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Contributor's Guide
.. contents::
:depth: 2
Anyone can contribute to the wasp-os project. Contributions are typically made
via github using the typical fork-and-pull-request approach. Contributors who
do not wish to use github are welcome to share patches using ``git
format-patch --to wasp-os@redfelineninja.org.uk`` and ``git send-email``. In
both cases, the code will be reviewed by a project maintainer, so please
anticipate review comments and requests for changes. Typically pull
requests will not be merged if there are open questions or requests for
changes that have not been acted on.
All contributions are expected to pass the continuous-integration tests
before they can be accepted. Currently there are three checks:
1. The code is compiled for all supported devices. If you have been developing
your code in the simulator it is a good idea to compile wasp-os for at least
one of the supported devices before submitting a pull-request.
2. Automatic testing is performed using the simulator. The automatic tests
include a mixture to static QA checks, self-test code and simple "does it
run" tests on all applications. It is strongly recommended to run
`make check` and fix any reported problems before submitting a pull-request.
Alternatively, if you have your own github fork of wasp-os, then
github can run these tests for you automatically every time you push a new
branch to your fork.
3. All contributions must include a ``Signed-off-by`` tag added by the
contributor who submits the patch or patches. The ``Signed-off-by``
tag is added at the end of the patch description and certifies that
the contributor either wrote the patch or has the right to share the
code under the open source license appropriate for the file being modified.
A ``Signed-off-by`` tag is an explicit statement that your contribution comes
under one of (a), (b), (c), or (d) from the list below so please be sure to
read carefully what you are certifying by adding your Signed-off-by.
Additionally please be aware that that contributors, like all other members of
the wasp-os community, are expected to meet the community guidelines described
in the project's code of conduct when interacting within all community spaces
(including the wasp-os github presence).
Coding Style
wasp-os uses a similar coding style as micropython and, in particular, Python
code is expected to follow :pep:`8`.
Developer Certificate of Origin
.. literalinclude:: dco.txt
:language: none
:emphasize-lines: 1-2,13
This procedure is the same one used by the Linux kernel project. To sign off a
patch append an appropriate line at the end of the commit message:
.. code-block:: none
Signed-off-by: Random Developer <r.developer@example.org>
Adding a sign-off can be automated by using git features such as
``git commit --signoff``. Please use your real name, anonymous and pseudonymous
contributions will not be accepted.
Git Hints and Tricks
Quick fixes
The most common review feedback for contributions to wasp-os is a request that
the contributor include their sign-off. For a single patch at the head of the
current branch (and shared as a github pull request) this can be handled fairly
.. code-block:: sh
git commit --amend --signoff
git push --force <myfork> HEAD
Additionally, please be aware that github will not send out automatic
notifications to let the maintainer know that you have pushed an update to the
pull-request. Follow up the above with a comment on the pull request thread
saying that your contribution has been updated and is ready for another look.
Code of Conduct
.. include:: code_of_conduct.rst