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Notifications (Max Priority)
Subscription Service
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You are subscribed to two instant delivery topics
You are subscribed to three instant delivery topics
You are subscribed to four instant delivery topics
You are subscribed to %1$d instant delivery topics
You are subscribed to topics
You are subscribed to one topic
You are subscribed to two topics
You are subscribed to three topics
You are subscribed to four topics
You are subscribed to %1$d topics
%1$d notification(s) received
Everything is up-to-date
%1$d subscription(s) could not be refreshed\n\n%2$s
Subscription could not be refreshed: %1$s
Subscribed topics
Notifications enabled
Notifications disabled
Notifications disabled until %1$s
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permanently delete all the notifications you received?
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%1$d notification
%1$d notifications
reconnecting …
%1$s (UnifiedPush)
Add subscription
It looks like you don\'t have any subscriptions yet.
Click the button below to create or subscribe to a topic. After that, you can send
messages via PUT or POST and you\'ll receive notifications on your phone.
For more detailed instructions, check out the ntfy.sh website and documentation.
This subscription is managed by %1$s via UnifiedPush
Subscribe to topic
Topics are not password-protected, so choose a name that\'s not easy to
guess. Once subscribed, you can PUT/POST to receive notifications on your phone.
Topic name, e.g. phils_alerts
Use another server
You can subscribe to topics from your own server. This option requires a foreground service and
consumes more power, but also delivers notifications faster (even in doze mode).
You can subscribe to topics from your own server. Simply type in the base
URL of your server.
Instant delivery in doze mode
Ensures that messages are immediately delivered, even if the device is inactive or in doze mode.
This requires a foreground service and consumes a little more power.
Subscribed to topic %1$s
You haven\'t received any notifications for this topic yet.
To send notifications to this topic, simply PUT or POST to the topic URL.
$ curl -d \"Hi\" %1$s ]]>
For more detailed instructions, check out the ntfy.sh website and documentation.
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notifications you received?
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Test: You can set a title if you like
This is a test notification from the Ntfy Android app. It has a priority of %1$d.
If you send another one, it may look different.
Could not send test message: %1$s
Copied to clipboard
Instant delivery enabled
Instant delivery disabled
Instant delivery is enabled
Tags: %1$s
Open file
Browse file
Delete file
Download file
Cancel download
Copy URL
Copied URL to clipboard
Cannot open or download attachment. Link expired and no local file found.
Cannot open attachment: %1$s
Cannot open attachment: File may have been deleted, or there is no app to open the file.
Cannot delete attachment: %1$s
Attachment download failed: %1$s
not downloaded
not downloaded, link expired
not downloaded, expires %1$s
%1$d%% downloaded
deleted, link expired
deleted, link expires %1$s
download failed
Notifications enabled
Notifications disabled
Notifications disabled until %1$s
Enable instant delivery
Disable instant delivery
Instant delivery enabled
Send test notification
Copy topic address
Clear all notifications
Do you really want to permanently delete the selected notification(s)?
Permanently delete
Pause notifications
Notifications re-enabled
Notifications are now paused
Notifications are now paused until %1$s
30 minutes
1 hour
2 hours
8 hours
Until tomorrow
%1$s\nFile: %2$s
Downloading %1$s, %2$d%%\n%3$s
%1$s\nFile: %2$s, download successful
%1$s\nFile: %2$s, download failed
Pause notifications
All notifications will be displayed
Notifications muted until re-enabled
Notifications muted until %1$s
Minimum priority
Notifications of all priorities are shown
Show notifications if priority is %1$d (%2$s) or higher
Show notifications if priority is 5 (max)
Any priority
Low priority and higher
Default priority and higher
High priority and higher
Only max priority
Auto download attachments
Attachments are always downloaded automatically
Attachments are never downloaded automatically
Attachments up to %1$s are downloaded automatically
Never download automatically
Always download automatically
If smaller than 100 KB
If smaller than 500 KB
If smaller than 1 MB
If smaller than 5 MB
If smaller than 10 MB
If smaller than 50 MB
Allows other apps to use ntfy as a message distributor. Find out more at unifiedpush.org.
Allow distributor use
Apps can use ntfy as distributor
Apps cannot use ntfy as distributor
Server URL
%1$s (default)
Permanent wakelock
Prevents app from sleeping to ensure timely notification delivery. This consumes a lot of battery, but some devices require this.
Allows app to enter sleep mode. This may negatively impact notification delivery. It depends on the device.
Broadcast messages
Apps can receive incoming notifications as broadcasts
Apps cannot receive notifications as broadcasts
ntfy %1$s (%2$s)
Copied to clipboard