# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later # Copyright (C) 2020 Daniel Thompson """Wizard to generate main.py.""" import wasp import icons class SoftwareApp(): """Enable and disable applications.""" NAME = 'Software' ICON = icons.software def foreground(self): """Activate the application.""" self.db = ( ('alarm', wasp.widgets.Checkbox(0, 0, 'Alarm')), ('calc', wasp.widgets.Checkbox(0, 40, 'Calculator')), ('chrono', wasp.widgets.Checkbox(0, 80, 'Chrono')), ('fibonacci_clock', wasp.widgets.Checkbox(0, 120, 'Fibonacci Clock')), ('gameoflife', wasp.widgets.Checkbox(0, 160, 'Game Of Life')), ('musicplayer', wasp.widgets.Checkbox(0, 0, 'Music Player')), ('snake', wasp.widgets.Checkbox(0, 40, 'Snake Game')), ('flashlight', wasp.widgets.Checkbox(0, 80, 'Torch')), ('testapp', wasp.widgets.Checkbox(0, 120, 'Test')), ) self.si = wasp.widgets.ScrollIndicator() self.page = 0 # Get the initial state for the checkboxes for _, checkbox in self.db: label = checkbox.label.replace(' ', '') for app in wasp.system.launcher_ring: if type(app).__name__.startswith(label): checkbox.state = True break self._draw() wasp.system.request_event(wasp.EventMask.TOUCH | wasp.EventMask.SWIPE_UPDOWN) def get_page(self): i = self.page * 5 return self.db[i:i+5] def swipe(self, event): """Notify the application of a touchscreen swipe event.""" page = self.page pages = 1 if event[0] == wasp.EventType.UP: page = page - 1 if page > 0 else pages if event[0] == wasp.EventType.DOWN: page = page + 1 if page < pages else 0 self.page = page mute = wasp.watch.display.mute mute(True) self._draw() mute(False) def touch(self, event): """Notify the application of a touchscreen touch event.""" for module, checkbox in self.get_page(): if checkbox.touch(event): label = checkbox.label.replace(' ', '') if checkbox.state: exec('import apps.{}'.format(module)) exec('wasp.system.register(apps.{}.{}App())'.format(module, label)) else: for app in wasp.system.launcher_ring: if type(app).__name__.startswith(label): wasp.system.launcher_ring.remove(app) break break def _draw(self): """Draw the display from scratch.""" wasp.watch.drawable.fill() self.si.draw() for _, checkbox in self.get_page(): checkbox.draw()