import watch import widgets import manager import machine from draw565 import Draw565 class TestApp(): """Simple test application. """ def __init__(self): self.tests = ('Touch', 'String') self.test = self.tests[0] self.drawable = Draw565(watch.display) def foreground(self, system, effect=None): """Activate the application.""" self.on_screen = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ) self.draw(effect) system.request_event(manager.EVENT_TOUCH | manager.EVENT_SWIPE_LEFTRIGHT) def background(self): """De-activate the application (without losing state).""" pass def sleep(self): return False def swipe(self, event): tests = self.tests i = tests.index(self.test) + 1 if i >= len(tests): i = 0 self.test = tests[i] self.draw() def touch(self, event): draw = self.drawable if self.test == 'Touch': draw.string('({}, {})'.format(event[1], event[2]), 0, 108, width=240) elif self.test == 'String': watch.display.fill(0, 0, 30, 240, 240-30) t = machine.Timer(id=1, period=8000000) t.start() draw.string("The quick brown", 12, 24+24) draw.string("fox jumped over", 12, 24+48) draw.string("the lazy dog.", 12, 24+72) draw.string("0123456789", 12, 24+120) draw.string('!"£$%^&*()', 12, 24+144) elapsed = t.time() t.stop() del t draw.string('{}s'.format(elapsed / 1000000), 12, 24+192) return True def draw(self, effect=None): """Redraw the display from scratch.""" watch.display.mute(True) watch.display.fill(0) self.drawable.string('{} test'.format(self.test), 0, 6, width=240) watch.display.mute(False)