#! /usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import json from pathlib import Path from copy import deepcopy from typing import Dict, Optional, List, Tuple import toml from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader README_GEN_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent APPS_REPO_ROOT = README_GEN_DIR.parent.parent def value_for_lang(values: Dict, lang: str): if not isinstance(values, dict): return values if lang in values: return values[lang] elif "en" in values: return values["en"] else: return list(values.values())[0] def generate_READMEs(app_path: Path): if not app_path.exists(): raise Exception("App path provided doesn't exists ?!") if (app_path / "manifest.json").exists(): manifest = json.load(open(app_path / "manifest.json")) else: manifest = toml.load(open(app_path / "manifest.toml")) upstream = manifest.get("upstream", {}) catalog = toml.load((APPS_REPO_ROOT / "apps.toml").open(encoding="utf-8")) from_catalog = catalog.get(manifest["id"], {}) antifeatures_list = toml.load( (APPS_REPO_ROOT / "antifeatures.toml").open(encoding="utf-8") ) if not upstream and not (app_path / "doc" / "DISCLAIMER.md").exists(): print( "There's no 'upstream' key in the manifest, and doc/DISCLAIMER.md doesn't exists - therefore assuming that we shall not auto-update the README.md for this app yet." ) return env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(README_GEN_DIR / "templates")) screenshots: List[str] = [] screenshots_dir = app_path / "doc" / "screenshots" if screenshots_dir.exists(): for entry in screenshots_dir.iterdir(): # only pick files (no folder) on the root of 'screenshots' if not entry.is_file(): continue # ignore '.gitkeep' or any file whose name begins with a dot if entry.name.startswith("."): continue screenshots.append(str(entry.relative_to(app_path))) # parse available README template and generate a list in the form of: # > [("en", ""), ("fr", "_fr"), ...] available_langs: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [("en", "")] for README_template in (Path(__file__).parent / "templates").iterdir(): # we only want README_{lang}.md.j2 files if README_template.name == "README.md.j2": continue if not README_template.name.endswith( ".j2" ) or not README_template.name.startswith("README_"): continue language_code = README_template.name.split("_")[1].split(".")[0] available_langs.append((language_code, "_" + language_code)) for lang, lang_suffix in available_langs: template = env.get_template(f"README{lang_suffix}.md.j2") if (app_path / "doc" / f"DESCRIPTION{lang_suffix}.md").exists(): description = ( app_path / "doc" / f"DESCRIPTION{lang_suffix}.md" ).read_text() # Fallback to english if maintainer too lazy to translate the description elif (app_path / "doc" / "DESCRIPTION.md").exists(): description = (app_path / "doc" / "DESCRIPTION.md").read_text() else: description = None disclaimer: Optional[str] if (app_path / "doc" / f"DISCLAIMER{lang_suffix}.md").exists(): disclaimer = (app_path / "doc" / f"DISCLAIMER{lang_suffix}.md").read_text() # Fallback to english if maintainer too lazy to translate the disclaimer idk elif (app_path / "doc" / "DISCLAIMER.md").exists(): disclaimer = (app_path / "doc" / "DISCLAIMER.md").read_text() else: disclaimer = None # TODO: Add url to the documentation... and actually create that documentation :D antifeatures = { a: deepcopy(antifeatures_list[a]) for a in from_catalog.get("antifeatures", []) } for k, v in antifeatures.items(): antifeatures[k]["title"] = value_for_lang(v["title"], lang) if manifest.get("antifeatures", {}).get(k, None): antifeatures[k]["description"] = value_for_lang( manifest.get("antifeatures", {}).get(k, None), lang ) else: antifeatures[k]["description"] = value_for_lang( antifeatures[k]["description"], lang ) out: str = template.render( lang=lang, upstream=upstream, description=description, screenshots=screenshots, disclaimer=disclaimer, antifeatures=antifeatures, manifest=manifest, ) (app_path / f"README{lang_suffix}.md").write_text(out) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Automatically (re)generate README for apps" ) parser.add_argument( "app_path", type=Path, help="Path to the app to generate/update READMEs for" ) args = parser.parse_args() generate_READMEs(Path(args.app_path))