Add gif-h helper to create screen capture
Press key `I` (shift+`i`) to start a screen capture creating a gif with
the captured screen. Hit `I` again to stop the screen recording.
Add gif-h helper header only library
Copied from
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 1075 additions and 1 deletions
@ -286,4 +286,6 @@ if(WITH_PNG)
target_link_libraries(infinisim PRIVATE png_static)
target_link_libraries(infinisim PRIVATE png_static)
target_include_directories(infinisim PRIVATE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/gif-h")
install(TARGETS infinisim DESTINATION bin)
install(TARGETS infinisim DESTINATION bin)
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ Using the keyboard the following events can be triggered:
- `h` ... set heartrate running, and on further presses increase by 10 bpm
- `h` ... set heartrate running, and on further presses increase by 10 bpm
- `H` ... stop heartrate
- `H` ... stop heartrate
- `i` ... take screenshot
- `i` ... take screenshot
- `I` ... start/stop Gif scren capture
## Licenses
## Licenses
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
software under copyright law.
For more information, please refer to <>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
This one-header library offers a simple, very limited way to create animated GIFs directly in code.
Those looking for particular cleverness are likely to be disappointed; it's pretty much a straight-ahead
implementation of the GIF format with optional Floyd-Steinberg dithering. (It does at least use delta
encoding - only the changed portions of each frame are saved.)
So resulting files are often quite large. The hope is that it will be handy nonetheless as a quick and easily-integrated way for programs to spit out animations.
Only RGBA8 is currently supported as an input format. (The alpha is ignored.)
Email me : ctangora -at- gmail -dot- com
Create a GifWriter struct.
Pass the struct to GifBegin() to initialize values and write the file header.
Pass frames of the animation to GifWriteFrame().
Finally, call GifEnd() to close the file handle and free memory.
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>
#include <gif.h>
int main()
int width = 100;
int height = 200;
std::vector<uint8_t> black(width * height * 4, 0);
std::vector<uint8_t> white(width * height * 4, 255);
auto fileName = "bwgif.gif";
int delay = 100;
GifWriter g;
GifBegin(&g, fileName, width, height, delay);
GifWriteFrame(&g,, width, height, delay);
GifWriteFrame(&g,, width, height, delay);
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
// gif-h-demo.cpp
// by Charlie Tangora
// Public domain.
// Email me : ctangora -at- gmail -dot- com
// Shows an example usage of gif.h
#include "gif.h"
#include <math.h>
const int width = 256;
const int height = 256;
uint8_t image[ width * height * 4 ];
void SetPixel( int xx, int yy, uint8_t red, uint8_t grn, uint8_t blu )
uint8_t* pixel = &image[(yy*width+xx)*4];
pixel[0] = red;
pixel[1] = blu;
pixel[2] = grn;
pixel[3] = 255; // no alpha for this demo
void SetPixelFloat( int xx, int yy, float fred, float fgrn, float fblu )
// convert float to unorm
uint8_t red = (uint8_t)roundf( 255.0f * fred );
uint8_t grn = (uint8_t)roundf( 255.0f * fgrn );
uint8_t blu = (uint8_t)roundf( 255.0f * fblu );
SetPixel( xx, yy, red, grn, blu );
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
const char* filename = "./MyGif.gif";
if( argc > 1 )
filename = argv[1];
// Create a gif
GifWriter writer = {};
GifBegin( &writer, filename, width, height, 2, 8, true );
for( int frame=0; frame<256; ++frame )
// Make an image, somehow
// this is the default shadertoy - credit to
float tt = frame * 3.14159f * 2 / 255.0f;
for( int yy=0; yy<height; ++yy )
for( int xx=0; xx<width; ++xx )
float fx = xx / (float)width;
float fy = yy / (float)height;
float red = 0.5f + 0.5f * cosf(tt+fx);
float grn = 0.5f + 0.5f * cosf(tt+fy+2.f);
float blu = 0.5f + 0.5f * cosf(tt+fx+4.f);
SetPixelFloat( xx, yy, red, grn, blu );
// Write the frame to the gif
printf( "Writing frame %d...\n", frame );
GifWriteFrame( &writer, image, width, height, 2, 8, true );
// Write EOF
GifEnd( &writer );
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,836 @@
// gif.h
// by Charlie Tangora
// Public domain.
// Email me : ctangora -at- gmail -dot- com
// This file offers a simple, very limited way to create animated GIFs directly in code.
// Those looking for particular cleverness are likely to be disappointed; it's pretty
// much a straight-ahead implementation of the GIF format with optional Floyd-Steinberg
// dithering. (It does at least use delta encoding - only the changed portions of each
// frame are saved.)
// So resulting files are often quite large. The hope is that it will be handy nonetheless
// as a quick and easily-integrated way for programs to spit out animations.
// Only RGBA8 is currently supported as an input format. (The alpha is ignored.)
// If capturing a buffer with a bottom-left origin (such as OpenGL), define GIF_FLIP_VERT
// to automatically flip the buffer data when writing the image (the buffer itself is
// unchanged.
// Create a GifWriter struct. Pass it to GifBegin() to initialize and write the header.
// Pass subsequent frames to GifWriteFrame().
// Finally, call GifEnd() to close the file handle and free memory.
#ifndef gif_h
#define gif_h
#include <stdio.h> // for FILE*
#include <string.h> // for memcpy and bzero
#include <stdint.h> // for integer typedefs
#include <stdbool.h> // for bool macros
// Define these macros to hook into a custom memory allocator.
// TEMP_MALLOC and TEMP_FREE will only be called in stack fashion - frees in the reverse order of mallocs
// and any temp memory allocated by a function will be freed before it exits.
// MALLOC and FREE are used only by GifBegin and GifEnd respectively (to allocate a buffer the size of the image, which
// is used to find changed pixels for delta-encoding.)
#include <stdlib.h>
#define GIF_TEMP_MALLOC malloc
#include <stdlib.h>
#define GIF_TEMP_FREE free
#ifndef GIF_MALLOC
#include <stdlib.h>
#define GIF_MALLOC malloc
#ifndef GIF_FREE
#include <stdlib.h>
#define GIF_FREE free
const int kGifTransIndex = 0;
typedef struct
int bitDepth;
uint8_t r[256];
uint8_t g[256];
uint8_t b[256];
// k-d tree over RGB space, organized in heap fashion
// i.e. left child of node i is node i*2, right child is node i*2+1
// nodes 256-511 are implicitly the leaves, containing a color
uint8_t treeSplitElt[256];
uint8_t treeSplit[256];
} GifPalette;
// max, min, and abs functions
int GifIMax(int l, int r) { return l>r?l:r; }
int GifIMin(int l, int r) { return l<r?l:r; }
int GifIAbs(int i) { return i<0?-i:i; }
// walks the k-d tree to pick the palette entry for a desired color.
// Takes as in/out parameters the current best color and its error -
// only changes them if it finds a better color in its subtree.
// this is the major hotspot in the code at the moment.
void GifGetClosestPaletteColor( GifPalette* pPal, int r, int g, int b, int* bestInd, int* bestDiff, int treeRoot )
// base case, reached the bottom of the tree
if(treeRoot > (1<<pPal->bitDepth)-1)
int ind = treeRoot-(1<<pPal->bitDepth);
if(ind == kGifTransIndex) return;
// check whether this color is better than the current winner
int r_err = r - ((int32_t)pPal->r[ind]);
int g_err = g - ((int32_t)pPal->g[ind]);
int b_err = b - ((int32_t)pPal->b[ind]);
int diff = GifIAbs(r_err)+GifIAbs(g_err)+GifIAbs(b_err);
if(diff < *bestDiff)
*bestInd = ind;
*bestDiff = diff;
// take the appropriate color (r, g, or b) for this node of the k-d tree
int comps[3]; comps[0] = r; comps[1] = g; comps[2] = b;
int splitComp = comps[pPal->treeSplitElt[treeRoot]];
int splitPos = pPal->treeSplit[treeRoot];
if(splitPos > splitComp)
// check the left subtree
GifGetClosestPaletteColor(pPal, r, g, b, bestInd, bestDiff, treeRoot*2);
if( *bestDiff > splitPos - splitComp )
// cannot prove there's not a better value in the right subtree, check that too
GifGetClosestPaletteColor(pPal, r, g, b, bestInd, bestDiff, treeRoot*2+1);
GifGetClosestPaletteColor(pPal, r, g, b, bestInd, bestDiff, treeRoot*2+1);
if( *bestDiff > splitComp - splitPos )
GifGetClosestPaletteColor(pPal, r, g, b, bestInd, bestDiff, treeRoot*2);
void GifSwapPixels(uint8_t* image, int pixA, int pixB)
uint8_t rA = image[pixA*4];
uint8_t gA = image[pixA*4+1];
uint8_t bA = image[pixA*4+2];
uint8_t aA = image[pixA*4+3];
uint8_t rB = image[pixB*4];
uint8_t gB = image[pixB*4+1];
uint8_t bB = image[pixB*4+2];
uint8_t aB = image[pixA*4+3];
image[pixA*4] = rB;
image[pixA*4+1] = gB;
image[pixA*4+2] = bB;
image[pixA*4+3] = aB;
image[pixB*4] = rA;
image[pixB*4+1] = gA;
image[pixB*4+2] = bA;
image[pixB*4+3] = aA;
// just the partition operation from quicksort
int GifPartition(uint8_t* image, const int left, const int right, const int elt, int pivotIndex)
const int pivotValue = image[(pivotIndex)*4+elt];
GifSwapPixels(image, pivotIndex, right-1);
int storeIndex = left;
bool split = 0;
for(int ii=left; ii<right-1; ++ii)
int arrayVal = image[ii*4+elt];
if( arrayVal < pivotValue )
GifSwapPixels(image, ii, storeIndex);
else if( arrayVal == pivotValue )
GifSwapPixels(image, ii, storeIndex);
split = !split;
GifSwapPixels(image, storeIndex, right-1);
return storeIndex;
// Perform an incomplete sort, finding all elements above and below the desired median
void GifPartitionByMedian(uint8_t* image, int left, int right, int com, int neededCenter)
if(left < right-1)
int pivotIndex = left + (right-left)/2;
pivotIndex = GifPartition(image, left, right, com, pivotIndex);
// Only "sort" the section of the array that contains the median
if(pivotIndex > neededCenter)
GifPartitionByMedian(image, left, pivotIndex, com, neededCenter);
if(pivotIndex < neededCenter)
GifPartitionByMedian(image, pivotIndex+1, right, com, neededCenter);
// Builds a palette by creating a balanced k-d tree of all pixels in the image
void GifSplitPalette(uint8_t* image, int numPixels, int firstElt, int lastElt, int splitElt, int splitDist, int treeNode, bool buildForDither, GifPalette* pal)
if(lastElt <= firstElt || numPixels == 0)
// base case, bottom of the tree
if(lastElt == firstElt+1)
// Dithering needs at least one color as dark as anything
// in the image and at least one brightest color -
// otherwise it builds up error and produces strange artifacts
if( firstElt == 1 )
// special case: the darkest color in the image
uint32_t r=255, g=255, b=255;
for(int ii=0; ii<numPixels; ++ii)
r = (uint32_t)GifIMin((int32_t)r, image[ii * 4 + 0]);
g = (uint32_t)GifIMin((int32_t)g, image[ii * 4 + 1]);
b = (uint32_t)GifIMin((int32_t)b, image[ii * 4 + 2]);
pal->r[firstElt] = (uint8_t)r;
pal->g[firstElt] = (uint8_t)g;
pal->b[firstElt] = (uint8_t)b;
if( firstElt == (1 << pal->bitDepth)-1 )
// special case: the lightest color in the image
uint32_t r=0, g=0, b=0;
for(int ii=0; ii<numPixels; ++ii)
r = (uint32_t)GifIMax((int32_t)r, image[ii * 4 + 0]);
g = (uint32_t)GifIMax((int32_t)g, image[ii * 4 + 1]);
b = (uint32_t)GifIMax((int32_t)b, image[ii * 4 + 2]);
pal->r[firstElt] = (uint8_t)r;
pal->g[firstElt] = (uint8_t)g;
pal->b[firstElt] = (uint8_t)b;
// otherwise, take the average of all colors in this subcube
uint64_t r=0, g=0, b=0;
for(int ii=0; ii<numPixels; ++ii)
r += image[ii*4+0];
g += image[ii*4+1];
b += image[ii*4+2];
r += (uint64_t)numPixels / 2; // round to nearest
g += (uint64_t)numPixels / 2;
b += (uint64_t)numPixels / 2;
r /= (uint64_t)numPixels;
g /= (uint64_t)numPixels;
b /= (uint64_t)numPixels;
pal->r[firstElt] = (uint8_t)r;
pal->g[firstElt] = (uint8_t)g;
pal->b[firstElt] = (uint8_t)b;
// Find the axis with the largest range
int minR = 255, maxR = 0;
int minG = 255, maxG = 0;
int minB = 255, maxB = 0;
for(int ii=0; ii<numPixels; ++ii)
int r = image[ii*4+0];
int g = image[ii*4+1];
int b = image[ii*4+2];
if(r > maxR) maxR = r;
if(r < minR) minR = r;
if(g > maxG) maxG = g;
if(g < minG) minG = g;
if(b > maxB) maxB = b;
if(b < minB) minB = b;
int rRange = maxR - minR;
int gRange = maxG - minG;
int bRange = maxB - minB;
// and split along that axis. (incidentally, this means this isn't a "proper" k-d tree but I don't know what else to call it)
int splitCom = 1;
if(bRange > gRange) splitCom = 2;
if(rRange > bRange && rRange > gRange) splitCom = 0;
int subPixelsA = numPixels * (splitElt - firstElt) / (lastElt - firstElt);
int subPixelsB = numPixels-subPixelsA;
GifPartitionByMedian(image, 0, numPixels, splitCom, subPixelsA);
pal->treeSplitElt[treeNode] = (uint8_t)splitCom;
pal->treeSplit[treeNode] = image[subPixelsA*4+splitCom];
GifSplitPalette(image, subPixelsA, firstElt, splitElt, splitElt-splitDist, splitDist/2, treeNode*2, buildForDither, pal);
GifSplitPalette(image+subPixelsA*4, subPixelsB, splitElt, lastElt, splitElt+splitDist, splitDist/2, treeNode*2+1, buildForDither, pal);
// Finds all pixels that have changed from the previous image and
// moves them to the fromt of th buffer.
// This allows us to build a palette optimized for the colors of the
// changed pixels only.
int GifPickChangedPixels( const uint8_t* lastFrame, uint8_t* frame, int numPixels )
int numChanged = 0;
uint8_t* writeIter = frame;
for (int ii=0; ii<numPixels; ++ii)
if(lastFrame[0] != frame[0] ||
lastFrame[1] != frame[1] ||
lastFrame[2] != frame[2])
writeIter[0] = frame[0];
writeIter[1] = frame[1];
writeIter[2] = frame[2];
writeIter += 4;
lastFrame += 4;
frame += 4;
return numChanged;
// Creates a palette by placing all the image pixels in a k-d tree and then averaging the blocks at the bottom.
// This is known as the "modified median split" technique
void GifMakePalette( const uint8_t* lastFrame, const uint8_t* nextFrame, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, int bitDepth, bool buildForDither, GifPalette* pPal )
pPal->bitDepth = bitDepth;
// SplitPalette is destructive (it sorts the pixels by color) so
// we must create a copy of the image for it to destroy
size_t imageSize = (size_t)(width * height * 4 * sizeof(uint8_t));
uint8_t* destroyableImage = (uint8_t*)GIF_TEMP_MALLOC(imageSize);
memcpy(destroyableImage, nextFrame, imageSize);
int numPixels = (int)(width * height);
numPixels = GifPickChangedPixels(lastFrame, destroyableImage, numPixels);
const int lastElt = 1 << bitDepth;
const int splitElt = lastElt/2;
const int splitDist = splitElt/2;
GifSplitPalette(destroyableImage, numPixels, 1, lastElt, splitElt, splitDist, 1, buildForDither, pPal);
// add the bottom node for the transparency index
pPal->treeSplit[1 << (bitDepth-1)] = 0;
pPal->treeSplitElt[1 << (bitDepth-1)] = 0;
pPal->r[0] = pPal->g[0] = pPal->b[0] = 0;
// Implements Floyd-Steinberg dithering, writes palette value to alpha
void GifDitherImage( const uint8_t* lastFrame, const uint8_t* nextFrame, uint8_t* outFrame, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, GifPalette* pPal )
int numPixels = (int)(width * height);
// quantPixels initially holds color*256 for all pixels
// The extra 8 bits of precision allow for sub-single-color error values
// to be propagated
int32_t *quantPixels = (int32_t *)GIF_TEMP_MALLOC(sizeof(int32_t) * (size_t)numPixels * 4);
for( int ii=0; ii<numPixels*4; ++ii )
uint8_t pix = nextFrame[ii];
int32_t pix16 = (int32_t)(pix) * 256;
quantPixels[ii] = pix16;
for( uint32_t yy=0; yy<height; ++yy )
for( uint32_t xx=0; xx<width; ++xx )
int32_t* nextPix = quantPixels + 4*(yy*width+xx);
const uint8_t* lastPix = lastFrame? lastFrame + 4*(yy*width+xx) : NULL;
// Compute the colors we want (rounding to nearest)
int32_t rr = (nextPix[0] + 127) / 256;
int32_t gg = (nextPix[1] + 127) / 256;
int32_t bb = (nextPix[2] + 127) / 256;
// if it happens that we want the color from last frame, then just write out
// a transparent pixel
if( lastFrame &&
lastPix[0] == rr &&
lastPix[1] == gg &&
lastPix[2] == bb )
nextPix[0] = rr;
nextPix[1] = gg;
nextPix[2] = bb;
nextPix[3] = kGifTransIndex;
int32_t bestDiff = 1000000;
int32_t bestInd = kGifTransIndex;
// Search the palete
GifGetClosestPaletteColor(pPal, rr, gg, bb, &bestInd, &bestDiff, 1);
// Write the result to the temp buffer
int32_t r_err = nextPix[0] - (int32_t)(pPal->r[bestInd]) * 256;
int32_t g_err = nextPix[1] - (int32_t)(pPal->g[bestInd]) * 256;
int32_t b_err = nextPix[2] - (int32_t)(pPal->b[bestInd]) * 256;
nextPix[0] = pPal->r[bestInd];
nextPix[1] = pPal->g[bestInd];
nextPix[2] = pPal->b[bestInd];
nextPix[3] = bestInd;
// Propagate the error to the four adjacent locations
// that we haven't touched yet
int quantloc_7 = (int)(yy * width + xx + 1);
int quantloc_3 = (int)(yy * width + width + xx - 1);
int quantloc_5 = (int)(yy * width + width + xx);
int quantloc_1 = (int)(yy * width + width + xx + 1);
if(quantloc_7 < numPixels)
int32_t* pix7 = quantPixels+4*quantloc_7;
pix7[0] += GifIMax( -pix7[0], r_err * 7 / 16 );
pix7[1] += GifIMax( -pix7[1], g_err * 7 / 16 );
pix7[2] += GifIMax( -pix7[2], b_err * 7 / 16 );
if(quantloc_3 < numPixels)
int32_t* pix3 = quantPixels+4*quantloc_3;
pix3[0] += GifIMax( -pix3[0], r_err * 3 / 16 );
pix3[1] += GifIMax( -pix3[1], g_err * 3 / 16 );
pix3[2] += GifIMax( -pix3[2], b_err * 3 / 16 );
if(quantloc_5 < numPixels)
int32_t* pix5 = quantPixels+4*quantloc_5;
pix5[0] += GifIMax( -pix5[0], r_err * 5 / 16 );
pix5[1] += GifIMax( -pix5[1], g_err * 5 / 16 );
pix5[2] += GifIMax( -pix5[2], b_err * 5 / 16 );
if(quantloc_1 < numPixels)
int32_t* pix1 = quantPixels+4*quantloc_1;
pix1[0] += GifIMax( -pix1[0], r_err / 16 );
pix1[1] += GifIMax( -pix1[1], g_err / 16 );
pix1[2] += GifIMax( -pix1[2], b_err / 16 );
// Copy the palettized result to the output buffer
for( int ii=0; ii<numPixels*4; ++ii )
outFrame[ii] = (uint8_t)quantPixels[ii];
// Picks palette colors for the image using simple thresholding, no dithering
void GifThresholdImage( const uint8_t* lastFrame, const uint8_t* nextFrame, uint8_t* outFrame, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, GifPalette* pPal )
uint32_t numPixels = width*height;
for( uint32_t ii=0; ii<numPixels; ++ii )
// if a previous color is available, and it matches the current color,
// set the pixel to transparent
if(lastFrame &&
lastFrame[0] == nextFrame[0] &&
lastFrame[1] == nextFrame[1] &&
lastFrame[2] == nextFrame[2])
outFrame[0] = lastFrame[0];
outFrame[1] = lastFrame[1];
outFrame[2] = lastFrame[2];
outFrame[3] = kGifTransIndex;
// palettize the pixel
int32_t bestDiff = 1000000;
int32_t bestInd = 1;
GifGetClosestPaletteColor(pPal, nextFrame[0], nextFrame[1], nextFrame[2], &bestInd, &bestDiff, 1);
// Write the resulting color to the output buffer
outFrame[0] = pPal->r[bestInd];
outFrame[1] = pPal->g[bestInd];
outFrame[2] = pPal->b[bestInd];
outFrame[3] = (uint8_t)bestInd;
if(lastFrame) lastFrame += 4;
outFrame += 4;
nextFrame += 4;
// Simple structure to write out the LZW-compressed portion of the image
// one bit at a time
typedef struct
uint8_t bitIndex; // how many bits in the partial byte written so far
uint8_t byte; // current partial byte
uint32_t chunkIndex;
uint8_t chunk[256]; // bytes are written in here until we have 256 of them, then written to the file
} GifBitStatus;
// insert a single bit
void GifWriteBit( GifBitStatus* stat, uint32_t bit )
bit = bit & 1;
bit = bit << stat->bitIndex;
stat->byte |= bit;
if( stat->bitIndex > 7 )
// move the newly-finished byte to the chunk buffer
stat->chunk[stat->chunkIndex++] = stat->byte;
// and start a new byte
stat->bitIndex = 0;
stat->byte = 0;
// write all bytes so far to the file
void GifWriteChunk( FILE* f, GifBitStatus* stat )
fputc((int)stat->chunkIndex, f);
fwrite(stat->chunk, 1, stat->chunkIndex, f);
stat->bitIndex = 0;
stat->byte = 0;
stat->chunkIndex = 0;
void GifWriteCode( FILE* f, GifBitStatus* stat, uint32_t code, uint32_t length )
for( uint32_t ii=0; ii<length; ++ii )
GifWriteBit(stat, code);
code = code >> 1;
if( stat->chunkIndex == 255 )
GifWriteChunk(f, stat);
// The LZW dictionary is a 256-ary tree constructed as the file is encoded,
// this is one node
typedef struct
uint16_t m_next[256];
} GifLzwNode;
// write a 256-color (8-bit) image palette to the file
void GifWritePalette( const GifPalette* pPal, FILE* f )
fputc(0, f); // first color: transparency
fputc(0, f);
fputc(0, f);
for(int ii=1; ii<(1 << pPal->bitDepth); ++ii)
uint32_t r = pPal->r[ii];
uint32_t g = pPal->g[ii];
uint32_t b = pPal->b[ii];
fputc((int)r, f);
fputc((int)g, f);
fputc((int)b, f);
// write the image header, LZW-compress and write out the image
void GifWriteLzwImage(FILE* f, uint8_t* image, uint32_t left, uint32_t top, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t delay, GifPalette* pPal)
// graphics control extension
fputc(0x21, f);
fputc(0xf9, f);
fputc(0x04, f);
fputc(0x05, f); // leave prev frame in place, this frame has transparency
fputc(delay & 0xff, f);
fputc((delay >> 8) & 0xff, f);
fputc(kGifTransIndex, f); // transparent color index
fputc(0, f);
fputc(0x2c, f); // image descriptor block
fputc(left & 0xff, f); // corner of image in canvas space
fputc((left >> 8) & 0xff, f);
fputc(top & 0xff, f);
fputc((top >> 8) & 0xff, f);
fputc(width & 0xff, f); // width and height of image
fputc((width >> 8) & 0xff, f);
fputc(height & 0xff, f);
fputc((height >> 8) & 0xff, f);
//fputc(0, f); // no local color table, no transparency
//fputc(0x80, f); // no local color table, but transparency
fputc(0x80 + pPal->bitDepth-1, f); // local color table present, 2 ^ bitDepth entries
GifWritePalette(pPal, f);
const int minCodeSize = pPal->bitDepth;
const uint32_t clearCode = 1 << pPal->bitDepth;
fputc(minCodeSize, f); // min code size 8 bits
GifLzwNode* codetree = (GifLzwNode*)GIF_TEMP_MALLOC(sizeof(GifLzwNode)*4096);
memset(codetree, 0, sizeof(GifLzwNode)*4096);
int32_t curCode = -1;
uint32_t codeSize = (uint32_t)minCodeSize + 1;
uint32_t maxCode = clearCode+1;
GifBitStatus stat;
stat.byte = 0;
stat.bitIndex = 0;
stat.chunkIndex = 0;
GifWriteCode(f, &stat, clearCode, codeSize); // start with a fresh LZW dictionary
for(uint32_t yy=0; yy<height; ++yy)
for(uint32_t xx=0; xx<width; ++xx)
// bottom-left origin image (such as an OpenGL capture)
uint8_t nextValue = image[((height-1-yy)*width+xx)*4+3];
// top-left origin
uint8_t nextValue = image[(yy*width+xx)*4+3];
// "loser mode" - no compression, every single code is followed immediately by a clear
//WriteCode( f, stat, nextValue, codeSize );
//WriteCode( f, stat, 256, codeSize );
if( curCode < 0 )
// first value in a new run
curCode = nextValue;
else if( codetree[curCode].m_next[nextValue] )
// current run already in the dictionary
curCode = codetree[curCode].m_next[nextValue];
// finish the current run, write a code
GifWriteCode(f, &stat, (uint32_t)curCode, codeSize);
// insert the new run into the dictionary
codetree[curCode].m_next[nextValue] = (uint16_t)++maxCode;
if( maxCode >= (1ul << codeSize) )
// dictionary entry count has broken a size barrier,
// we need more bits for codes
if( maxCode == 4095 )
// the dictionary is full, clear it out and begin anew
GifWriteCode(f, &stat, clearCode, codeSize); // clear tree
memset(codetree, 0, sizeof(GifLzwNode)*4096);
codeSize = (uint32_t)(minCodeSize + 1);
maxCode = clearCode+1;
curCode = nextValue;
// compression footer
GifWriteCode(f, &stat, (uint32_t)curCode, codeSize);
GifWriteCode(f, &stat, clearCode, codeSize);
GifWriteCode(f, &stat, clearCode + 1, (uint32_t)minCodeSize + 1);
// write out the last partial chunk
while( stat.bitIndex ) GifWriteBit(&stat, 0);
if( stat.chunkIndex ) GifWriteChunk(f, &stat);
fputc(0, f); // image block terminator
typedef struct
FILE* f;
uint8_t* oldImage;
bool firstFrame;
} GifWriter;
// Creates a gif file.
// The input GIFWriter is assumed to be uninitialized.
// The delay value is the time between frames in hundredths of a second - note that not all viewers pay much attention to this value.
bool GifBegin( GifWriter* writer, const char* filename, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t delay, int32_t bitDepth = 8, bool dither = false )
(void)bitDepth; (void)dither; // Mute "Unused argument" warnings
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400)
writer->f = 0;
fopen_s(&writer->f, filename, "wb");
writer->f = fopen(filename, "wb");
if(!writer->f) return false;
writer->firstFrame = true;
// allocate
writer->oldImage = (uint8_t*)GIF_MALLOC(width*height*4);
fputs("GIF89a", writer->f);
// screen descriptor
fputc(width & 0xff, writer->f);
fputc((width >> 8) & 0xff, writer->f);
fputc(height & 0xff, writer->f);
fputc((height >> 8) & 0xff, writer->f);
fputc(0xf0, writer->f); // there is an unsorted global color table of 2 entries
fputc(0, writer->f); // background color
fputc(0, writer->f); // pixels are square (we need to specify this because it's 1989)
// now the "global" palette (really just a dummy palette)
// color 0: black
fputc(0, writer->f);
fputc(0, writer->f);
fputc(0, writer->f);
// color 1: also black
fputc(0, writer->f);
fputc(0, writer->f);
fputc(0, writer->f);
if( delay != 0 )
// animation header
fputc(0x21, writer->f); // extension
fputc(0xff, writer->f); // application specific
fputc(11, writer->f); // length 11
fputs("NETSCAPE2.0", writer->f); // yes, really
fputc(3, writer->f); // 3 bytes of NETSCAPE2.0 data
fputc(1, writer->f); // JUST BECAUSE
fputc(0, writer->f); // loop infinitely (byte 0)
fputc(0, writer->f); // loop infinitely (byte 1)
fputc(0, writer->f); // block terminator
return true;
// Writes out a new frame to a GIF in progress.
// The GIFWriter should have been created by GIFBegin.
// AFAIK, it is legal to use different bit depths for different frames of an image -
// this may be handy to save bits in animations that don't change much.
bool GifWriteFrame( GifWriter* writer, const uint8_t* image, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t delay, int bitDepth = 8, bool dither = false )
if(!writer->f) return false;
const uint8_t* oldImage = writer->firstFrame? NULL : writer->oldImage;
writer->firstFrame = false;
GifPalette pal;
GifMakePalette((dither? NULL : oldImage), image, width, height, bitDepth, dither, &pal);
GifDitherImage(oldImage, image, writer->oldImage, width, height, &pal);
GifThresholdImage(oldImage, image, writer->oldImage, width, height, &pal);
GifWriteLzwImage(writer->f, writer->oldImage, 0, 0, width, height, delay, &pal);
return true;
// Writes the EOF code, closes the file handle, and frees temp memory used by a GIF.
// Many if not most viewers will still display a GIF properly if the EOF code is missing,
// but it's still a good idea to write it out.
bool GifEnd( GifWriter* writer )
if(!writer->f) return false;
fputc(0x3b, writer->f); // end of file
writer->f = NULL;
writer->oldImage = NULL;
return true;
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
#if defined(WITH_PNG)
#if defined(WITH_PNG)
#include <libpng/png.h>
#include <libpng/png.h>
#include <gif.h>
@ -165,6 +166,78 @@ void saveScreenshot()
std::cout << "InfiniSim: Screenshot created: " << screenshot_filename << std::endl;
std::cout << "InfiniSim: Screenshot created: " << screenshot_filename << std::endl;
class GifManager
GifWriter writer = {};
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point last_frame;
bool in_progress = false;
static constexpr uint32_t delay_ds = 100/20; // in 1/100 s, so 1 ds = 10 ms
static constexpr int sdl_width = 240;
static constexpr int sdl_height = 240;
if (in_progress) {
bool is_in_progress() const
return in_progress;
void create_new()
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::string screenshot_filename_base = date::format("InfiniSim_%F_%H%M%S", date::floor<std::chrono::seconds>(now));
std::string screenshot_filename = screenshot_filename_base + ".gif";
std::cout << "InfiniSim: Screen-capture started: " << screenshot_filename << std::endl;
GifBegin( &writer, screenshot_filename.c_str(), sdl_width, sdl_height, delay_ds, 8, true );
in_progress = true;
void write_frame(bool force = false)
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
if (force || ((now - last_frame) > std::chrono::milliseconds(delay_ds*10)) )
last_frame = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto renderer = monitor.renderer;
const Uint32 format = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888;
SDL_Surface *surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat(0, sdl_width, sdl_height, 32, format);
SDL_RenderReadPixels(renderer, NULL, format, surface->pixels, surface->pitch);
uint8_t *pixels = (uint8_t*) surface->pixels;
std::array<uint8_t, 240*240*4> image;
for (int hi = 0; hi < sdl_height; hi++) {
for (int wi = 0; wi < sdl_width; wi++) {
auto red = pixels[hi*surface->pitch + wi*4 + 3]; // red
auto green = pixels[hi*surface->pitch + wi*4 + 2]; // green
auto blue = pixels[hi*surface->pitch + wi*4 + 1]; // blue
image[(hi * sdl_width + wi)*4 + 0] = red;
image[(hi * sdl_width + wi)*4 + 1] = green;
image[(hi * sdl_width + wi)*4 + 2] = blue;
image[(hi * sdl_width + wi)*4 + 3] = 255; // no alpha
GifWriteFrame(&writer,, sdl_width, sdl_height, delay_ds, 8, true);
void close()
in_progress = false;
std::cout << "InfiniSim: Screen-capture finished" << std::endl;
@ -620,6 +693,13 @@ public:
} else if (key == 'i') {
} else if (key == 'i') {
} else if (key == 'I') {
if (!gif_manager.is_in_progress())
} else {
} else if (key >= '0' && key <= '9') {
} else if (key >= '0' && key <= '9') {
} else if (key >= '!'+0 && key <= '!'+9) {
} else if (key >= '!'+0 && key <= '!'+9) {
@ -753,6 +833,10 @@ public:
printf("actual free_size = %d\n", int64_t(mem_mon.free_size) - (LV_MEM_SIZE - 14U*1024U));
printf("actual free_size = %d\n", int64_t(mem_mon.free_size) - (LV_MEM_SIZE - 14U*1024U));
if (gif_manager.is_in_progress())
bool print_memory_usage = false;
bool print_memory_usage = false;
@ -774,7 +858,7 @@ private:
bool key_handled_p = false; // p ... enable print memory usage, P ... disable print memory usage
bool key_handled_p = false; // p ... enable print memory usage, P ... disable print memory usage
bool key_handled_s = false; // s ... increase step count, S ... decrease step count
bool key_handled_s = false; // s ... increase step count, S ... decrease step count
bool key_handled_h = false; // h ... set heartrate running, H ... stop heartrate
bool key_handled_h = false; // h ... set heartrate running, H ... stop heartrate
bool key_handled_i = false; // i ... take screenshot, I ... not assigned
bool key_handled_i = false; // i ... take screenshot, I ... start/stop Gif screen capture
// numbers from 0 to 9 to switch between screens
// numbers from 0 to 9 to switch between screens
bool key_handled_1 = false;
bool key_handled_1 = false;
bool key_handled_2 = false;
bool key_handled_2 = false;
@ -794,6 +878,8 @@ private:
bool left_release_sent = true; // make sure to send one mouse button release event
bool left_release_sent = true; // make sure to send one mouse button release event
bool right_last_state = false; // varable used to send message only on changing state
bool right_last_state = false; // varable used to send message only on changing state
GifManager gif_manager;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Add table
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