package io.heckel.ntfy.util import android.animation.ArgbEvaluator import android.animation.ValueAnimator import android.view.Window import import import io.heckel.ntfy.emoji.EmojiManager import java.text.DateFormat import java.util.* fun topicUrl(baseUrl: String, topic: String) = "${baseUrl}/${topic}" fun topicUrlJson(baseUrl: String, topic: String, since: String) = "${topicUrl(baseUrl, topic)}/json?since=$since" fun topicUrlJsonPoll(baseUrl: String, topic: String) = "${topicUrl(baseUrl, topic)}/json?poll=1" fun topicShortUrl(baseUrl: String, topic: String) = topicUrl(baseUrl, topic) .replace("http://", "") .replace("https://", "") fun formatDateShort(timestampSecs: Long): String { val mutedUntilDate = Date(timestampSecs*1000) return DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT).format(mutedUntilDate) } fun toPriority(priority: Int?): Int { if (priority != null && (1..5).contains(priority)) return priority else return 3 } fun joinTags(tags: List?): String { return tags?.joinToString(",") ?: "" } fun splitTags(tags: String?): List { return if (tags == null || tags == "") { emptyList() } else { tags.split(",") } } fun toEmojis(tags: List): List { return tags.mapNotNull { tag -> toEmoji(tag) } } fun toEmoji(tag: String): String? { return when (tag.toLowerCase()) { "warn", "warning" -> "\u26A0\uFE0F" "success" -> "\u2714\uFE0F" "failure" -> "\u274C" else -> EmojiManager.getForAlias(tag)?.unicode } } fun unmatchedTags(tags: List): List { return tags.filter { tag -> toEmoji(tag) == null } } /** * Prepend tags/emojis to message, but only if there is a non-empty title. * Otherwise the tags will be prepended to the title. */ fun formatMessage(notification: Notification): String { return if (notification.title != "") { notification.message } else { val emojis = toEmojis(splitTags(notification.tags)) if (emojis.isEmpty()) { notification.message } else { emojis.joinToString("") + " " + notification.message } } } /** * See above; prepend emojis to title if the title is non-empty. * Otherwise, they are prepended to the message. */ fun formatTitle(subscription: Subscription, notification: Notification): String { return if (notification.title != "") { formatTitle(notification) } else { topicShortUrl(subscription.baseUrl, subscription.topic) } } fun formatTitle(notification: Notification): String { val emojis = toEmojis(splitTags(notification.tags)) return if (emojis.isEmpty()) { notification.title } else { emojis.joinToString("") + " " + notification.title } } // Status bar color fading to match action bar, see fun fadeStatusBarColor(window: Window, fromColor: Int, toColor: Int) { val statusBarColorAnimation = ValueAnimator.ofObject(ArgbEvaluator(), fromColor, toColor) statusBarColorAnimation.addUpdateListener { animator -> val color = animator.animatedValue as Int window.statusBarColor = color } statusBarColorAnimation.start() }