w: Argument -Xopt-in is deprecated. Please use -opt-in instead w: C:\Users\aayus\StudioProjects\seedvault\storage\demo\src\main\java\de\grobox\storagebackuptester\restore\DemoSnapshotFragment.kt: (34, 31): 'onBackPressed(): Unit' is deprecated. Overrides deprecated member in 'androidx.core.app.ComponentActivity'. Deprecated in Java w: Argument -Xopt-in is deprecated. Please use -opt-in instead w: C:\Users\aayus\StudioProjects\seedvault\storage\lib\src\main\java\org\calyxos\backup\storage\backup\BackupService.kt: (35, 9): This is a delicate API and its use requires care. Make sure you fully read and understand documentation of the declaration that is marked as a delicate API. w: C:\Users\aayus\StudioProjects\seedvault\storage\lib\src\main\java\org\calyxos\backup\storage\restore\RestoreService.kt: (49, 9): This is a delicate API and its use requires care. Make sure you fully read and understand documentation of the declaration that is marked as a delicate API. Signed-off-by: Aayush Gupta <aayushgupta219@gmail.com>
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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 The Calyx Institute
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
android_library {
name: "seedvault-lib-storage",
sdk_version: "current",
srcs: [
resource_dirs: [
proto: {
type: "lite",
local_include_dirs: ["src/main/proto"],
static_libs: [
plugins: [
manifest: "src/main/AndroidManifest.xml",
optimize: {
enabled: false,
kotlincflags: [
java_import {
name: "seedvault-lib-tink-android",
jars: ["libs/tink-android-1.7.0.jar"],
sdk_version: "current",