import hashlib import re import sys import requests import toml import os STRATEGIES = ["latest_github_release", "latest_github_tag"] GITHUB_LOGIN = open(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../.github_login").read().strip() GITHUB_TOKEN = open(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../.github_token").read().strip() def filter_and_get_latest_tag(tags): filter_keywords = ["start", "rc", "beta", "alpha"] tags = [t for t in tags if not any(keyword in t for keyword in filter_keywords)] for t in tags: if not re.match(r"^v?[\d\.]*\d$", t): print(f"Ignoring tag {t}, doesn't look like a version number") tags = [t for t in tags if re.match(r"^v?[\d\.]*\d$", t)] tag_dict = {t: tag_to_int_tuple(t) for t in tags} tags = sorted(tags, key=tag_dict.get) return tags[-1] def tag_to_int_tuple(tag): tag = tag.strip("v") int_tuple = tag.split(".") assert all(i.isdigit() for i in int_tuple), f"Cant convert {tag} to int tuple :/" return tuple(int(i) for i in int_tuple) class AppAutoUpdater(): def __init__(self, app_path): if not os.path.exists(app_path + "/manifest.toml"): raise Exception("manifest.toml doesnt exists?") self.app_path = app_path manifest = toml.load(open(app_path + "/manifest.toml")) self.current_version = manifest["version"].split("~")[0] self.sources = manifest.get("resources", {}).get("sources") if not self.sources: raise Exception("There's no resources.sources in manifest.toml ?") self.upstream = manifest.get("upstream", {}).get("code") def run(self): for source, infos in self.sources.items(): if "autoupdate" not in infos: continue strategy = infos.get("autoupdate", {}).get("strategy") if strategy not in STRATEGIES: raise Exception(f"Unknown strategy to autoupdate {source}, expected one of {STRATEGIES}, got {strategy}") asset = infos.get("autoupdate", {}).get("asset", "tarball") print(f"Checking {source} ...") version, assets = self.get_latest_version_and_asset(strategy, asset, infos) print(f"Current version in manifest: {self.current_version}") print(f"Newest version on upstream: {version}") if source == "main": if self.current_version == version: print(f"Version is still {version}, no update required for {source}") continue else: if isinstance(assets, str) and infos["url"] == assets: print(f"URL is still up to date for asset {source}") continue elif isinstance(assets, dict) and assets == {k: infos[k]["url"] for k in assets.keys()}: print(f"URLs are still up to date for asset {source}") continue if isinstance(assets, str): sha256 = self.sha256_of_remote_file(assets) elif isinstance(assets, dict): sha256 = {url: self.sha256_of_remote_file(url) for url in assets.values()} # FIXME: should create a tmp dir in which to make those changes if source == "main": self.replace_upstream_version_in_manifest(version) if isinstance(assets, str): self.replace_string_in_manifest(infos["url"], assets) self.replace_string_in_manifest(infos["sha256"], sha256) elif isinstance(assets, dict): for key, url in assets.items(): self.replace_string_in_manifest(infos[key]["url"], url) self.replace_string_in_manifest(infos[key]["sha256"], sha256[url]) def replace_upstream_version_in_manifest(self, new_version): # FIXME : should be done in a tmp git clone ...? manifest_raw = open(self.app_path + "/manifest.toml").read() def repl(m): return + new_version + print(re.findall(r"(\s*version\s*=\s*[\"\'])([\d\.]+)(\~ynh\d+[\"\'])", manifest_raw)) manifest_new = re.sub(r"(\s*version\s*=\s*[\"\'])([\d\.]+)(\~ynh\d+[\"\'])", repl, manifest_raw) open(self.app_path + "/manifest.toml", "w").write(manifest_new) def replace_string_in_manifest(self, pattern, replace): manifest_raw = open(self.app_path + "/manifest.toml").read() manifest_new = manifest_raw.replace(pattern, replace) open(self.app_path + "/manifest.toml", "w").write(manifest_new) def get_latest_version_and_asset(self, strategy, asset, infos): if "github" in strategy: assert self.upstream and self.upstream.startswith(""), "When using strategy {strategy}, having a defined upstream code repo on is required" self.upstream_repo = self.upstream.replace("", "").strip("/") assert len(self.upstream_repo.split("/")) == 2, "'{self.upstream}' doesn't seem to be a github repository ?" if strategy == "latest_github_release": releases = self.github(f"repos/{self.upstream_repo}/releases") tags = [release["tag_name"] for release in releases if not release["draft"] and not release["prerelease"]] latest_version = filter_and_get_latest_tag(tags) if asset == "tarball": latest_tarball = f"{self.upstream}/archive/refs/tags/{latest_version}.tar.gz" return latest_version.strip("v"), latest_tarball # FIXME else: latest_release = [release for release in releases if release["tag_name"] == latest_version][0] latest_assets = {a["name"]: a["browser_download_url"] for a in latest_release["assets"] if not a["name"].endswith(".md5")} if isinstance(asset, str): matching_assets_urls = [url for name, url in latest_assets.items() if re.match(asset, name)] if not matching_assets_urls: raise Exception(f"No assets matching regex '{asset}' for release {latest_version} among {list(latest_assets.keys())}") elif len(matching_assets_urls) > 1: raise Exception(f"Too many assets matching regex '{asset}' for release {latest_version} : {matching_assets_urls}") return latest_version.strip("v"), matching_assets_urls[0] elif isinstance(asset, dict): matching_assets_dicts = {} for asset_name, asset_regex in asset.items(): matching_assets_urls = [url for name, url in latest_assets.items() if re.match(asset_regex, name)] if not matching_assets_urls: raise Exception(f"No assets matching regex '{asset}' for release {latest_version} among {list(latest_assets.keys())}") elif len(matching_assets_urls) > 1: raise Exception(f"Too many assets matching regex '{asset}' for release {latest_version} : {matching_assets_urls}") matching_assets_dicts[asset_name] = matching_assets_urls[0] return latest_version.strip("v"), matching_assets_dicts elif strategy == "latest_github_tag": if asset != "tarball": raise Exception("For the latest_github_tag strategy, only asset = 'tarball' is supported") tags = self.github(f"repos/{self.upstream_repo}/tags") latest_version = filter_and_get_latest_tag([t["name"] for t in tags]) latest_tarball = f"{self.upstream}/archive/refs/tags/{latest_version}.tar.gz" return latest_version.strip("v"), latest_tarball def github(self, uri): #print(f'{uri}') r = requests.get(f'{uri}', auth=(GITHUB_LOGIN, GITHUB_TOKEN)) assert r.status_code == 200, r return r.json() def sha256_of_remote_file(self, url): try: r = requests.get(url, stream=True) m = hashlib.sha256() for data in r.iter_content(8192): m.update(data) return m.hexdigest() except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to compute sha256 for {url} : {e}") return None if __name__ == "__main__": AppAutoUpdater(sys.argv[1]).run()