# Ansible Role: Yunohost [🇫🇷 French version](README-FR.md) Deploy [Yunohost](https://yunohost.org/#/) with Ansible! ## Requirements None. ## Role Variables Default variables are available in `default/main.yml` however it is necessary to override them according to your needs for Yunohost domains, users and apps. ### Yunohost Installation ```yml # Debian 10 script only. ynh_install_script_url: https://install.yunohost.org ynh_admin_password: MYINSECUREPWD_PLZ_OVERRIDE_THIS ``` - `ynh_install_script_url` downloads official Yunohost script for installing Yunohost packages. Yunohost is only available on Debian 10. - `ynh_admin_password` is the password used to access to the server's administration interface. ### Domain management ```yml # The list of Yunohost domains. ynh_main_domain: domain.tld ynh_extra_domains: - forum.domain.tld - wiki.domain.tld ynh_ignore_dyndns_server: False ``` - `ynh_main_domain` is the main domain used by the server's users to access the authentication portal. If you already own a domain name, you probably want to use it here. You can also use a domain in .nohost.me / .noho.st / .ynh.fr (more info [here](https://yunohost.org/en/install/hardware:vps_debian)). - `ynh_extra_domains` are optional and allow you to install one app per subdomain (more info [here](https://yunohost.org/en/administrate/specific_use_cases/domains/dns_subdomains)). - `ynh_ignore_dyndns_server` allow to register domains with a Dynamic DNS service (more info [here](https://yunohost.org/en/dns_dynamicip)). ### User management ```yml # The list of Yunohost users. ynh_users: - name: user1 pass: MYINSECUREPWD_PLZ_OVERRIDE_THIS firstname: Jane lastname: Doe mail_domain: domain.tld ``` - `ynh_users` is the list of users to create. Each field is mandatory. Some Yunohost applications require that a user be the app administrator. He will then have the right to manage the application from the server administration interface. You can learn more about Yunohost user management [here](https://yunohost.org/en/users). ## Dependencies None. ## Example Playbook ```yml --- - name: Install Yunohost on Debian Server hosts: all become: True collections: - lydra.yunohost pre_tasks: - name: Update all packages and index ansible.builtin.apt: upgrade: dist update_cache: yes roles: - ynh_setup - ynh_apps - ynh_config - ynh_backup ``` ## License [![ansible-yunohost Copyright 2021 Lydra](https://www.gnu.org/graphics/gplv3-with-text-136x68.png)](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-3.0/) **ansible-yunohost** is maintained by [Lydra](https://lydra.fr/) and released under the GPL3 license.