# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later # Copyright (C) 2020 Daniel Thompson """Widget library ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The widget library allows common fragments of logic and drawing code to be shared between applications. """ import icons import watch from micropython import const class BatteryMeter(object): """Battery meter widget. A simple battery meter with a charging indicator, will draw at the top-right of the display. """ def __init__(self): self.level = -2 def draw(self): """Draw from meter (from scratch).""" self.level = -2 self.update() def update(self): """Update the meter. The update is lazy and won't redraw unless the level has changed. """ icon = icons.battery draw = watch.drawable if watch.battery.charging(): if self.level != -1: draw.rleblit(icon, pos=(239-icon[0], 0), fg=0x7bef) self.level = -1 else: level = watch.battery.level() if level == self.level: return if level > 96: h = 24 rgb = 0x07e0 else: h = level // 4 green = level // 3 red = 31-green rgb = (red << 11) + (green << 6) if (level > 5) ^ (self.level > 5): if level > 5: draw.rleblit(icon, pos=(239-icon[0], 0), fg=0x7bef) else: rgb = 0xf800 draw.rleblit(icon, pos=(239-icon[0], 0), fg=0xf800) x = 239 - 30 w = 16 if 24 - h: draw.fill(0, x, 14, w, 24 - h) if h: draw.fill(rgb, x, 38 - h, w, h) self.level = level class ScrollIndicator(): """Scrolling indicator. A simple battery meter with a charging indicator, will draw at the top-right of the display. """ def __init__(self, x=240-18, y=240-24): self._pos = (x, y) self.up = True self.down = True def draw(self): """Draw from scrolling indicator. For this simple widget :py:meth:`~.draw` is simply a synonym for :py:meth:`~.update`. """ self.update() def update(self): """Update from scrolling indicator.""" draw = watch.drawable if self.up: draw.rleblit(icons.up_arrow, pos=self._pos, fg=0x7bef) if self.down: draw.rleblit(icons.down_arrow, pos=(self._pos[0], self._pos[1] + 13), fg=0x7bef) _SLIDER_KNOB_DIAMETER = const(40) _SLIDER_KNOB_RADIUS = const(_SLIDER_KNOB_DIAMETER // 2) _SLIDER_WIDTH = const(220) _SLIDER_TRACK = const(_SLIDER_WIDTH - _SLIDER_KNOB_DIAMETER) _SLIDER_TRACK_HEIGHT = const(8) _SLIDER_TRACK_Y1 = const(_SLIDER_KNOB_RADIUS - (_SLIDER_TRACK_HEIGHT // 2)) _SLIDER_TRACK_Y2 = const(_SLIDER_TRACK_Y1 + _SLIDER_TRACK_HEIGHT) class Slider(): """A slider to select values.""" def __init__(self, steps, x=10, y=90, color=0x39ff): self.value = 0 self._steps = steps self._stepsize = _SLIDER_TRACK / (steps-1) self._x = x self._y = y self._color = color # Automatically generate a lowlight color if color < 0b10110_000000_00000: color = (color | 0b10110_000000_00000) & 0b10110_111111_11111 if (color & 0b111111_00000) < 0b101100_00000: color = (color | 0b101100_00000) & 0b11111_101100_11111 if (color & 0b11111) < 0b10110: color = (color | 0b11000) & 0b11111_111111_10110 self._lowlight = color def draw(self): """Draw the slider.""" draw = watch.drawable x = self._x y = self._y color = self._color light = self._lowlight knob_x = x + ((_SLIDER_TRACK * self.value) // (self._steps-1)) draw.blit(icons.knob, knob_x, y, color) w = knob_x - x if w > 0: draw.fill(0, x, y, w, _SLIDER_TRACK_Y1) if w > _SLIDER_KNOB_RADIUS: draw.fill(0, x, y+_SLIDER_TRACK_Y1, _SLIDER_KNOB_RADIUS, _SLIDER_TRACK_HEIGHT) draw.fill(color, x+_SLIDER_KNOB_RADIUS, y+_SLIDER_TRACK_Y1, w-_SLIDER_KNOB_RADIUS, _SLIDER_TRACK_HEIGHT) else: draw.fill(0, x, y+_SLIDER_TRACK_Y1, w, _SLIDER_TRACK_HEIGHT) draw.fill(0, x, y+_SLIDER_TRACK_Y2, w, _SLIDER_TRACK_Y1) sx = knob_x + _SLIDER_KNOB_DIAMETER w = _SLIDER_WIDTH - _SLIDER_KNOB_DIAMETER - w if w > 0: draw.fill(0, sx, y, w, _SLIDER_TRACK_Y1) if w > _SLIDER_KNOB_RADIUS: draw.fill(0, sx+w-_SLIDER_KNOB_RADIUS, y+_SLIDER_TRACK_Y1, _SLIDER_KNOB_RADIUS, _SLIDER_TRACK_HEIGHT) draw.fill(light, sx, y+_SLIDER_TRACK_Y1, w-_SLIDER_KNOB_RADIUS, _SLIDER_TRACK_HEIGHT) else: draw.fill(0, sx, y+_SLIDER_TRACK_Y1, w, _SLIDER_TRACK_HEIGHT) draw.fill(0, sx, y+_SLIDER_TRACK_Y2, w, _SLIDER_TRACK_Y1) def update(self): self.draw() def touch(self, event): tx = event[1] threshold = self._x + 20 - (self._stepsize / 2) v = int((tx - threshold) / self._stepsize) if v < 0: v = 0 elif v >= self._steps: v = self._steps - 1 self.value = v