#! /usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import json import os from pathlib import Path from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader def generate_READMEs(app_path: str): app_path = Path(app_path) if not app_path.exists(): raise Exception("App path provided doesn't exists ?!") manifest = json.load(open(app_path / "manifest.json")) upstream = manifest.get("upstream", {}) catalog = json.load(open(Path(os.path.abspath(__file__)).parent.parent.parent / "apps.json")) from_catalog = catalog.get(manifest['id'], {}) if not upstream and not (app_path / "doc" / "DISCLAIMER.md").exists(): print( "There's no 'upstream' key in the manifest, and doc/DISCLAIMER.md doesn't exists - therefore assuming that we shall not auto-update the README.md for this app yet." ) return env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(Path(__file__).parent / "templates")) for lang, lang_suffix in [("en", ""), ("fr", "_fr")]: template = env.get_template(f"README{lang_suffix}.md.j2") if (app_path / "doc" / f"DESCRIPTION{lang_suffix}.md").exists(): description = (app_path / "doc" / f"DESCRIPTION{lang_suffix}.md").read_text() # Fallback to english if maintainer too lazy to translate the description elif (app_path / "doc" / "DESCRIPTION.md").exists(): description = (app_path / "doc" / "DESCRIPTION.md").read_text() else: description = None if (app_path / "doc" / "screenshots").exists(): screenshots = os.listdir(os.path.join(app_path, "doc", "screenshots")) if ".gitkeep" in screenshots: screenshots.remove(".gitkeep") else: screenshots = [] if (app_path / "doc" / f"DISCLAIMER{lang_suffix}.md").exists(): disclaimer = (app_path / "doc" / f"DISCLAIMER{lang_suffix}.md").read_text() # Fallback to english if maintainer too lazy to translate the disclaimer idk elif (app_path / "doc" / "DISCLAIMER.md").exists(): disclaimer = (app_path / "doc" / "DISCLAIMER.md").read_text() else: disclaimer = None # Get the current branch using git inside the app path default_branch = from_catalog.get('branch', 'master') current_branch = os.popen(f"git -C {app_path} rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD").read().strip() if default_branch != current_branch: os.system(f"git -C {app_path} fetch origin {default_branch} 2>/dev/null") default_branch_version = os.popen(f"git -C {app_path} show FETCH_HEAD:manifest.json | jq -r .version").read().strip() else: default_branch_version = None # we don't care in that case out = template.render( lang=lang, upstream=upstream, description=description, screenshots=screenshots, disclaimer=disclaimer, manifest=manifest, current_branch=current_branch, default_branch=default_branch, default_branch_version=default_branch_version, ) (app_path / f"README{lang_suffix}.md").write_text(out) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Automatically (re)generate README for apps" ) parser.add_argument( "app_path", help="Path to the app to generate/update READMEs for" ) args = parser.parse_args() generate_READMEs(args.app_path)