package com.stevesoltys.backup import android.Manifest import android.Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE import import import android.content.Context.BACKUP_SERVICE import import android.os.Build import android.os.ServiceManager.getService import android.util.Log import com.stevesoltys.backup.crypto.KeyManager import com.stevesoltys.backup.crypto.KeyManagerImpl import com.stevesoltys.backup.settings.getDeviceName import com.stevesoltys.backup.settings.setDeviceName import io.github.novacrypto.hashing.Sha256 import io.github.novacrypto.hashing.Sha256.sha256 import io.github.novacrypto.hashing.Sha256.sha256Twice import java.lang.AssertionError const val JOB_ID_BACKGROUND_BACKUP = 1 private val TAG = /** * @author Steve Soltys * @author Torsten Grote */ class Backup : Application() { companion object { val backupManager: IBackupManager by lazy { IBackupManager.Stub.asInterface(getService(BACKUP_SERVICE)) } val keyManager: KeyManager by lazy { KeyManagerImpl() } } override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() storeDeviceName() } private fun storeDeviceName() { if (getDeviceName(this) != null) return // we already have a stored device name val permission = READ_PHONE_STATE if (checkSelfPermission(permission) != PERMISSION_GRANTED) { throw AssertionError("You need to grant the $permission permission.") } // TODO consider just using a hash for the entire device name and store metadata in an encrypted file val id = sha256Twice(Build.getSerial().toByteArray(Utf8)) .copyOfRange(0, 8) .encodeBase64() val name = "${Build.MANUFACTURER} ${Build.MODEL} ($id)" Log.i(TAG, "Initialized device name to: $name") setDeviceName(this, name) } }