) -> bool: b = ptr32(board) xw = x >> 5 xb = x & 0x1f yw = y * (stride >> 5) return bool(b[yw + xw] & (1 << xb)) @micropython.viper def set_cell(board, stride: int, x: int, y: int, v: bool): b = ptr32(board) xw = x >> 5 xb = x & 0x1f yw = y * (stride >> 5) m = 1 << xb c = b[yw + xw] # viper doesn't implement bitwise not so we are having # to clear bits using xor... if v: b[yw + xw] = c | m elif c & m: b[yw + xw] = c ^ m @micropython.viper def game_of_life(b, xmax: int, ymax: int, nb): """Run a single generation of Conway's Game of Life 1. Death by isolation: a cell dies if has fewer than two live neighbours. 2. Death by overcrowding: a cell dies if it has more than three live neighbours. 3. Survival: a living cell continues to survive if it has two or three neighbours. 4. Reproduction: a dead cell comes alive if it has exactly three neighbours. In the code below we have simplified the above rules to "a cell is alive it has three live neighbours or if it was previously alive and has two neighbours, otherwise it is dead.". """ board = ptr32(b) next_board = ptr32(nb) for y in range(1, ymax-1): tm = int(get_cell(board, xmax, 0, y-1)) tr = int(get_cell(board, xmax, 1, y-1)) cm = int(get_cell(board, xmax, 0, y)) cr = int(get_cell(board, xmax, 1, y)) bm = int(get_cell(board, xmax, 0, y+1)) br = int(get_cell(board, xmax, 1, y+1)) for x in range(1, xmax-1): tl = tm tm = tr tr = int(get_cell(board, xmax, x+1, y-1)) cl = cm cm = cr cr = int(get_cell(board, xmax, x+1, y)) bl = bm bm = br br = int(get_cell(board, xmax, x+1, y+1)) c = tl + tm + tr + cl + cr + bl + bm + br set_cell(next_board, xmax, x, y, c == 3 or (cm and c == 2)) # 2-bit RLE, generated from res/gameoflife.png, 404 bytes # The icon is a carefully selected generation of an "acorn", I wanted # to avoid using a glider, they are overused to the point of cliche! icon = ( b'\x02' b'`@' b'?\xff\xff\xee@\xf8B\x02B\x02B?\x16L?\x15' b'L?\x16B\x02B\x02B?\x1bB?\x1eD?\x1d' b'D?\x1eB?\x17\x80\xee\x82\x02\x82\x06\x82\x02\x82?' b'\x0e\x88\x04\x88?\r\x88\x04\x88?\x0e\x82\x02\x82\x06B' b'\x02\x82?\x03\xc0\x89\xc2\x02\xc2\x02\xc2\x02\xc2\x02\xc2\x02' b'\xc2\x02\xc2\x02\xc2\x02\xc2\x02\xc2\x02\xc25\xec4\xec5' b'\xc2\x02\xc2\x02\xc2\x02\xc2\x02\xc2\x02\xc2\x02\xc2\x02\xc2\x02' b'\xc2\x02\xc2\x02\xc2*B\x02B\x12\xc2\x06B\x06\xc2\x12' b'B\x02B\x1dH\x10\xc4\x04D\x04\xc4\x10H\x1cH\x10' b'\xc4\x04D\x04\xc4\x10H\x1dB\x02B\x12\xc2\x06B\x06' b'\xc2\x12B\x02B\x1eB\x16\xc2\x0e\xc2\x16B\x1dD\x14' b'\xc4\x0c\xc4\x14D\x1cD\x14\xc4\x0c\xc4\x14D\x1dB\x16' b'\xc2\x0e\xc2\x16B\x1eB>B\x1dDB"B\x02B\x06B\x02B\x02B\x0e' b'B\x02B\x02B\x06B\x02B%H\x04L\x0cL\x04' b'H$H\x04L\x0cL\x04H%B\x02B\x06B\x02' b'B\x02B\x0eB\x02B\x02B\x06B\x02B2B\n' b'B\x06B\nB=D\x08D\x04D\x08DB\x02' b'B\x06\x82\x06\x82\x06B\x02B=H\x04\x84\x04\x84\x04' b'H\x82\x02\x82\x16\x82\x02\x82=\x88\x14' b'\x88<\x88\x14\x88=\x82\x02\x82\x16\x82\x02\x82>\x82\x02' b'\x82\x02\x82\x0e\x82\x02\x82\x02\x82=\x8c\x0c\x8c<\x8c\x0c' b'\x8c=\x82\x02\x82\x02\x82\x0e\x82\x02\x82\x02\x82?\xff\xff' b'\xe2' ) class GameOfLifeApp(): """Application implementing Conway's Game of Life. """ NAME = 'Life' ICON = icon def __init__(self): """Initialize the application.""" self._board = array.array('I', [0] * (64*64//32)) self._next_board = array.array('I', self._board) self._color = 1 self.touch(None) def foreground(self): """Activate the application.""" self._draw() wasp.system.request_event(wasp.EventMask.TOUCH) wasp.system.request_tick(625) def tick(self, ticks): """Notify the application that its periodic tick is due.""" wasp.system.keep_awake() #t = machine.Timer(id=1, period=8000000) #t.start() game_of_life(self._board, 64, 64, self._next_board) #t1 = t.time() self._update() #t2 = t.time() #t.stop() #del t #wasp.watch.drawable.string('{:4.2f}s {:4.2f}s'.format(t1 / 1000000, # t2 / 1000000), 6, 210) def touch(self, event): """Notify the application of a touchscreen touch event.""" board = self._next_board for i in range(len(board)): board[i] = 0 board[62] = 32 << 16 board[64] = 8 << 16 board[66] = 103 << 16 if None != event: self._update() def _draw(self): """Draw the display from scratch.""" wasp.watch.drawable.fill() board = self._board for i in range(len(board)): board[i] = 0 self._update() def _update(self): """Update the dynamic parts of the application display.""" b = self._board nb = self._next_board self._board = nb self._next_board = b display = wasp.watch.display lb = display.linebuffer alive = memoryview(lb)[0:2*16] self._color = xorshift12(self._color) rgbhi = get_color(self._color) rgblo = rgbhi & 0xff rgbhi >>= 8 for i in range(0, len(alive), 2): alive[i] = rgbhi alive[i+1] = rgblo for i in (0, 3, 12, 15): alive[i*2] = 0 alive[i*2+1] = 0 dead = memoryview(lb)[2*16:4*16] for i in range(len(dead)): dead[i] = 0 def draw_cell(cell, display, px): x = ((cell & 0x3f) - 2) * 4 y = ((cell >> 6) -2) * 4 if x < 0 or x >= 240 or y < 0 or y >= 240: return display.set_window(x, y, 4, 4) display.write_data(px) draw_cell(1, display, alive if b[1//32] & (1 << (1 & 0x1f)) else dead) v = xorshift12(1) while 1 != v: me = b[v//32] & (1 << (v & 0x1f)) nx = nb[v//32] & (1 << (v & 0x1f)) if me != nx: draw_cell(v, display, alive if nx else dead) v = xorshift12(v) draw_cell(0, display, alive if b[0//32] & (1 << (0 & 0x1f)) else dead)