# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later # Copyright (C) 2020 Daniel Thompson """Wasp-os system manager ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. data:: wasp.system wasp.system is the system-wide singleton instance of :py:class:`.Manager`. Application must use this instance to access the system services provided by the manager. .. data:: wasp.watch wasp.watch is an import of :py:mod:`watch` and is simply provided as a shortcut (and to reduce memory by keeping it out of other namespaces). """ import gc import machine import micropython import steplogger import sys import watch import widgets import appregistry from apps.system.launcher import LauncherApp from apps.system.pager import PagerApp, CrashApp, NotificationApp from apps.system.step_counter import StepCounterApp class EventType(): """Enumerated interface actions. MicroPython does not implement the enum module so EventType is simply a regular object which acts as a namespace. """ DOWN = 1 UP = 2 LEFT = 3 RIGHT = 4 TOUCH = 5 HOME = 255 BACK = 254 NEXT = 253 class EventMask(): """Enumerated event masks. """ TOUCH = 0x0001 SWIPE_LEFTRIGHT = 0x0002 SWIPE_UPDOWN = 0x0004 BUTTON = 0x0008 NEXT = 0x0010 class PinHandler(): """Pin (and Signal) event generator. TODO: Currently this driver doesn't actually implement any debounce but it will! """ def __init__(self, pin): """ :param Pin pin: The pin to generate events from """ self._pin = pin self._value = pin.value() def get_event(self): """Receive a pin change event. Check for a pending pin change event and, if an event is pending, return it. :return: boolean of the pin state if an event is received, None otherwise. """ new_value = self._pin.value() if self._value == new_value: return None self._value = new_value return new_value def _key_app(d): """Get a sort key for apps.""" return d.NAME def _key_alarm(d): """Get a sort key for alarms.""" return d[0] class Manager(): """Wasp-os system manager The manager is responsible for handling top-level UI events and dispatching them to the foreground application. It also provides services to the application. The manager is expected to have a single system-wide instance which can be accessed via :py:data:`wasp.system` . """ def __init__(self): self.app = None self.bar = widgets.StatusBar() self.quick_ring = [] self.launcher = LauncherApp() self.launcher_ring = [] self.notifier = NotificationApp() self.notifications = {} self.musicstate = {} self.musicinfo = {} self.weatherinfo = {} self.units = "Metric" self._theme = ( b'\x7b\xef' # ble b'\x7b\xef' # scroll-indicator b'\x7b\xef' # battery b'\xe7\x3c' # status-clock b'\x7b\xef' # notify-icon b'\xff\xff' # bright b'\xbd\xb6' # mid b'\x39\xff' # ui b'\xff\x00' # spot1 b'\xdd\xd0' # spot2 b'\x00\x0f' # contrast ) self.blank_after = 15 self._alarms = [] self._brightness = 2 self._notifylevel = 2 if 'P8' in watch.os.uname().machine: self._nfylevels = [0, 225, 450] else: self._nfylevels = [0, 40, 80] self._nfylev_ms = self._nfylevels[self._notifylevel - 1] self._button = PinHandler(watch.button) self._charging = True self._scheduled = False self._scheduling = False def secondary_init(self): global free if not self.app: # Register default apps if main hasn't put anything on the quick ring if not self.quick_ring: self.register_defaults() # System start up... watch.display.poweron() watch.display.mute(True) watch.backlight.set(self._brightness) self.sleep_at = watch.rtc.uptime + 90 if watch.free: gc.collect() free = gc.mem_free() self.switch(self.quick_ring[0]) def register_defaults(self): """Register the default applications.""" for app in appregistry.autoload_list: self.register(app[0], app[1], app[2], app[3]) self.register('apps.system.step_counter.StepCounterApp', True, no_except=True) self.register('apps.system.settings.SettingsApp', no_except=True) self.register('apps.system.software.SoftwareApp', no_except=True) def register(self, app, quick_ring=False, watch_face=False, no_except=False): """Register an application with the system. :param object app: The application to register :param object quick_ring: Place the application on the quick ring :param object watch_face: Make the new application the default watch face :param object no_except: Ignore exceptions when instantiating applications """ if isinstance(app, str): modname = app[:app.rindex('.')] exec('import ' + modname) if no_except: try: app = eval(app + '()') except: app = None else: app = eval(app + '()') exec('del ' + modname) exec('del sys.modules["' + modname + '"]') if not app: return # "Special case" for watches that have working step counters! # More usefully it allows other apps to detect the presence/absence # of a working step counter by looking at wasp.system.steps . if isinstance(app, StepCounterApp): self.steps = steplogger.StepLogger(self) if watch_face: self.quick_ring[0] = app elif quick_ring: self.quick_ring.append(app) else: self.launcher_ring.append(app) self.launcher_ring.sort(key = _key_app) def unregister(self, cls): for app in self.launcher_ring: if isinstance(app, cls): self.launcher_ring.remove(app) break @property def brightness(self): """Cached copy of the brightness current written to the hardware.""" return self._brightness @brightness.setter def brightness(self, value): self._brightness = value watch.backlight.set(self._brightness) @property def notify_level(self): """Cached copy of the current notify level""" return self._notifylevel @notify_level.setter def notify_level(self, value): self._notifylevel = value self._nfylev_ms = self._nfylevels[self._notifylevel - 1] @property def notify_duration(self): """Cached copy of the current vibrator pulse duration in milliseconds""" return self._nfylev_ms def switch(self, app): """Switch to the requested application. """ if self.app is app: return if self.app: if 'background' in dir(self.app): try: self.app.background() except: # Clear out the old app to ensure we don't recurse when # we switch to to the CrashApp. It's a bit freaky but # True has an empty directory and is is better than # None because it won't re-run the system start up # code (else clause). self.app = True raise # Clear out any configuration from the old application self.event_mask = 0 self.tick_period_ms = 0 self.tick_expiry = None self.app = app watch.display.mute(True) watch.drawable.reset() app.foreground() watch.display.mute(False) def navigate(self, direction=None): """Navigate to a new application. Left/right navigation is used to switch between applications in the quick application ring. Applications on the ring are not permitted to subscribe to :py:data`EventMask.SWIPE_LEFTRIGHT` events. Swipe up is used to bring up the launcher. Clock applications are not permitted to subscribe to :py:data`EventMask.SWIPE_UPDOWN` events since they should expect to be the default application (and is important that we can trigger the launcher from the default application). :param int direction: The direction of the navigation """ app_list = self.quick_ring if direction == EventType.LEFT: if self.app in app_list: i = app_list.index(self.app) + 1 if i >= len(app_list): i = 0 else: i = 0 self.switch(app_list[i]) elif direction == EventType.RIGHT: if self.app in app_list: i = app_list.index(self.app) - 1 if i < 0: i = len(app_list)-1 else: i = 0 self.switch(app_list[i]) elif direction == EventType.UP: self.switch(self.launcher) elif direction == EventType.DOWN: if self.app != app_list[0]: self.switch(app_list[0]) else: if len(self.notifications): self.switch(self.notifier) else: # Nothing to notify... we must handle that here # otherwise the display will flicker. watch.vibrator.pulse() elif direction == EventType.HOME or direction == EventType.BACK: if self.app != app_list[0]: self.switch(app_list[0]) else: self.sleep() def notify(self, id, msg): self.notifications[id] = msg def unnotify(self, id): if id in self.notifications: del self.notifications[id] def toggle_music(self, state): self.musicstate = state def set_music_info(self, info): self.musicinfo = info def set_weather_info(self, info): self.weatherinfo = info def set_alarm(self, time, action): """Queue an alarm. :param int time: Time to trigger the alarm (use time.mktime) :param function action: Action to perform when the alarm expires. """ self._alarms.append((time, action)) self._alarms.sort(key=_key_alarm) def cancel_alarm(self, time, action): """Unqueue an alarm.""" alarms = self._alarms try: if not time: time_to_remove = [al[0] for al in alarms if al[1] == action] [alarms.remove((t, action)) for t in time_to_remove] else: alarms.remove((time, action)) except: return False return True def request_event(self, event_mask): """Subscribe to events. :param int event_mask: The set of events to subscribe to. """ self.event_mask |= event_mask def request_tick(self, period_ms=None): """Request (and subscribe to) a periodic tick event. Note: With the current simplistic timer implementation sub-second tick intervals are not possible. """ self.tick_period_ms = period_ms self.tick_expiry = watch.rtc.get_uptime_ms() + period_ms def keep_awake(self): """Reset the keep awake timer.""" self.sleep_at = watch.rtc.uptime + self.blank_after def sleep(self): """Enter the deepest sleep state possible. """ watch.backlight.set(0) if 'sleep' not in dir(self.app) or not self.app.sleep(): self.switch(self.quick_ring[0]) self.app.sleep() watch.display.poweroff() watch.touch.sleep() self._charging = watch.battery.charging() self.sleep_at = None def wake(self): """Return to a running state. """ if not self.sleep_at: watch.display.poweron() if 'wake' in dir(self.app): self.app.wake() watch.backlight.set(self._brightness) watch.touch.wake() self.keep_awake() def _handle_button(self, state): """Process a button-press (or unpress) event. """ self.keep_awake() if bool(self.event_mask & EventMask.BUTTON): # Currently we only support one button if not self.app.press(EventType.HOME, state): # If app reported None or False then we are done return if state: self.navigate(EventType.HOME) def _handle_touch(self, event): """Process a touch event. """ self.keep_awake() event_mask = self.event_mask # Handle context sensitive events such as NEXT if event[0] == EventType.NEXT: if bool(event_mask & EventMask.NEXT) and not self.app.swipe(event): # The app has already handled this one (mark as no event) event[0] = 0 elif self.app == self.quick_ring[0] and len(self.notifications): event[0] = EventType.DOWN elif self.app == self.notifier: event[0] = EventType.UP else: event[0] = EventType.RIGHT if event[0] < 5: updown = event[0] == 1 or event[0] == 2 if (bool(event_mask & EventMask.SWIPE_UPDOWN) and updown) or \ (bool(event_mask & EventMask.SWIPE_LEFTRIGHT) and not updown): if self.app.swipe(event): self.navigate(event[0]) else: self.navigate(event[0]) elif event[0] == 5 and self.event_mask & EventMask.TOUCH: self.app.touch(event) watch.touch.reset_touch_data() @micropython.native def _tick(self): """Handle the system tick. This function may be called frequently and includes short circuit logic to quickly exit if we haven't reached a tick expiry point. """ rtc = watch.rtc update = rtc.update() alarms = self._alarms if update and alarms: now = rtc.time() head = alarms[0] if head[0] <= now: alarms.remove(head) head[1]() if self.sleep_at: if update and self.tick_expiry: now = rtc.get_uptime_ms() if self.tick_expiry <= now: ticks = 0 while self.tick_expiry <= now: self.tick_expiry += self.tick_period_ms ticks += 1 self.app.tick(ticks) state = self._button.get_event() if None != state: self._handle_button(state) event = watch.touch.get_event() if event: self._handle_touch(event) if self.sleep_at and watch.rtc.uptime > self.sleep_at: self.sleep() gc.collect() else: if 1 == self._button.get_event() or \ self._charging != watch.battery.charging(): self.wake() def run(self, no_except=True): """Run the system manager synchronously. This allows all watch management activities to handle in the normal execution context meaning any exceptions and other problems can be observed interactively via the console. This is used by the simulator or for debugging is not normally called. The watch instead calls self.schedule() directly at startup from main.py. """ if self._scheduling: print('Watch already running in the background') return self.secondary_init() # Reminder: wasptool uses this string to confirm the device has # been set running again. print('Watch is running, use Ctrl-C to stop') if not no_except: # This is a simplified (uncommented) version of the loop # below while True: self._tick() machine.deepsleep() while True: try: self._tick() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except MemoryError: self.switch(PagerApp("Your watch is low on memory.\n\nYou may want to reboot.")) except Exception as e: # Only print the exception if the watch provides a way to do so! if 'print_exception' in dir(watch): watch.print_exception(e) self.switch(CrashApp(e)) # Currently there is no code to control how fast the system # ticks. In other words this code will break if we improve the # power management... we are currently relying on not being able # to stay in the low-power state for very long. machine.deepsleep() def _work(self): self._scheduled = False try: self._tick() except MemoryError: self.switch(PagerApp("Your watch is low on memory.\n\nYou may want to reboot.")) except Exception as e: # Only print the exception if the watch provides a way to do so! if 'print_exception' in dir(watch): watch.print_exception(e) self.switch(CrashApp(e)) def _schedule(self): """Asynchronously schedule a system management cycle.""" if not self._scheduled: self._scheduled = True micropython.schedule(Manager._work, self) def schedule(self, enable=True): """Run the system manager synchronously.""" self.secondary_init() if enable: watch.schedule = self._schedule else: watch.schedule = watch.nop self._scheduling = enable def set_theme(self, new_theme) -> bool: """Sets the system theme. Accepts anything that supports indexing, and has a len() equivalent to the default theme.""" if len(self._theme) != len(new_theme): return False self._theme = new_theme return True def theme(self, theme_part: str) -> int: """Returns the relevant part of theme. For more see ../tools/themer.py""" theme_parts = ("ble", "scroll-indicator", "battery", "status-clock", "notify-icon", "bright", "mid", "ui", "spot1", "spot2", "contrast") if theme_part not in theme_parts: raise IndexError('Theme part {} does not exist'.format(theme_part)) idx = theme_parts.index(theme_part) * 2 return (self._theme[idx] << 8) | self._theme[idx+1] system = Manager()