Disable new R8 mode and resource namespacing for now to avoid build failures.
These needs to be worked on before they can be enabled.
Signed-off-by: Aayush Gupta <aayushgupta219@gmail.com>
If you're using Android plugin for Gradle 3.0.0 or higher, your project automatically uses a default version of the build tools that the plugin specifies
Ref: https://developer.android.com/tools/releases/build-tools
Signed-off-by: Aayush Gupta <aayushgupta219@gmail.com>
w: Argument -Xopt-in is deprecated. Please use -opt-in instead
w: C:\Users\aayus\StudioProjects\seedvault\storage\demo\src\main\java\de\grobox\storagebackuptester\restore\DemoSnapshotFragment.kt: (34, 31): 'onBackPressed(): Unit' is deprecated. Overrides deprecated member in 'androidx.core.app.ComponentActivity'. Deprecated in Java
w: Argument -Xopt-in is deprecated. Please use -opt-in instead
w: C:\Users\aayus\StudioProjects\seedvault\storage\lib\src\main\java\org\calyxos\backup\storage\backup\BackupService.kt: (35, 9): This is a delicate API and its use requires care. Make sure you fully read and understand documentation of the declaration that is marked as a delicate API.
w: C:\Users\aayus\StudioProjects\seedvault\storage\lib\src\main\java\org\calyxos\backup\storage\restore\RestoreService.kt: (49, 9): This is a delicate API and its use requires care. Make sure you fully read and understand documentation of the declaration that is marked as a delicate API.
Signed-off-by: Aayush Gupta <aayushgupta219@gmail.com>
* Ensure every plugin is present in project's plugin block with version
* Switch to full plugin id for jetbrains plugins
* Move plugin and dependency repos to settings
Signed-off-by: Aayush Gupta <aayushgupta219@gmail.com>