#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import hashlib import hmac from functools import cache import tempfile from pathlib import Path from git import Actor, Repo from sanic import HTTPResponse, Request, Sanic, response # add apps/tools to sys.path sys.path.insert(0, str(Path(__file__).parent.parent)) from readme_generator.make_readme import generate_READMEs TOOLS_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent app = Sanic(__name__) @cache def github_webhook_secret() -> str: return ( (TOOLS_DIR / ".github_webhook_secret") .open("r", encoding="utf-8") .read() .strip() ) @cache def github_login() -> str: return (TOOLS_DIR / ".github_login").open("r", encoding="utf-8").read().strip() @cache def github_token() -> str: return (TOOLS_DIR / ".github_token").open("r", encoding="utf-8").read().strip() @app.route("/github", methods=["GET"]) async def main_route(request: Request) -> HTTPResponse: return response.text( "You aren't supposed to go on this page using a browser, it's for webhooks push instead." ) @app.route("/github", methods=["POST"]) async def on_push(request: Request) -> HTTPResponse: header_signature = request.headers.get("X-Hub-Signature") if header_signature is None: print("no header X-Hub-Signature") return response.json({"error": "No X-Hub-Signature"}, 403) sha_name, signature = header_signature.split("=") if sha_name != "sha1": print("signing algo isn't sha1, it's '%s'" % sha_name) return response.json({"error": "Signing algorightm is not sha1 ?!"}, 501) # HMAC requires the key to be bytes, but data is string mac = hmac.new( github_webhook_secret().encode(), msg=request.body, digestmod=hashlib.sha1 ) if not hmac.compare_digest(str(mac.hexdigest()), str(signature)): return response.json({"error": "Bad signature ?!"}, 403) data = request.json repository = data["repository"]["full_name"] branch = data["ref"].split("/", 2)[2] print(f"{repository} -> branch '{branch}'") with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as folder_str: folder = Path(folder_str) repo = Repo.clone_from( f"https://{github_login()}:{github_token()}@github.com/{repository}", to_path=folder, single_branch=True, branch=branch, ) generate_READMEs(folder) repo.git.add("README*.md") repo.git.add("ALL_README.md") diff_empty = len(repo.index.diff("HEAD")) == 0 if diff_empty: print("nothing to do") return response.text("nothing to do") repo.index.commit( "Auto-update READMEs", author=Actor("yunohost-bot", "yunohost@yunohost.org") ) repo.remote().push(quiet=False) return response.text("ok") if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(host="", port=8123, debug=True)