#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import subprocess
from typing import Any, TextIO, Generator, Optional, Union
import time
from functools import cache
from pathlib import Path
from git import Repo

import toml

REPO_APPS_ROOT = Path(Repo(__file__, search_parent_directories=True).working_dir)

def apps_repo_root() -> Path:
    return Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent

def git(cmd: list[str], cwd: Optional[Path] = None) -> str:
    full_cmd = ["git"]
    if cwd:
        full_cmd.extend(["-C", str(cwd)])
    return (
            # env=my_env,

def git_repo_age(path: Path) -> Union[bool, int]:
    for file in [path / ".git" / "FETCH_HEAD", path / ".git" / "HEAD"]:
        if file.exists():
            return int(time.time() - file.stat().st_mtime)
    return False

def get_catalog(working_only: bool = False) -> dict[str, dict[str, Any]]:
    """Load the app catalog and filter out the non-working ones"""
    catalog = toml.load((REPO_APPS_ROOT / "apps.toml").open("r", encoding="utf-8"))
    if working_only:
        catalog = {
            app: infos
            for app, infos in catalog.items()
            if infos.get("state") != "notworking"
    return catalog

def get_categories() -> dict[str, Any]:
    categories_path = REPO_APPS_ROOT / "categories.toml"
    return toml.load(categories_path)

def get_antifeatures() -> dict[str, Any]:
    antifeatures_path = REPO_APPS_ROOT / "antifeatures.toml"
    return toml.load(antifeatures_path)

def get_wishlist() -> dict[str, dict[str, str]]:
    wishlist_path = REPO_APPS_ROOT / "wishlist.toml"
    return toml.load(wishlist_path)

def get_graveyard() -> dict[str, dict[str, str]]:
    wishlist_path = REPO_APPS_ROOT / "graveyard.toml"
    return toml.load(wishlist_path)