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2024-09-12 14:39:40 +02:00

266 lines
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Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import copy
import json
import logging
import multiprocessing
import shutil
import subprocess
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import cache
from itertools import repeat
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Optional
import toml
import tqdm
from tqdm.contrib.logging import logging_redirect_tqdm
from git import Repo
import appslib.logging_sender # pylint: disable=import-error
from appslib.utils import (
get_antifeatures, # pylint: disable=import-error
import appslib.get_apps_repo as get_apps_repo
now = time.time()
def categories_list():
# Load categories and reformat the structure to have a list with an "id" key
new_categories = get_categories()
for category_id, infos in new_categories.items():
infos["id"] = category_id
for subtag_id, subtag_infos in infos.get("subtags", {}).items():
subtag_infos["id"] = subtag_id
infos["subtags"] = list(infos.get("subtags", {}).values())
return list(new_categories.values())
def antifeatures_list():
# (Same for antifeatures)
new_antifeatures = get_antifeatures()
for antifeature_id, infos in new_antifeatures.items():
infos["id"] = antifeature_id
return list(new_antifeatures.values())
# Actual list build management #
def __build_app_dict(data) -> Optional[tuple[str, dict[str, Any]]]:
(name, info), cache_path = data
return name, build_app_dict(name, info, cache_path)
except Exception as err:
logging.error("[List builder] Error while updating %s: %s", name, err)
return None
def build_base_catalog(
catalog: dict[str, dict[str, Any]], cache_path: Path, nproc: int
result_dict = {}
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nproc) as pool:
with logging_redirect_tqdm():
tasks = pool.imap(
__build_app_dict, zip(catalog.items(), repeat(cache_path))
for result in tqdm.tqdm(tasks, total=len(catalog.keys()), ascii=" ·#"):
if result is not None:
name, info = result
result_dict[name] = info
return result_dict
def write_catalog_v3(base_catalog, apps_path: Path, target_dir: Path) -> None:
logos_dir = target_dir / "logos"
logos_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
def infos_for_v3(app_id: str, infos: Any) -> Any:
# We remove the app install question and resources parts which aint
# needed anymore by webadmin etc (or at least we think ;P)
if "manifest" in infos and "install" in infos["manifest"]:
del infos["manifest"]["install"]
if "manifest" in infos and "resources" in infos["manifest"]:
del infos["manifest"]["resources"]
app_id = app_id.lower()
logo_source = apps_path / "logos" / f"{app_id}.png"
if logo_source.exists():
logo_hash = (
subprocess.check_output(["sha256sum", logo_source])
shutil.copyfile(logo_source, logos_dir / f"{logo_hash}.png")
# FIXME: implement something to cleanup old logo stuf in the builds/.../logos/ folder somehow
logo_hash = None
infos["logo_hash"] = logo_hash
return infos
full_catalog = {
"apps": {app: infos_for_v3(app, info) for app, info in base_catalog.items()},
"categories": categories_list(),
"antifeatures": antifeatures_list(),
target_file = target_dir / "apps.json"
target_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
target_file.open("w", encoding="utf-8").write(
json.dumps(full_catalog, sort_keys=True)
def write_catalog_doc(base_catalog, target_dir: Path) -> None:
def infos_for_doc_catalog(infos):
level = infos.get("level")
if not isinstance(level, int):
level = -1
return {
"id": infos["id"],
"category": infos["category"],
"url": infos["git"]["url"],
"name": infos["manifest"]["name"],
"description": infos["manifest"]["description"],
"state": infos["state"],
"level": level,
"broken": level <= 0,
"good_quality": level >= 8,
"bad_quality": level <= 5,
"antifeatures": infos.get("antifeatures"),
"potential_alternative_to": infos.get("potential_alternative_to", []),
result_dict_doc = {
k: infos_for_doc_catalog(v)
for k, v in base_catalog.items()
if v["state"] == "working"
full_catalog = {"apps": result_dict_doc, "categories": categories_list()}
target_file = target_dir / "apps.json"
target_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
target_file.open("w", encoding="utf-8").write(
json.dumps(full_catalog, sort_keys=True)
def build_app_dict(app, infos, cache_path: Path):
# Make sure we have some cache
this_app_cache = cache_path / app
assert this_app_cache.exists(), f"No cache yet for {app}"
repo = Repo(this_app_cache)
# If added_date is not present, we are in a github action of the PR that adds it... so default to a bad value.
infos["added_in_catalog"] = infos.get("added_date", 0)
# int(commit_timestamps_for_this_app_in_catalog.split("\n")[0])
infos["branch"] = infos.get("branch", "master")
infos["revision"] = infos.get("revision", "HEAD")
# If using head, find the most recent meaningful commit in logs
if infos["revision"] == "HEAD":
infos["revision"] = repo.head.commit.hexsha
# Otherwise, validate commit exists
_ = repo.commit(infos["revision"])
except ValueError as err:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Revision ain't in history ? {infos['revision']}"
) from err
# Find timestamp corresponding to that commit
timestamp = repo.commit(infos["revision"]).committed_date
# Build the dict with all the infos
if (this_app_cache / "manifest.toml").exists():
manifest = toml.load(
(this_app_cache / "manifest.toml").open("r"), _dict=OrderedDict
manifest = json.load((this_app_cache / "manifest.json").open("r"))
return {
"id": manifest["id"],
"git": {
"branch": infos["branch"],
"revision": infos["revision"],
"url": infos["url"],
"added_in_catalog": infos["added_in_catalog"],
"lastUpdate": timestamp,
"manifest": manifest,
"state": infos["state"],
"level": infos.get("level", "?"),
"maintained": "package-not-maintained" not in infos.get("antifeatures", []),
"high_quality": infos.get("high_quality", False),
"featured": infos.get("featured", False),
"category": infos.get("category", None),
"subtags": infos.get("subtags", []),
"potential_alternative_to": infos.get("potential_alternative_to", []),
"antifeatures": list(
list(manifest.get("antifeatures", {}).keys())
+ infos.get("antifeatures", [])
def main() -> None:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help="The directory to write the catalogs to. Defaults to apps/builds/default",
help="Allow N threads to run in parallel",
args = parser.parse_args()
apps_dir = get_apps_repo.from_args(args)
cache_path = get_apps_repo.cache_path(args)
cache_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
target_dir = args.target_dir or apps_dir / "builds" / "default"
catalog = get_catalog(apps_dir)
print("Retrieving all apps' information to build the catalog...")
base_catalog = build_base_catalog(catalog, cache_path, args.jobs)
print(f"Writing the catalogs to {target_dir}...")
write_catalog_v3(base_catalog, apps_dir, target_dir / "v3")
write_catalog_doc(base_catalog, target_dir / "doc_catalog")
if __name__ == "__main__":