Currently translated at 100.0% (39 of 39 strings) Translation: YunoHost/readme-generator Translate-URL:
233 lines
7.2 KiB
233 lines
7.2 KiB
# Translations template for PROJECT.
# Copyright (C) 2024 ORGANIZATION
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-31 19:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-31 21:42+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: xabirequejo <>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque <"
"Language: eu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3.1\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.14.0\n"
#: templates/
#, python-format
msgid "Read the README in %(language)s"
msgstr "Irakurri README %(language)sz"
#: templates/
msgid "Packaging an app, starting from this example"
msgstr "Aplikazio bat paketatzen, honako adibidea oinarritzat hartuz"
#: templates/
msgid ""
"Copy this app before working on it, using the ['Use this template'](https://"
" button on "
"the Github repo"
msgstr ""
"Kopiatu aplikazio hau aldaketak egin baino lehen, Github gordailuko "
"['Erabili txantiloi hau']("
"template_name=example_ynh&template_owner=YunoHost) botoia erabiliz"
#: templates/
msgid "Edit the `manifest.toml` with app specific info"
msgstr "Editatu `manifest.toml` aplikazioaren informazio zehatzarekin"
#: templates/
msgid ""
"Edit the `install`, `upgrade`, `remove`, `backup` and `restore` scripts, and "
"any relevant conf files in `conf/`"
msgstr ""
"Editatu `install`, `upgrade`, `remove`, `backup` eta `restore` scriptak, eta "
"konfigurazio fitxategiak `conf/` direktorioan, beharrezkoak badira"
#: templates/
msgid ""
"Using the [script helpers documentation]("
msgstr ""
"Erabili [scripten laguntza-dokumentazioa]("
#: templates/
msgid ""
"Edit the `change_url` and `config` scripts too, or remove them if you have "
"no use of them"
msgstr ""
"Editatu `change_url` eta `config` scriptak ere, edo kendu ez badute inolako "
#: templates/
msgid "Add a `LICENSE` file for the package."
msgstr "Gehitu `LICENSE` fitxategia paketerako."
#: templates/
msgid ""
"NB: this `LICENSE` file is not meant to necessarily be the same LICENSE as "
"the upstream app - it is only the LICENSE you want this package's code to "
"published with and you can choose it freely! (If you don't know which to "
"choose, we recommend [the AGPL-3]("
msgstr ""
"Ohart ongi: `LICENSE` fitxategiak ez du zertan jatorrizko aplikazioaren "
"lizentzia bera izan: pakete honen kodeak izatea nahi duzun lizentzia baino "
"ez da eta aske zara berau aukeratzeko! (Ez badakizu zein aukeratu, guk "
"[AGPL-3]( gomendatzen dugu)"
#: templates/
msgid ""
"Edit files under the `doc/` directory ([see the page about documenting "
msgstr ""
"Editatu `doc/` direktorioko fitxategiak ([ikus paketeak dokumentatzeari "
"buruzko orria]("
#: templates/
msgid ""
"The `` files are to be automatically generated by <https://github."
msgstr ""
"`` fitxategiak automatikoki sortuko dira <"
"YunoHost/apps/tree/master/tools/readme_generator>ri esker"
#: templates/
msgid ""
"N.B.: This README was automatically generated by <"
"It shall NOT be edited by hand."
msgstr ""
"Ohart ongi: README hau automatikoki sortu da <"
"apps/tree/master/tools/readme_generator>ri esker\n"
"EZ editatu eskuz."
#: templates/
#, python-format
msgid "%(application_name)s for YunoHost"
msgstr "%(application_name)s YunoHost-erako"
#: templates/
msgid "Integration level"
msgstr "Integrazio maila"
#: templates/
msgid "Working status"
msgstr "Funtzionamendu egoera"
#: templates/
msgid "Maintenance status"
msgstr "Mantentze egoera"
#: templates/
#, python-format
msgid "Install %(application_name)s with YunoHost"
msgstr "Instalatu %(application_name)s YunoHost-ekin"
#: templates/
msgid "Read this README in other languages."
msgstr "Irakurri README hau beste hizkuntzatan."
#: templates/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This package allows you to install %(application_name)s quickly and simply "
"on a YunoHost server."
msgstr ""
"Pakete honek %(application_name)s YunoHost zerbitzari batean azkar eta "
"zailtasunik gabe instalatzea ahalbidetzen dizu."
#: templates/
msgid ""
"If you don't have YunoHost, please consult [the guide]("
"install) to learn how to install it."
msgstr ""
"YunoHost ez baduzu, kontsultatu [gida]( nola "
"instalatu ikasteko."
#: templates/
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Aurreikuspena"
#: templates/
msgid "Shipped version:"
msgstr "Paketatutako bertsioa:"
#: templates/
msgid "Demo:"
msgstr "Demoa:"
#: templates/
msgid "Screenshots"
msgstr "Pantaila-argazkiak"
#: templates/
#, python-format
msgid "Screenshot of %(application_name)s"
msgstr "%(application_name)s(r)en pantaila-argazkia"
#: templates/
msgid "Disclaimers / important information"
msgstr "Ezespena / informazio garrantzitsua"
#: templates/
msgid "Antifeatures"
msgstr "Ezaugarri zalantzagarriak"
#: templates/
msgid "Documentation and resources"
msgstr "Dokumentazioa eta baliabideak"
#: templates/
msgid "Official app website:"
msgstr "Aplikazioaren webgune ofiziala:"
#: templates/
msgid "Official user documentation:"
msgstr "Erabiltzaileen dokumentazio ofiziala:"
#: templates/
msgid "Official admin documentation:"
msgstr "Administratzaileen dokumentazio ofiziala:"
#: templates/
msgid "Upstream app code repository:"
msgstr "Jatorrizko aplikazioaren kode-gordailua:"
#: templates/
msgid "YunoHost Store:"
msgstr "YunoHost Denda:"
#: templates/
msgid "Report a bug:"
msgstr "Eman errore baten berri:"
#: templates/
msgid "Developer info"
msgstr "Garatzaileentzako informazioa"
#: templates/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Please send your pull request to the [`testing` branch]"
msgstr "Bidali `pull request`a [`testing` abarrera](%(testing_branch_url)s)."
#: templates/
msgid "To try the `testing` branch, please proceed like that:"
msgstr "`testing` abarra probatzeko, ondorengoa egin:"
#: templates/
msgid "or"
msgstr "edo"
#: templates/
msgid "More info regarding app packaging:"
msgstr "Informazio gehiago aplikazioaren paketatzeari buruz:"