--- # Debian 10 script only. ynh_install_script_url: https://install.yunohost.org ynh_admin_password: MYINSECUREPWD_PLZ_OVERRIDE_THIS # The list of Yunohost domains. ynh_main_domain: domain.tld ynh_extra_domains: null ynh_ignore_dyndns_server: False # The list of Yunohost users. ynh_users: null # - name: user1 # pass: p@ssw0rd # firstname: Jane # lastname: Doe # mail_domain: domain.tld # The list of Yunohost apps. ynh_apps: null # - label: Tiny Tiny RSS # Label is important, it's a reference for the Playbook. # link: ttrss # It can be the name of an official ynh app or a git repo link # args: # Provide args here. Domain and path are mandatory, other args depend on the app (cf manifest.json of app). # domain: domain.tld # path: /ttrss