Fully implement BackupReceiver and write tests
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 360 additions and 172 deletions
@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ class KvBackupInstrumentationTest : KoinComponent {
this.packageName = packageName
every { backupReceiver.assertFinalized() } just Runs
every { inputFactory.getBackupDataInput(data) } returns dataInput
every { dataInput.readNextHeader() } returnsMany listOf(true, false)
every { dataInput.key } returns key
@ -77,8 +76,7 @@ class KvBackupInstrumentationTest : KoinComponent {
backup.performBackup(packageInfo, data, FLAG_NON_INCREMENTAL)
coEvery { backupReceiver.readFromStream(any()) } just Runs
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns backupData
coEvery { backupReceiver.readFromStream(any(), any()) } returns backupData
runBlocking {
assertEquals(backupData, backup.finishBackup())
@ -69,8 +69,10 @@ class IconManagerTest : KoinComponent {
val blob = blob { id = ByteString.fromHex(blobId) }
// upload icons and capture plaintext bytes
coEvery { backupReceiver.addBytes(capture(output)) } just Runs
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns BackupData(chunkList, mapOf(chunkId to blob))
coEvery { backupReceiver.addBytes(any(), capture(output)) } just Runs
coEvery {
} returns BackupData(chunkList, mapOf(chunkId to blob))
@ -93,13 +95,13 @@ class IconManagerTest : KoinComponent {
val output1 = slot<ByteArray>()
val output2 = slot<ByteArray>()
coEvery { backupReceiver.addBytes(capture(output1)) } just Runs
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns BackupData(emptyList(), emptyMap())
coEvery { backupReceiver.addBytes(any(), capture(output1)) } just Runs
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize(any()) } returns BackupData(emptyList(), emptyMap())
coEvery { backupReceiver.addBytes(capture(output2)) } just Runs
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns BackupData(emptyList(), emptyMap())
coEvery { backupReceiver.addBytes(any(), capture(output2)) } just Runs
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize(any()) } returns BackupData(emptyList(), emptyMap())
@ -5,21 +5,43 @@
package com.stevesoltys.seedvault.transport.backup
import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread
import com.stevesoltys.seedvault.crypto.Crypto
import com.stevesoltys.seedvault.proto.Snapshot.Blob
import org.calyxos.seedvault.chunker.Chunk
import org.calyxos.seedvault.chunker.Chunker
import org.calyxos.seedvault.chunker.GearTableCreator
import org.calyxos.seedvault.core.toHexString
import java.io.IOException
import java.io.InputStream
* Essential metadata returned when storing backup data.
* @param chunkIds an ordered(!) list of the chunk IDs required to re-assemble the backup data.
* @param blobMap a mapping from chunk ID to [Blob] on the backend.
* Needed for fetching blobs from the backend for re-assembly.
data class BackupData(
val chunks: List<String>,
val chunkMap: Map<String, Blob>,
val chunkIds: List<String>,
val blobMap: Map<String, Blob>,
) {
val size get() = chunkMap.values.sumOf { it.uncompressedLength }.toLong()
* The uncompressed plaintext size of all blobs.
val size get() = blobMap.values.sumOf { it.uncompressedLength }.toLong()
* The single point for receiving data for backup.
* Data received will get split into smaller chunks, if needed.
* [Chunk]s that don't have a corresponding [Blob] in the [blobCache]
* will be passed to the [blobCreator] and have the new blob saved to the backend.
* Data can be received either via [addBytes] (requires matching call to [finalize])
* or via [readFromStream].
* This call is *not* thread-safe.
internal class BackupReceiver(
private val blobCache: BlobCache,
private val blobCreator: BlobCreator,
@ -36,54 +58,74 @@ internal class BackupReceiver(
normalization = 1,
gearTable = GearTableCreator.create(crypto.gearTableKey),
hashFunction = { bytes ->
// this calculates the chunkId
private val chunks = mutableListOf<String>()
private val chunkMap = mutableMapOf<String, Blob>()
private var addedBytes = false
private val blobMap = mutableMapOf<String, Blob>()
private var owner: String? = null
suspend fun addBytes(bytes: ByteArray) {
addedBytes = true
* Adds more [bytes] to be chunked and saved.
* Must call [finalize] when done, even when an exception was thrown
* to free up this re-usable instance of [BackupReceiver].
suspend fun addBytes(owner: String, bytes: ByteArray) {
chunker.addBytes(bytes).forEach { chunk ->
suspend fun readFromStream(inputStream: InputStream) {
* Reads backup data from the given [inputStream] and returns [BackupData],
* so a call to [finalize] isn't required.
* The caller must close the [inputStream] when done.
suspend fun readFromStream(owner: String, inputStream: InputStream): BackupData {
try {
val buffer = ByteArray(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
var bytes = inputStream.read(buffer)
while (bytes >= 0) {
if (bytes == buffer.size) {
addBytes(owner, buffer)
} else {
addBytes(buffer.copyOfRange(0, bytes))
addBytes(owner, buffer.copyOfRange(0, bytes))
bytes = inputStream.read(buffer)
return finalize(owner)
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw e
suspend fun finalize(): BackupData {
chunker.finalize().forEach { chunk ->
* Must be called after one or more calls to [addBytes] to finalize usage of this instance
* and receive the [BackupData] for snapshotting.
suspend fun finalize(owner: String): BackupData {
try {
chunker.finalize().forEach { chunk ->
return BackupData(chunks.toList(), blobMap.toMap())
} finally {
this.owner = null
// copy chunks and chunkMap before clearing
val backupData = BackupData(chunks.toList(), chunkMap.toMap())
addedBytes = false
return backupData
fun assertFinalized() {
// TODO maybe even use a userTag and throw also above if that doesn't match
check(!addedBytes) { "Re-used non-finalized BackupReceiver" }
private suspend fun onNewChunk(chunk: Chunk) {
@ -92,11 +134,16 @@ internal class BackupReceiver(
val existingBlob = blobCache[chunk.hash]
if (existingBlob == null) {
val blob = blobCreator.createNewBlob(chunk)
chunkMap[chunk.hash] = blob
blobMap[chunk.hash] = blob
blobCache.saveNewBlob(chunk.hash, blob)
} else {
chunkMap[chunk.hash] = existingBlob
blobMap[chunk.hash] = existingBlob
private fun checkOwner(owner: String) {
if (this.owner == null) this.owner = owner
else check(this.owner == owner) { "Owned by ${this.owner}, but called from $owner" }
@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ internal class FullBackup(
// create new state
val inputStream = inputFactory.getInputStream(socket)
state = FullBackupState(targetPackage, socket, inputStream)
@ -131,7 +130,7 @@ internal class FullBackup(
val payload = ByteArray(numBytes)
val read = state.inputStream.read(payload, 0, numBytes)
if (read != numBytes) throw EOFException("Read $read bytes instead of $numBytes.")
backupReceiver.addBytes(getOwner(state.packageName), payload)
state.size += numBytes
} catch (e: IOException) {
@ -147,7 +146,7 @@ internal class FullBackup(
// TODO check if worth keeping the blobs. they've been uploaded already and may be re-usable
// so we could add them to the snapshot's blobMap or just let prune remove them at the end
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
// as the backup was cancelled anyway, we don't care if finalizing had an error
Log.e(TAG, "Error finalizing backup in cancelFullBackup().", e)
@ -163,7 +162,7 @@ internal class FullBackup(
val state = this.state ?: error("No state when finishing")
Log.i(TAG, "Finish full backup of ${state.packageName}. Wrote ${state.size} bytes")
val result = try {
} finally {
@ -177,6 +176,8 @@ internal class FullBackup(
this.state = null
private fun getOwner(packageName: String) = "FullBackup $packageName"
private fun closeLogging(closable: Closeable?) = try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ internal class KVBackup(
else -> Log.i(TAG, "Performing K/V backup for $packageName")
check(state == null) { "Have unexpected state for ${state?.packageInfo?.packageName}" }
// initialize state
state = KVBackupState(packageInfo = packageInfo, db = dbManager.getDb(packageName))
@ -161,15 +160,15 @@ internal class KVBackup(
suspend fun finishBackup(): BackupData {
val state = this.state ?: error("No state in finishBackup")
val packageName = state.packageInfo.packageName
val owner = "KV $packageName"
Log.i(TAG, "Finish K/V Backup of $packageName")
try {
dbManager.getDbInputStream(packageName).use { inputStream ->
val backupData = dbManager.getDbInputStream(packageName).use { inputStream ->
backupReceiver.readFromStream(owner, inputStream)
val backupData = backupReceiver.finalize()
Log.d(TAG, "Uploaded db file for $packageName.")
return backupData
} finally { // exceptions bubble up
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ internal class SnapshotCreator(
fun onApkBackedUp(
packageInfo: PackageInfo,
apk: Apk,
chunkMap: Map<String, Blob>,
blobMap: Map<String, Blob>,
) {
appBuilderMap.getOrPut(packageInfo.packageName) {
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ internal class SnapshotCreator(
if (label != null) name = label.toString()
fun onPackageBackedUp(
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ internal class SnapshotCreator(
) {
val packageName = packageInfo.packageName
val isSystemApp = packageInfo.isSystemApp()
val chunkIds = backupData.chunks.forProto()
val chunkIds = backupData.chunkIds.forProto()
appBuilderMap.getOrPut(packageName) {
}.apply {
@ -91,13 +91,13 @@ internal class SnapshotCreator(
launchableSystemApp = isSystemApp && launchableSystemApps.contains(packageName)
metadataManager.onPackageBackedUp(packageInfo, backupType, backupData.size)
fun onIconsBackedUp(backupData: BackupData) {
fun finalizeSnapshot(): Snapshot {
@ -106,15 +106,15 @@ internal class ApkBackup(
" already has a backup ($backedUpVersion)" +
" with the same signature. Not backing it up."
// build up chunkMap from old snapshot
// build up blobMap from old snapshot
val chunkIds = oldApk.splitsList.flatMap {
it.chunkIdsList.map { chunkId -> chunkId.hexFromProto() }
val chunkMap = chunkIds.associateWith { chunkId ->
val blobMap = chunkIds.associateWith { chunkId ->
latestSnapshot.blobsMap[chunkId] ?: error("Missing blob for $chunkId")
// important: add old APK to snapshot or it wouldn't be part of backup
snapshotCreator.onApkBackedUp(packageInfo, oldApk, chunkMap)
snapshotCreator.onApkBackedUp(packageInfo, oldApk, blobMap)
@ -131,27 +131,22 @@ internal class ApkBackup(
// get an InputStream for the APK
val sourceDir = packageInfo.applicationInfo?.sourceDir ?: return
// upload the APK to the backend
getApkInputStream(sourceDir).use { inputStream ->
val owner = getOwner(packageName, "")
val backupData = getApkInputStream(sourceDir).use { inputStream ->
backupReceiver.readFromStream(owner, inputStream)
val backupData = backupReceiver.finalize()
// store base split in builder
val baseSplit = split {
val chunkMap = backupData.chunkMap.toMutableMap()
val blobMap = backupData.blobMap.toMutableMap()
// back up splits if they exist
val splits = if (packageInfo.splitNames == null) {
} else {
backupSplitApks(packageInfo, chunkMap)
val splits = backupSplitApks(packageInfo, blobMap)
val apk = apkBuilder.addAllSplits(splits).build()
snapshotCreator.onApkBackedUp(packageInfo, apk, chunkMap)
snapshotCreator.onApkBackedUp(packageInfo, apk, blobMap)
Log.d(TAG, "Backed up new APK of $packageName with version ${packageInfo.versionName}.")
@ -181,9 +176,8 @@ internal class ApkBackup(
private suspend fun backupSplitApks(
packageInfo: PackageInfo,
chunkMap: MutableMap<String, Blob>,
blobMap: MutableMap<String, Blob>,
): List<Snapshot.Split> {
check(packageInfo.splitNames != null)
// attention: though not documented, splitSourceDirs can be null
val splitSourceDirs = packageInfo.applicationInfo?.splitSourceDirs ?: emptyArray()
check(packageInfo.splitNames.size == splitSourceDirs.size) {
@ -193,21 +187,24 @@ internal class ApkBackup(
val splits = ArrayList<Snapshot.Split>(packageInfo.splitNames.size)
for (i in packageInfo.splitNames.indices) {
val splitName = packageInfo.splitNames[i]
val owner = getOwner(packageInfo.packageName, splitName)
// copy the split APK to the storage stream
getApkInputStream(splitSourceDirs[i]).use { inputStream ->
val backupData = getApkInputStream(splitSourceDirs[i]).use { inputStream ->
backupReceiver.readFromStream(owner, inputStream)
val backupData = backupReceiver.finalize()
val split = Snapshot.Split.newBuilder()
return splits
private fun getOwner(packageName: String, split: String) = "APK backup $packageName $split"
@ -96,8 +96,16 @@ internal class IconManager(
val backupData = backupReceiver.finalize()
val owner = "IconManager"
try {
backupReceiver.addBytes(owner, byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray())
} catch (e: Exception) {
// ensure to call finalize, even if an exception gets thrown while adding bytes
throw e
// call finalize and add to snapshot only when we got here without exception
val backupData = backupReceiver.finalize(owner)
Log.d(TAG, "Finished uploading icons")
@ -142,14 +142,15 @@ internal class ApkBackupRestoreTest : TransportTest() {
every { PackageUtils.computeSha256DigestBytes(signatureBytes) } returns signatureHash
every { snapshotManager.latestSnapshot } returns snapshot
every { pm.getInstallSourceInfo(packageInfo.packageName) } returns mockk(relaxed = true)
coEvery { backupReceiver.readFromStream(capture(capturedApkStream)) } answers {
coEvery { backupReceiver.readFromStream(any(), capture(capturedApkStream)) } answers {
} andThenAnswer {
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns apkBackupData andThen splitBackupData
every {
snapshotCreator.onApkBackedUp(packageInfo, any<Snapshot.Apk>(), chunkMap)
snapshotCreator.onApkBackedUp(packageInfo, any<Snapshot.Apk>(), blobMap)
} just Runs
apkBackup.backupApkIfNecessary(packageInfo, snapshot)
@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ internal class ApkRestoreTest : TransportTest() {
val splitBlob1 = blob { id = copyFrom(Random.nextBytes(32)) }
val splitBlob2 = blob { id = copyFrom(Random.nextBytes(32)) }
val blobMap = apkBackupData.chunkMap +
val blobMap = apkBackupData.blobMap +
mapOf(splitChunkId1 to splitBlob1) +
mapOf(splitChunkId2 to splitBlob2)
val app = appNoSplit.copy {
@ -147,7 +147,6 @@ internal class CoordinatorIntegrationTest : TransportTest() {
val inputStream = CapturingSlot<InputStream>()
val bOutputStream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
every { backupReceiver.assertFinalized() } just Runs
// read one key/value record and write it to output stream
every { inputFactory.getBackupDataInput(fileDescriptor) } returns backupDataInput
every { backupDataInput.readNextHeader() } returns true andThen true andThen false
@ -166,10 +165,10 @@ internal class CoordinatorIntegrationTest : TransportTest() {
assertEquals(TRANSPORT_OK, backup.performIncrementalBackup(packageInfo, fileDescriptor, 0))
// upload DB
coEvery { backupReceiver.readFromStream(capture(inputStream)) } answers {
coEvery { backupReceiver.readFromStream(any(), capture(inputStream)) } answers {
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns apkBackupData
every {
snapshotCreator.onPackageBackedUp(packageInfo, BackupType.KV, apkBackupData)
} just Runs
@ -216,7 +215,6 @@ internal class CoordinatorIntegrationTest : TransportTest() {
val appData = ByteArray(size).apply { Random.nextBytes(this) }
val bOutputStream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
every { backupReceiver.assertFinalized() } just Runs
// read one key/value record and write it to output stream
every { inputFactory.getBackupDataInput(fileDescriptor) } returns backupDataInput
every { backupDataInput.readNextHeader() } returns true andThen false
@ -231,10 +229,10 @@ internal class CoordinatorIntegrationTest : TransportTest() {
assertEquals(TRANSPORT_OK, backup.performIncrementalBackup(packageInfo, fileDescriptor, 0))
// upload DB
coEvery { backupReceiver.readFromStream(capture(inputStream)) } answers {
coEvery { backupReceiver.readFromStream(any(), capture(inputStream)) } answers {
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns apkBackupData
every {
snapshotCreator.onPackageBackedUp(packageInfo, BackupType.KV, apkBackupData)
} just Runs
@ -287,9 +285,8 @@ internal class CoordinatorIntegrationTest : TransportTest() {
val bInputStream = ByteArrayInputStream(appData)
every { inputFactory.getInputStream(fileDescriptor) } returns bInputStream
every { backupReceiver.assertFinalized() } just Runs
every { settingsManager.isQuotaUnlimited() } returns false
coEvery { backupReceiver.addBytes(capture(byteSlot)) } answers {
coEvery { backupReceiver.addBytes(any(), capture(byteSlot)) } answers {
every {
@ -302,7 +299,7 @@ internal class CoordinatorIntegrationTest : TransportTest() {
size = apkBackupData.size,
} just Runs
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns apkBackupData // just some backupData
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize(any()) } returns apkBackupData // just some backupData
// perform backup to output stream
assertEquals(TRANSPORT_OK, backup.performFullBackup(packageInfo, fileDescriptor, 0))
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ internal abstract class TransportTest {
longVersionCode = Random.nextLong()
applicationInfo = this@TransportTest.applicationInfo
signingInfo = sigInfo
splitNames = emptyArray()
protected val packageName: String = packageInfo.packageName
protected val pmPackageInfo = PackageInfo().apply {
@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ internal abstract class TransportTest {
protected val apkBackupData = BackupData(listOf(chunkId1), mapOf(chunkId1 to blob1))
protected val splitBackupData =
BackupData(listOf(chunkId2), mapOf(chunkId2 to blob2))
protected val chunkMap = apkBackupData.chunkMap + splitBackupData.chunkMap
protected val blobMap = apkBackupData.blobMap + splitBackupData.blobMap
protected val baseSplit = split {
@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ internal abstract class TransportTest {
protected val snapshot = snapshot {
token = this@TransportTest.token
apps[packageName] = app
protected val metadata = BackupMetadata(
token = token,
@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 The Calyx Institute
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package com.stevesoltys.seedvault.transport.backup
import com.stevesoltys.seedvault.getRandomByteArray
import com.stevesoltys.seedvault.proto.Snapshot
import com.stevesoltys.seedvault.transport.TransportTest
import io.mockk.Runs
import io.mockk.coEvery
import io.mockk.every
import io.mockk.just
import io.mockk.mockk
import io.mockk.verify
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import org.calyxos.seedvault.chunker.Chunk
import org.calyxos.seedvault.chunker.Chunker
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.junit.jupiter.api.assertThrows
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream
import java.io.IOException
import java.io.InputStream
internal class BackupReceiverTest : TransportTest() {
private val blobCache: BlobCache = mockk()
private val blobCreator: BlobCreator = mockk()
private val chunker: Chunker = mockk()
private val backupReceiver = BackupReceiver(
blobCache = blobCache,
blobCreator = blobCreator,
crypto = crypto,
replaceableChunker = chunker,
fun `ownership is enforced`() = runBlocking {
every { chunker.addBytes(ByteArray(0)) } returns emptySequence()
backupReceiver.addBytes("foo", ByteArray(0))
assertThrows<IllegalStateException> {
backupReceiver.addBytes("bar", ByteArray(0))
every { chunker.finalize() } returns emptySequence()
assertThrows<IllegalStateException> {
backupReceiver.readFromStream("bar", ByteArrayInputStream(ByteArray(0)))
assertThrows<IllegalStateException> {
// finalize with proper owner
// now "bar" can add bytes
backupReceiver.addBytes("bar", ByteArray(0))
fun `add bytes and finalize`() = runBlocking {
val bytes = getRandomByteArray()
val chunkBytes1 = getRandomByteArray()
val chunkBytes2 = getRandomByteArray()
val chunk1 = Chunk(0, chunkBytes1.size, chunkBytes1, "hash1")
val chunk2 = Chunk(0, chunkBytes2.size, chunkBytes2, "hash2")
// chunk1 is new, but chunk2 is already cached
every { chunker.addBytes(bytes) } returns sequenceOf(chunk1)
every { chunker.finalize() } returns sequenceOf(chunk2)
every { blobCache["hash1"] } returns null
every { blobCache["hash2"] } returns blob2
coEvery { blobCreator.createNewBlob(chunk1) } returns blob1
coEvery { blobCache.saveNewBlob("hash1", blob1) } just Runs
// add bytes and finalize
backupReceiver.addBytes("foo", bytes)
val backupData = backupReceiver.finalize("foo")
// assert that backupData includes all chunks and blobs
assertEquals(listOf("hash1", "hash2"), backupData.chunkIds)
assertEquals(setOf("hash1", "hash2"), backupData.blobMap.keys)
assertEquals(blob1, backupData.blobMap["hash1"])
assertEquals(blob2, backupData.blobMap["hash2"])
fun `readFromStream`() = runBlocking {
val bytes = getRandomByteArray()
val chunkBytes1 = getRandomByteArray()
val chunkBytes2 = getRandomByteArray()
val chunk1 = Chunk(0, chunkBytes1.size, chunkBytes1, "hash1")
val chunk2 = Chunk(0, chunkBytes2.size, chunkBytes2, "hash2")
// chunk1 is new, but chunk2 is already cached
every { chunker.addBytes(bytes) } returns sequenceOf(chunk1)
every { chunker.finalize() } returns sequenceOf(chunk2)
every { blobCache["hash1"] } returns null
every { blobCache["hash2"] } returns blob2
coEvery { blobCreator.createNewBlob(chunk1) } returns blob1
coEvery { blobCache.saveNewBlob("hash1", blob1) } just Runs
// add bytes and finalize
val backupData = backupReceiver.readFromStream("foo", ByteArrayInputStream(bytes))
// assert that backupData includes all chunks and blobs
assertEquals(listOf("hash1", "hash2"), backupData.chunkIds)
assertEquals(setOf("hash1", "hash2"), backupData.blobMap.keys)
assertEquals(blob1, backupData.blobMap["hash1"])
assertEquals(blob2, backupData.blobMap["hash2"])
// data should be all empty when calling finalize again
every { chunker.finalize() } returns emptySequence()
val backupDataEnd = backupReceiver.finalize("foo")
assertEquals(emptyList<String>(), backupDataEnd.chunkIds)
assertEquals(emptyMap<String, Snapshot.Blob>(), backupDataEnd.blobMap)
fun `readFromStream auto-finalizes when it throws`() = runBlocking {
val inputStream: InputStream = mockk()
every { inputStream.read(any<ByteArray>()) } throws IOException()
every { chunker.finalize() } returns emptySequence()
assertThrows<IOException> {
backupReceiver.readFromStream("foo", inputStream)
verify {
// bytes can be added with different owner now
every { chunker.addBytes(ByteArray(0)) } returns emptySequence()
backupReceiver.addBytes("bar", ByteArray(0))
fun `finalizing happens even if creating new blob throws`() = runBlocking {
val bytes = getRandomByteArray()
val chunkBytes1 = getRandomByteArray()
val chunkBytes2 = getRandomByteArray()
val chunk1 = Chunk(0, chunkBytes1.size, chunkBytes1, chunkId1)
val chunk2 = Chunk(0, chunkBytes2.size, chunkBytes2, chunkId2)
// chunk1 is new, but chunk2 is already cached
every { chunker.addBytes(bytes) } returns sequenceOf(chunk1)
every { chunker.finalize() } returns sequenceOf(chunk2)
every { blobCache[chunkId1] } returns blob1
every { blobCache[chunkId2] } returns null
coEvery { blobCreator.createNewBlob(chunk2) } throws IOException()
assertThrows<IOException> {
// now we can finalize again with different owner
every { chunker.finalize() } returns emptySequence()
val backupData = backupReceiver.finalize("foo")
// data should be all empty, not include blob1
assertEquals(emptyList<String>(), backupData.chunkIds)
assertEquals(emptyMap<String, Snapshot.Blob>(), backupData.blobMap)
@ -90,12 +90,11 @@ internal class FullBackupTest : BackupTest() {
fun `performFullBackup runs ok`() = runBlocking {
every { inputFactory.getInputStream(data) } returns inputStream
every { backupReceiver.assertFinalized() } just Runs
assertEquals(TRANSPORT_OK, backup.performFullBackup(packageInfo, data, 0))
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns backupData
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize("FullBackup $packageName") } returns backupData
assertEquals(backupData, backup.finishBackup())
@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ internal class FullBackupTest : BackupTest() {
fun `sendBackupData first call over quota`() = runBlocking {
every { settingsManager.isQuotaUnlimited() } returns false
every { inputFactory.getInputStream(data) } returns inputStream
every { backupReceiver.assertFinalized() } just Runs
val numBytes = (quota + 1).toInt()
@ -115,7 +113,7 @@ internal class FullBackupTest : BackupTest() {
assertEquals(TRANSPORT_QUOTA_EXCEEDED, backup.sendBackupData(numBytes))
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns backupData
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize("FullBackup $packageName") } returns backupData
assertEquals(backupData, backup.finishBackup())
@ -126,7 +124,6 @@ internal class FullBackupTest : BackupTest() {
fun `sendBackupData subsequent calls over quota`() = runBlocking {
every { settingsManager.isQuotaUnlimited() } returns false
every { inputFactory.getInputStream(data) } returns inputStream
every { backupReceiver.assertFinalized() } just Runs
assertEquals(TRANSPORT_OK, backup.performFullBackup(packageInfo, data, 0))
@ -142,7 +139,7 @@ internal class FullBackupTest : BackupTest() {
assertEquals(TRANSPORT_QUOTA_EXCEEDED, sendResult)
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns backupData
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize("FullBackup $packageName") } returns backupData
// in reality, this may not call finishBackup(), but cancelBackup()
@ -153,7 +150,6 @@ internal class FullBackupTest : BackupTest() {
fun `sendBackupData throws exception when reading from InputStream`() = runBlocking {
every { inputFactory.getInputStream(data) } returns inputStream
every { backupReceiver.assertFinalized() } just Runs
assertEquals(TRANSPORT_OK, backup.performFullBackup(packageInfo, data, 0))
@ -164,7 +160,7 @@ internal class FullBackupTest : BackupTest() {
assertEquals(TRANSPORT_ERROR, backup.sendBackupData(bytes.size))
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns backupData
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize("FullBackup $packageName") } returns backupData
assertEquals(backupData, backup.finishBackup())
@ -174,19 +170,18 @@ internal class FullBackupTest : BackupTest() {
fun `sendBackupData throws exception when sending data`() = runBlocking {
every { inputFactory.getInputStream(data) } returns inputStream
every { backupReceiver.assertFinalized() } just Runs
assertEquals(TRANSPORT_OK, backup.performFullBackup(packageInfo, data, 0))
every { settingsManager.isQuotaUnlimited() } returns false
every { inputStream.read(any(), 0, bytes.size) } returns bytes.size
coEvery { backupReceiver.addBytes(any()) } throws IOException()
coEvery { backupReceiver.addBytes("FullBackup $packageName", any()) } throws IOException()
assertEquals(TRANSPORT_ERROR, backup.sendBackupData(bytes.size))
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns backupData
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize("FullBackup $packageName") } returns backupData
assertEquals(backupData, backup.finishBackup())
@ -196,7 +191,6 @@ internal class FullBackupTest : BackupTest() {
fun `sendBackupData throws exception when finalizing`() = runBlocking {
every { inputFactory.getInputStream(data) } returns inputStream
every { backupReceiver.assertFinalized() } just Runs
assertEquals(TRANSPORT_OK, backup.performFullBackup(packageInfo, data, 0))
@ -207,7 +201,7 @@ internal class FullBackupTest : BackupTest() {
assertEquals(TRANSPORT_OK, backup.sendBackupData(bytes.size))
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } throws IOException()
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize("FullBackup $packageName") } throws IOException()
assertThrows<IOException> {
@ -222,7 +216,6 @@ internal class FullBackupTest : BackupTest() {
fun `sendBackupData runs ok`() = runBlocking {
every { settingsManager.isQuotaUnlimited() } returns false
every { inputFactory.getInputStream(data) } returns inputStream
every { backupReceiver.assertFinalized() } just Runs
assertEquals(TRANSPORT_OK, backup.performFullBackup(packageInfo, data, 0))
@ -237,7 +230,7 @@ internal class FullBackupTest : BackupTest() {
assertEquals(TRANSPORT_OK, backup.sendBackupData(numBytes2))
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns backupData
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize("FullBackup $packageName") } returns backupData
assertEquals(backupData, backup.finishBackup())
@ -247,12 +240,11 @@ internal class FullBackupTest : BackupTest() {
fun `cancel full backup runs ok`() = runBlocking {
every { inputFactory.getInputStream(data) } returns inputStream
every { backupReceiver.assertFinalized() } just Runs
assertEquals(TRANSPORT_OK, backup.performFullBackup(packageInfo, data, 0))
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns backupData
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize("FullBackup $packageName") } returns backupData
@ -262,12 +254,11 @@ internal class FullBackupTest : BackupTest() {
fun `cancel full backup throws exception when finalizing`() = runBlocking {
every { inputFactory.getInputStream(data) } returns inputStream
every { backupReceiver.assertFinalized() } just Runs
assertEquals(TRANSPORT_OK, backup.performFullBackup(packageInfo, data, 0))
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } throws IOException()
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize("FullBackup $packageName") } throws IOException()
@ -277,12 +268,11 @@ internal class FullBackupTest : BackupTest() {
fun `clearState ignores exception when closing InputStream`() = runBlocking {
every { inputFactory.getInputStream(data) } returns inputStream
every { backupReceiver.assertFinalized() } just Runs
assertEquals(TRANSPORT_OK, backup.performFullBackup(packageInfo, data, 0))
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns backupData
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize("FullBackup $packageName") } returns backupData
every { outputStream.flush() } just Runs
every { outputStream.close() } just Runs
every { inputStream.close() } throws IOException()
@ -295,12 +285,11 @@ internal class FullBackupTest : BackupTest() {
fun `clearState ignores exception when closing ParcelFileDescriptor`() = runBlocking {
every { inputFactory.getInputStream(data) } returns inputStream
every { backupReceiver.assertFinalized() } just Runs
assertEquals(TRANSPORT_OK, backup.performFullBackup(packageInfo, data, 0))
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns backupData
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize("FullBackup $packageName") } returns backupData
every { outputStream.flush() } just Runs
every { outputStream.close() } just Runs
every { inputStream.close() } just Runs
@ -312,7 +301,7 @@ internal class FullBackupTest : BackupTest() {
private fun expectSendData(numBytes: Int, readBytes: Int = numBytes) {
every { inputStream.read(any(), any(), numBytes) } returns readBytes
coEvery { backupReceiver.addBytes(any()) } just Runs
coEvery { backupReceiver.addBytes("FullBackup $packageName", any()) } just Runs
private fun expectClearState() {
@ -107,7 +107,6 @@ internal class KVBackupTest : BackupTest() {
fun `package with no new data comes back ok right away (if we have data)`() = runBlocking {
every { backupReceiver.assertFinalized() } just Runs
every { dbManager.existsDb(packageName) } returns true
every { dbManager.getDb(packageName) } returns db
every { data.close() } just Runs
@ -128,7 +127,6 @@ internal class KVBackupTest : BackupTest() {
fun `request non-incremental backup when no data has changed, but we lost it`() = runBlocking {
every { backupReceiver.assertFinalized() } just Runs
every { dbManager.existsDb(packageName) } returns false
every { dbManager.getDb(packageName) } returns db
every { db.close() } just Runs
@ -224,33 +222,6 @@ internal class KVBackupTest : BackupTest() {
verify { data.close() }
fun `exception while finalizing`() = runBlocking {
getDataInput(listOf(true, false))
every { db.put(key, dataValue) } just Runs
every { data.close() } just Runs
assertEquals(TRANSPORT_OK, backup.performBackup(packageInfo, data, 0))
every { db.vacuum() } just Runs
every { db.close() } just Runs
every { dbManager.getDbInputStream(packageName) } returns inputStream
coEvery { backupReceiver.readFromStream(inputStream) } just Runs
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } throws IOException()
assertThrows<IOException> { // we let exceptions bubble up to coordinators
verify {
fun `exception while uploading data`() = runBlocking {
@ -264,7 +235,9 @@ internal class KVBackupTest : BackupTest() {
every { db.vacuum() } just Runs
every { db.close() } just Runs
every { dbManager.getDbInputStream(packageName) } returns inputStream
coEvery { backupReceiver.readFromStream(inputStream) } throws IOException()
coEvery {
backupReceiver.readFromStream("KV $packageName", inputStream)
} throws IOException()
assertThrows<IOException> { // we let exceptions bubble up to coordinators
@ -285,7 +258,6 @@ internal class KVBackupTest : BackupTest() {
private fun initPlugin(hasDataForPackage: Boolean = false, pi: PackageInfo = packageInfo) {
every { backupReceiver.assertFinalized() } just Runs
every { dbManager.existsDb(pi.packageName) } returns hasDataForPackage
every { dbManager.getDb(pi.packageName) } returns db
@ -310,8 +282,9 @@ internal class KVBackupTest : BackupTest() {
every { db.vacuum() } just Runs
every { db.close() } just Runs
every { dbManager.getDbInputStream(packageName) } returns inputStream
coEvery { backupReceiver.readFromStream(inputStream) } just Runs
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns apkBackupData
coEvery {
backupReceiver.readFromStream("KV $packageName", inputStream)
} returns apkBackupData
@ -112,14 +112,14 @@ internal class ApkBackupTest : BackupTest() {
val s = snapshot.copy { apps.put(packageName, app) }
every {
snapshotCreator.onApkBackedUp(packageInfo, apk, chunkMap)
snapshotCreator.onApkBackedUp(packageInfo, apk, blobMap)
} just Runs
apkBackup.backupApkIfNecessary(packageInfo, s)
// ensure we are still snapshotting this version
verify {
snapshotCreator.onApkBackedUp(packageInfo, apk, chunkMap)
snapshotCreator.onApkBackedUp(packageInfo, apk, blobMap)
@ -142,23 +142,23 @@ internal class ApkBackupTest : BackupTest() {
every {
} returns InstallSourceInfo(null, null, null, apk.installer)
coEvery { backupReceiver.readFromStream(any()) } just Runs
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns apkBackupData
coEvery {
backupReceiver.readFromStream("APK backup $packageName ", any())
} returns apkBackupData
every {
snapshotCreator.onApkBackedUp(packageInfo, match<Snapshot.Apk> {
it.signaturesList != apk.signaturesList
}, apkBackupData.chunkMap)
}, apkBackupData.blobMap)
} just Runs
apkBackup.backupApkIfNecessary(packageInfo, s)
coVerify {
backupReceiver.readFromStream("APK backup $packageName ", any())
snapshotCreator.onApkBackedUp(packageInfo, match<Snapshot.Apk> {
it.signaturesList != apk.signaturesList
}, apkBackupData.chunkMap)
}, apkBackupData.blobMap)
@ -211,10 +211,12 @@ internal class ApkBackupTest : BackupTest() {
every {
} returns InstallSourceInfo(null, null, null, installer)
coEvery { backupReceiver.readFromStream(capture(capturedStream)) } answers {
coEvery {
backupReceiver.readFromStream("APK backup $packageName ", capture(capturedStream))
} answers {
BackupData(emptyList(), emptyMap())
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns BackupData(emptyList(), emptyMap())
every {
snapshotCreator.onApkBackedUp(packageInfo, match<Snapshot.Apk> {
it.installer == installer
@ -223,10 +225,6 @@ internal class ApkBackupTest : BackupTest() {
apkBackup.backupApkIfNecessary(packageInfo, snapshot)
assertArrayEquals(apkBytes, apkOutputStream.toByteArray())
coVerify {
@ -266,14 +264,28 @@ internal class ApkBackupTest : BackupTest() {
every {
} returns InstallSourceInfo(null, null, null, installer)
coEvery { backupReceiver.readFromStream(capture(capturedStream)) } answers {
coEvery {
backupReceiver.readFromStream("APK backup $packageName ", capture(capturedStream))
} answers {
} andThenAnswer {
} andThenAnswer {
BackupData(emptyList(), emptyMap())
coEvery {
"APK backup $packageName $split1Name", capture(capturedStream)
} answers {
BackupData(emptyList(), emptyMap())
coEvery {
"APK backup $packageName $split2Name", capture(capturedStream)
} answers {
BackupData(emptyList(), emptyMap())
coEvery { backupReceiver.finalize() } returns BackupData(emptyList(), emptyMap())
every {
snapshotCreator.onApkBackedUp(packageInfo, match<Snapshot.Apk> {
it.installer == installer &&
@ -286,10 +298,6 @@ internal class ApkBackupTest : BackupTest() {
assertArrayEquals(apkBytes, apkOutputStream.toByteArray())
assertArrayEquals(split1Bytes, split1OutputStream.toByteArray())
assertArrayEquals(split2Bytes, split2OutputStream.toByteArray())
coVerify {
private fun expectChecks() {
Reference in a new issue