#!/usr/bin/env python3

import json
import sys
from functools import cache
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, List, Tuple
from difflib import SequenceMatcher

import jsonschema
import toml

APPS_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent

def get_catalog() -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]:
    catalog_path = APPS_ROOT / "apps.toml"
    return toml.load(catalog_path)

def get_categories() -> Dict[str, Any]:
    categories_path = APPS_ROOT / "categories.toml"
    return toml.load(categories_path)

def get_antifeatures() -> Dict[str, Any]:
    antifeatures_path = APPS_ROOT / "antifeatures.toml"
    return toml.load(antifeatures_path)

def get_wishlist() -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]:
    wishlist_path = APPS_ROOT / "wishlist.toml"
    return toml.load(wishlist_path)

def validate_schema() -> Generator[str, None, None]:
    with open(APPS_ROOT / "schemas" / "apps.toml.schema.json", encoding="utf-8") as file:
        apps_catalog_schema = json.load(file)
    validator = jsonschema.Draft202012Validator(apps_catalog_schema)
    for error in validator.iter_errors(get_catalog()):
        yield f"at .{'.'.join(error.path)}: {error.message}"

def check_app(app: str, infos: Dict[str, Any]) -> Generator[Tuple[str, bool], None, None]:
    if "state" not in infos:
        yield "state is missing", True

    if infos["state"] != "working":

    # validate that the app is not (anymore?) in the wishlist
    # we use fuzzy matching because the id in catalog may not be the same exact id as in the wishlist
    # some entries are ignore-hard-coded, because e.g. radarr an readarr are really different apps...
    ignored_wishlist_entries = ["readarr"]
    wishlist_matches = [
        for wish in get_wishlist()
        if wish not in ignored_wishlist_entries
        and SequenceMatcher(None, app, wish).ratio() > 0.9
    if wishlist_matches:
        yield f"app seems to be listed in wishlist: {wishlist_matches}", True

    repo_name = infos.get("url", "").split("/")[-1]
    if repo_name != f"{app}_ynh":
        yield f"repo name should be {app}_ynh, not in {repo_name}", True

    antifeatures = infos.get("antifeatures", [])
    for antifeature in antifeatures:
        if antifeature not in get_antifeatures():
            yield f"unknown antifeature {antifeature}", True

    category = infos.get("category")
    if not category:
        yield "category is missing", True
        if category not in get_categories():
            yield f"unknown category {category}", True

        subtags = infos.get("subtags", [])
        for subtag in subtags:
            if subtag not in get_categories().get(category, {}).get("subtags", []):
                yield f"unknown subtag {category} / {subtag}", False

def check_all_apps() -> Generator[Tuple[str, List[Tuple[str, bool]]], None, None]:
    for app, info in get_catalog().items():
        errors = list(check_app(app, info))
        if errors:
            yield app, errors

def main() -> None:
    has_errors = False

    schema_errors = list(validate_schema())
    if schema_errors:
        has_errors = True
        print("Error while validating catalog against schema:")
    for error in schema_errors:
        print(f"  - {error}")
    if schema_errors:

    for app, errors in check_all_apps():
        for error, is_fatal in errors:
            if is_fatal:
                has_errors = True
            level = "error" if is_fatal else "warning"
            print(f"  - {level}: {error}")

    if has_errors:

if __name__ == "__main__":