package com.stevesoltys.backup.settings import import android.content.Intent import android.content.Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION import android.content.Intent.FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION import android.util.Log import androidx.lifecycle.AndroidViewModel import com.stevesoltys.backup.Backup import com.stevesoltys.backup.LiveEvent import com.stevesoltys.backup.MutableLiveEvent import com.stevesoltys.backup.service.backup.requestFullBackup import com.stevesoltys.backup.transport.ConfigurableBackupTransportService private val TAG = class SettingsViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application) { private val app = application private val locationWasSet = MutableLiveEvent<Boolean>() /** * Will be set to true if this is the initial location. * It will be false if an existing location was changed. */ internal val onLocationSet: LiveEvent<Boolean> = locationWasSet private val mChooseBackupLocation = MutableLiveEvent<Boolean>() internal val chooseBackupLocation: LiveEvent<Boolean> = mChooseBackupLocation internal fun chooseBackupLocation() = mChooseBackupLocation.setEvent(true) fun recoveryCodeIsSet() = Backup.keyManager.hasBackupKey() fun locationIsSet() = getBackupFolderUri(getApplication()) != null fun handleChooseFolderResult(result: Intent?) { val folderUri = result?.data ?: return // persist permission to access backup folder across reboots val takeFlags = result.flags and (FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION or FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION) app.contentResolver.takePersistableUriPermission(folderUri, takeFlags) // check if this is initial set-up or a later change val wasEmptyBefore = getBackupFolderUri(app) == null // store backup folder location in settings setBackupFolderUri(app, folderUri) // notify the UI that the location has been set locationWasSet.setEvent(wasEmptyBefore) // stop backup service to be sure the old location will get updated app.stopService(Intent(app, Log.d(TAG, "New storage location chosen: $folderUri") } fun backupNow() = Thread { requestFullBackup(app) }.start() }