There are still some holes here. In particular the RTC resolution on
nRF devices (such as PineTime) is currently a full second (meaning
the centiseconds will always be zero. Nevertheless that isn't the apps
fault... as we can see when we run on the simulator.
If an application crashes let's report it on the device so it can be
distinguished from a hang (if nothing else it should mean we get better
bug reports).
This is a big change that break compatiblity with existing applications
*and* with existing installed versions of
When upgrading it is import to update
./tools/wasptool --upload wasp/
Moving it from applications into the watch is useful for two reasons.
Firstly it means applications don't need to know as much about the
display color depth and secondly it makes it easier to replace the
drawing routines with wasptool.
At this point both the simulator and a PineTime will come up
and show a clock (although in the case of the PineTime the clock
will just come up at 12:00).
Currently this supports time only (no date) and it based on the
RTCounter class which is customized for nRF ports. At present
the nRF port doesn't have proper machine.rtc support so we have
implemented within wasp instead.