Add script to autopatch apps for helpers 2.1 (#2407)
* Add script to autopatch apps for helpers 2.1 * helpers2.1: more patches for mysql/psql helpers * helpers2.1: misc fixes * helpers2.1: add searchandreplace for apt changes * helpers2.1: propagate additional recent changes + misc fixes * helpers2.1: replace check of PACKAGE_CHECK_EXEC with simpler ynh_in_ci_tests * helpers2.1: misc fixes * Update fix sed -i syntax for MacOS where -i requires a suffix, even empty string... * Fix again for MacOS which definitely doesn't like 'append' in sed x_x * I love computers * Invalid escape sequence yada yada * Bunch of tricky issues where eg ynh_install_go becomes ynh_go_install becomes go_install due to the order of conflicting filters etc... * Misc fixes + Trash everything about fpm_usage/footprint + Autopatch upload_max_filesize/memory_limit + Encourge people to use ynh_app_setting_set_default instead of [ -z ${foo:-}] trick in upgrade * Fix invalid escape sequence * Fix invalid escape sequences again :grim: * Turns out we gotta have the absolute path to nodejs/npm/ruby in systemd confs after all because having PATH in Environment doesn't do the trick >_> * Automatically bump yunohost requirement to 11.2.16 * Make the script more idempotent * Delete scripts/config when there's no config_panel.toml * Typo when patching ynh_psql_execute_as_root --sql * Add an explicit FIXME / explanation when ynh_replace is used with positionals * Replace __USER__ by __APP__ x_x ... * Moar tweaks * Tweak REMOVEME / FIXME flag to be able to complain about it from the linter * Bump yunohost requirement to 11.2.17 * Autopatch now-unecessary chmod/chown * Recommend to always upgrade sources instead of 'if ynh_app_upstream_version_changed' * Require yunohost 11.2.18 * \--eval for mongo_exec doesnt exist anymore * Autorework the patches/ folder structure to match new expectation from ynh_setup_source * Autoremove ynh_abort_if_errors / ynh_clean_setup calls
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 431 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import os
import re
def cleanup():
comment_blocks_to_cleanup = [
r"#=+\s*\n# GENERIC START\S*\s*\n#=+\s*\n# IMPORT GENERIC HELPERS\n#=+\s*\n",
r"#=+\s*\n# EXPERIMENTAL HELPERS\s*\n#=+\s*\n",
r"#=+\s*\n# FUTURE OFFICIAL HELPERS\s*\n#=+\s*\n",
r"#=+\s*\n# PERSONAL HELPERS\s*\n#=+\s*\n",
r"#=+\s*\n# GENERIC FINALIZATION\s*\n",
r"#=+\s*\n# GENERIC FINALISATION\s*\n",
r"#=+\s*\n# STANDARD UPGRADE STEPS\s*\n",
r"#=+\s*\n# SPECIFIC UPGRADE\s*\n",
r"#=+\s*\n# CHECK VERSION\s*\n#=+\s*\n",
r"#=+\s*\n# DECLARE DATA AND CONF FILES TO BACKUP\s*\n#=+\s*\n",
removememaybes = [
"local legacy_args",
replaces = [
# Unecessary exec_warn_less
(r"ynh_exec_warn_less ynh_secure_remove", "ynh_secure_remove"),
(r"ynh_exec_warn_less ynh_systemd_action", "ynh_systemctl"),
(r"ynh_exec_warn_less ynh_install_nodejs", "ynh_install_nodejs"),
(r"ynh_exec_warn_less ynh_install_go", "ynh_install_go"),
(r"ynh_exec_warn_less ynh_install_ruby", "ynh_install_ruby"),
(r"ynh_exec_warn_less ynh_composer_exec", "ynh_composer_exec"),
(r"ynh_exec_warn_less ynh_install_composer", "ynh_install_composer"),
# Setting get/set
(r" ?--app=? ?\"?\$app\"?", ""),
# Misc
(r"ynh_validate_ip4", "ynh_validate_ip --family=4"),
(r"ynh_validate_ip4", "ynh_validate_ip --family=6"),
(r"\$\(ynh_get_debian_release\)", "$YNH_DEBIAN_VERSION"),
(r"ynh_read_manifest --manifest\S*", "ynh_read_manifest"),
(r"--manifest_key", "--key"),
(r"ynh_string_random ([0-9])", "ynh_string_random --length=\\1"),
(r"ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different --file=?", "ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different "),
(r"ynh_store_file_checksum --file=?", "ynh_store_file_checksum "),
(r"ynh_delete_file_checksum --file=?", "ynh_delete_file_checksum "),
(r"\[\[?.*PACKAGE_CHECK_EXEC.*eq.*1.*\]\]?", "ynh_in_ci_tests"),
(r"\[\[?.*PACKAGE_CHECK_EXEC.*=.*1.*\]\]?", "ynh_in_ci_tests"),
(r"\[\[?.*PACKAGE_CHECK_EXEC.*ne.*1.*\]\]?", "! ynh_in_ci_tests"),
(r"\[\[?.*PACKAGE_CHECK_EXEC.*eq.*0.*\]\]?", "! ynh_in_ci_tests"),
(r"\[\[?.*PACKAGE_CHECK_EXEC.*ne.*0.*\]\]?", "ynh_in_ci_tests"),
# ynh_setup_source
(r"--full_replace=1", "--full_replace"),
(r"sources/patches", "patches"),
(r"sources/extra_files/app", "sources"),
(r"sources/extra_files", "sources"),
(r'((chmod|chown).*\"?\$install_dir\"?)\s*$', "#REMOVEME? Assuming the install dir is setup using ynh_setup_source, the proper chmod/chowns are now already applied and it shouldn't be necessary to tweak perms | \\1"),
# Logging
(r"ynh_print_err", "ynh_print_warn"),
(r"ynh_exec_quiet ?", ""),
(r"ynh_exec_fully_quiet ?", ""),
(r"ynh_exec_warn_less", "ynh_hide_warnings"),
(r"--message=?", ""),
(r"--time ", ""),
(r"--last", ""),
(r"\s*--weight=?\S*", ""),
# rm
(r"ynh_secure_remove( --file=?)? ?", "ynh_safe_rm "),
# Conf / templating
(r"__NAME__", "__APP__"),
(r"__NAMETOCHANGE__", "__APP__"),
(r"ynh_render_template", "ynh_config_add --jinja"),
(r"ynh_add_config", "ynh_config_add"),
(r'--template="../conf/', '--template="'),
(r'ynh_replace_vars --file=', 'ynh_replace_vars '),
(r'ynh_replace_vars', '_ynh_replace_vars'),
(r'((chmod|chown)\s[^-+].*\"?(\$install_dir\"?/.*(config|.env|settings|credentials)\S*|\$data_dir\"?/\S+|/etc/(sudoers.d|cron.d|\$app)\"?/\S+|\$(config|cron_path)\"?))', "#REMOVEME? Assuming the file is setup using ynh_config_add, the proper chmod/chowns are now already applied and it shouldn't be necessary to tweak perms | \\1"),
# Upgrade stuff
(r"ynh_compare_current_package_version.*lt.*version\s?=?\"?([0-9\.]+~ynh[0-9])\"?", "ynh_app_upgrading_from_version_before \\1"),
(r"ynh_compare_current_package_version.*le.*version\s?=?\"?([0-9\.]+~ynh[0-9])\"?", "ynh_app_upgrading_from_version_before_or_equal_to \\1"),
(r"upgrade_type=\S*", ""),
(r'if \[\s+"?\$upgrade_type"?\s+==\s+"?UPGRADE_APP"? \]', "# FIXME: this is still supported but the recommendation is now to *always* re-setup the app sources wether or not the upstream sources changed\nif ynh_app_upstream_version_changed"),
# Backup/store
(r"ynh_restore\s*$", "ynh_restore_everything"),
# -> Specific trick to remove the --not_mandatory here, but replace it with || true for the other occurences
(r'ynh_restore_file --origin_path="\$data_dir" \S*', 'ynh_restore "$data_dir"'),
(r"ynh_restore_file", "ynh_restore"),
(r"--src_path=?", ""),
(r"--origin_path=?", ""),
(r"--is_big\S*", ""),
(r"--not_mandatory", "|| true"),
# Fail2ban
(r"--max_retry=\S*", ""),
(r"--ports\S*", ""),
(r"ynh_add_fail2ban_config --use_template", "ynh_config_add_fail2ban"),
(r"ynh_add_fail2ban_config", "ynh_config_add_fail2ban"),
(r"ynh_remove_fail2ban_config", "ynh_config_remove_fail2ban"),
# MySQL/Postgresql
(r"ynh_mysql_dump_db \S*\$db_name\"?\s", "ynh_mysql_dump_db "),
(r"ynh_psql_dump_db \S*\$db_name\"?\s", "ynh_psql_dump_db "),
(r"ynh_mysql_connect_as [^<\\]*\s", "ynh_mysql_db_shell "),
(r"ynh_psql_connect_as [^<\\]*\s", "ynh_psql_db_shell "),
(r'ynh_mysql_execute_as_root --sql=?', 'ynh_mysql_db_shell <<< '),
(r'ynh_psql_execute_as_root --sql=?', 'ynh_psql_db_shell <<< '),
(r'ynh_mysql_execute_as_root "', 'ynh_mysql_db_shell <<< "'),
(r'ynh_psql_execute_as_root "', 'ynh_psql_db_shell <<< "'),
(r"ynh_mysql_execute_as_root '", "ynh_mysql_db_shell <<< '"),
(r"ynh_psql_execute_as_root '", "ynh_psql_db_shell <<< '"),
(r"ynh_psql_execute_as_root --database=?", "ynh_psql_db_shell "),
(r"ynh_mysql_execute_as_root --database=?", "ynh_psql_db_shell "),
(r"--sql=", "<<< "),
(r'ynh_mysql_execute_file_as_root --database=\"?(\S+)\"? --file=\"?(\S+)\"?', 'ynh_mysql_db_shell "\\1" < "\\2"'),
(r'ynh_mysql_execute_file_as_root --file=\"?(\S+)\"? --database=\"?(\S+)\"?', 'ynh_mysql_db_shell "\\2" < "\\1"'),
(r'ynh_psql_execute_file_as_root --database=\"?(\S+)\"? --file=\"?(\S+)\"?', 'ynh_psql_db_shell "\\1" < "\\2"'),
(r'ynh_psql_execute_file_as_root --file=\"?(\S+)\"? --database=\"?(\S+)\"?', 'ynh_psql_db_shell "\\2" < "\\1"'),
(r'sql_db_shell "?\$db_name"?', "sql_db_shell "),
(r'--database="?\$db_name"?', ""),
(r'--database="?\$app"?', ""),
(r"ynh_mysql_setup_db", "# FIXMEhelpers2.1 ynh_mysql_create_db"),
(r"ynh_mysql_remove_db", "# FIXMEhelpers2.1 ynh_mysql_drop_db && ynh_mysql_drop_user"),
(r"ynh_psql_setup_db", "# FIXMEhelpers2.1 ynh_psql_create_db"),
(r"ynh_psql_remove_db", "# FIXMEhelpers2.1 ynh_psql_drop_db && ynh_psql_drop_user"),
# PHP / composer
(r" ?--phpversion=\S*", ""),
(r" ?--composerversion=\S*", ""),
(r" ?--usage=\S*", ""),
(r" ?--footprint=\S*", ""),
(r"--group=www-data", "# FIXMEhelpers2.1 : --group=www-data to be replaced with php_group=www-data to be added in"),
(r"YNH_COMPOSER_VERSION=", "composer_version="),
(r' --workdir="\$install_dir"', ""),
(r'--workdir=\$install_dir ', ""),
(r'--workdir', "# FIXMEhelpers2.1 (replace with composer_workdir=... prior to calling this helper, default is $intall_dir) --workdir"),
(r'phpversion', "php_version"),
(r"ynh_add_fpm_config", "ynh_config_add_phpfpm"),
(r"ynh_remove_fpm_config", "ynh_config_remove_phpfpm"),
(r"ynh_install_composer", "ynh_composer_install\nynh_composer_exec install --no-dev "),
(r'--install_args="?([^"]+)"?(\s|$)', "\\1\\2"),
(r'--commands="([^"]+)"(\s|$)', "\\1\\2"),
(r"(^fpm_usage=)", "#REMOVEME? Everything about fpm_usage is removed in helpers2.1... | \\1"),
(r"(^.*\$fpm_usage)", "#REMOVEME? Everything about fpm_usage is removed in helpers2.1... | \\1"),
(r"(^fpm_footprint=)", "#REMOVEME? Everything about fpm_footprint is removed in helpers2.1... | \\1"),
(r"(^.*\$fpm_footprint)", "#REMOVEME? Everything about fpm_footprint is removed in helpers2.1... | \\1"),
(r"(^set__fpm_footprint)", "#REMOVEME? Everything about fpm_footprint is removed in helpers2.1... | \\1"),
(r"(^fpm_free_footprint=)", "#REMOVEME? Everything about fpm_free_footprint is removed in helpers2.1... | \\1"),
(r"(^.*\$fpm_free_footprint)", "#REMOVEME? Everything about fpm_free_footprint is removed in helpers2.1... | \\1"),
(r"(^set__fpm_free_footprint)", "#REMOVEME? Everything about fpm_free_footprint is removed in helpers2.1... | \\1"),
# Nodejs
(r'"?\$?ynh_node"?', "node"),
(r"NODEJS_VERSION=", "nodejs_version="),
(r"ynh_install_nodejs \S*", "ynh_nodejs_install"),
(r"ynh_install_nodejs", "ynh_nodejs_install"),
(r"ynh_remove_nodejs", "ynh_nodejs_remove"),
(r"ynh_use_nodejs", ""),
(r'"?\$ynh_node_load_PATH"?', ""),
(r'"?\$ynh_node_load_path"?', ""),
(r'"?\$?ynh_npm"?', "npm"),
(r'env\s+npm', "npm"),
(r'env\s+pnpm', "pnpm"),
(r'env\s+yarn', "yarn"),
(r'env\s+corepack', "corepack"),
# Ruby
(r'"?\$?ynh_ruby"?', "ruby"),
(r'"?\$?ynh_gem"?', "gem"),
(r"RUBY_VERSION=", "ruby_version="),
(r"ynh_install_ruby \S*", "ynh_ruby_install"),
(r"ynh_install_ruby", "ynh_ruby_install"),
(r"ynh_remove_ruby", "ynh_ruby_remove"),
(r"ynh_use_ruby", ""),
(r'"?\$ynh_ruby_load_PATH"?', ""),
(r'"?\$ynh_ruby_load_path"?', ""),
# Go
(r"^\s*GO_VERSION=", "go_version="),
(r'"?\$?ynh_go"?', "go"),
(r"ynh_install_go \S*", "ynh_go_install"),
(r"ynh_install_go", "ynh_go_install"),
(r"ynh_remove_go", "ynh_go_remove"),
(r"ynh_use_go", ""),
# Mongodb
(r"YNH_MONGO_VERSION", "mongo_version"),
(r"ynh_install_mongo \S*", "ynh_install_mongo"),
(r" --eval", ""),
# ynh_replace_string
(r"ynh_replace_string", "ynh_replace"),
(r"ynh_replace_special_string", "ynh_replace_regex"),
(r"--match_string", "--match"),
(r"--replace_string", "--replace"),
(r"--target_file", "--file"),
(r"(ynh_replace ('|\"))", "# FIXMEhelpers2.1: ynh_replace used with positional args. Please add the keywords: --match=, --replace=, --file=\n\\1"),
# Nginx
(r"ynh_add_nginx_config", "ynh_config_add_nginx"),
(r"ynh_remove_nginx_config", "ynh_config_remove_nginx"),
(r"ynh_change_url_nginx_config", "ynh_config_change_url_nginx"),
# Systemd
(r'--log_path="/var/log/\$app/\$app.log"', ""),
(r'--service="?\$app"?(\s|$)', "\\1"),
(r"--service_name", "--service"),
(r"--line_match", "--wait_until"),
(r' --template="systemd.service"', ""),
(r"ynh_add_systemd_config", "ynh_config_add_systemd"),
(r"ynh_remove_systemd_config --service=?", "ynh_config_remove_systemd"),
(r"ynh_remove_systemd_config", "ynh_config_remove_systemd"),
(r"ynh_systemd_action", "ynh_systemctl"),
# Logrotate
(r"ynh_use_logrotate", "ynh_config_add_logrotate"),
(r"ynh_remove_logrotate", "ynh_config_remove_logrotate"),
(r"--specific_user\S*", ""),
(r"--logfile=?", ""),
(r" ?--non-?append", ""),
(r'((chmod|chown).*\"?/var/log/\"?\$app)', "#REMOVEME? Assuming ynh_config_add_logrotate is called, the proper chmod/chowns are now already applied and it shouldn't be necessary to tweak perms | \\1"),
# Apt
(r"ynh_package_is_installed (--package=)?", "_ynh_apt_package_is_installed"),
(r"ynh_package_version (--package=)?", "_ynh_apt_package_version"),
(r"ynh_package_install", "_ynh_apt_install"),
(r"ynh_install_extra_app_dependencies", "ynh_apt_install_dependencies_from_extra_repository"),
(r"ynh_install_app_dependencies", "ynh_apt_install_dependencies"),
(r"ynh_remove_app_dependencies", "ynh_apt_remove_dependencies"),
(r"ynh_package_autopurge", "_ynh_apt autoremove --purge"),
# Exec as / sudo
(r'ynh_exec_as "?\$app"?( env)?', "ynh_exec_as_app"),
(r'sudo -u "?\$app"?( env)?', "ynh_exec_as_app"),
# Cringy messages?
("Modifying a config file...", "Updating configuration..."),
("Updating a configuration file...", "Updating configuration..."),
("Adding a configuration file...", "Adding $app's configuration..."),
("Restoring the systemd configuration...", "Restoring $app's systemd service..."),
("Configuring a systemd service...", "Configuring $app's systemd service..."),
("Stopping a systemd service...", "Stopping $app's systemd service..."),
("Starting a systemd service...", "Starting $app's systemd service..."),
# Recommend ynh_app_setting_set_default
(r"( *if \[.*-z.*:-}.*\].*\n?.*then\n\s+(\S+)=(.+)\n\s+ynh_app_setting_set.*\n\s*fi\n)", "# FIXMEhelpers2.1: maybe replace with: ynh_app_setting_set_default --key=\\2 --value=\\3\n\\1"),
# Trailing spaces
(r"\s+$", "\n"),
replaces = [(re.compile(pattern, flags=re.M), replace) for pattern, replace in replaces]
comment_blocks_to_cleanup = [re.compile(pattern, flags=re.M) for pattern in comment_blocks_to_cleanup]
for s in [
script = f"scripts/{s}"
if not os.path.exists(script):
content = open(script).read()
if s == "remove":
content = re.sub(r'(ynh_secure_remove .*/var/log/\$app.*)', r"#REMOVEME? (Apps should not remove their log dir during remove ... this should only happen if --purge is used, and be handled by the core...) \1", content)
for pattern in comment_blocks_to_cleanup:
content = pattern.sub("", content)
for pattern, replace in replaces:
content = pattern.sub(replace, content)
for remove in removememaybes:
content = content.replace(remove, r"#REMOVEME? " + remove)
open(script, "w").write(content)
# Specific PHP FPM conf patch
if os.path.exists("conf/extra_php-fpm.conf"):
content = open("conf/extra_php-fpm.conf").read()
pattern_upload_max_filesize = r"\nphp_\S*\[upload_max_filesize\] = (\S*)"
pattern_post_max_size = r"\nphp_\S*\[post_max_size\] = (\S*)"
pattern_memory_limit = r"\nphp_\S*\[memory_limit\] = (\S*)"
upload_max_filesize = re.findall(pattern_upload_max_filesize, "\n" + content)
memory_limit = re.findall(pattern_memory_limit, "\n" + content)
if memory_limit:
content = re.sub(pattern_memory_limit, "", content)
memory_limit = memory_limit[0]
install = open("scripts/install").read()
install = re.sub("(source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers)", "\\1\n\nynh_app_setting_set --key=php_memory_limit --value=" + memory_limit, install)
open("scripts/install", "w").write(install)
upgrade = open("scripts/upgrade").read()
upgrade = re.sub("(source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers)", "\\1\n\nynh_app_setting_set_default --key=php_memory_limit --value=" + memory_limit, upgrade)
open("scripts/upgrade", "w").write(upgrade)
if upload_max_filesize:
content = re.sub(pattern_upload_max_filesize, "", content)
content = re.sub(pattern_post_max_size, "", content)
upload_max_filesize = upload_max_filesize[0]
if upload_max_filesize != "50M":
install = open("scripts/install").read()
install = re.sub("(source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers)", "\\1\n\nynh_app_setting_set --key=php_upload_max_filesize --value=" + upload_max_filesize, install)
open("scripts/install", "w").write(install)
upgrade = open("scripts/upgrade").read()
upgrade = re.sub("(source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers)", "\\1\n\nynh_app_setting_set_default --key=php_upload_max_filesize --value=" + upload_max_filesize, upgrade)
open("scripts/upgrade", "w").write(upgrade)
new_conf_is_empty = all(line.strip() == "" or line.strip()[0] == ";" for line in content.split("\n"))
if new_conf_is_empty:
os.system("git rm --quiet -f conf/extra_php-fpm.conf")
open("conf/extra_php-fpm.conf", "w").write(content)
conf_replaces = [
(r"__NAME__", "__APP__"),
(r"__NAMETOCHANGE__", "__APP__"),
(r"__USER__", "__APP__"),
("__YNH_NODE__", "__NODEJS_DIR__/node"),
("__YNH_NPM__", "__NODEJS_DIR__/npm"),
("__YNH_RUBY__", "__RUBY_DIR__/ruby"),
for currentpath, folders, files in os.walk("conf"):
for file in files:
path = os.path.join(currentpath, file)
content = open(path).read()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# Not text?
for pattern, replace in conf_replaces:
content = content.replace(pattern, replace)
open(path, "w").write(content)
git_cmds = [
"git rm --quiet sources/extra_files/*/.gitignore 2>/dev/null",
"git rm --quiet sources/patches/.gitignore 2>/dev/null",
"git mv sources/extra_files/* sources/ 2>/dev/null",
"git mv sources/app/* sources/ 2>/dev/null",
"git mv sources/patches patches/ 2>/dev/null",
"test -e conf/ && git rm --quiet conf/app.src",
"test -e check_process && git rm --quiet check_process",
"test -e scripts/actions && git rm -rf --quiet scripts/actions",
"test -e config_panel.json && git rm --quiet config_panel.json",
"test -e config_panel.toml.example && git rm --quiet config_panel.toml.example",
"git rm $(find ./ -name .DS_Store) 2>/dev/null",
r"grep -q '\*\~' .gitignore 2>/dev/null || echo '*~' >> .gitignore",
r"grep -q '\*.sw\[op\]' .gitignore || echo '*.sw[op]' >> .gitignore",
r"grep -q '\.DS_Store' .gitignore || echo '.DS_Store' >> .gitignore",
"git add .gitignore",
for cmd in git_cmds:
# If there's a config panel but the only options are the stupid php usage/footprint stuff
if os.path.exists("config_panel.toml") and os.system(r"grep -oE '^\s*\[\S+\.\S+\.\S+]' config_panel.toml | grep -qv php_fpm_config") != 0:
os.system("git rm --quiet -f config_panel.toml")
os.system("git rm --quiet -f scripts/config")
# Remove scripts/config if no config panel ... most of the time this is only the example config script :|
if os.path.exists("scripts/config") and not os.path.exists("config_panel.toml"):
os.system("git rm --quiet -f scripts/config")
webapp_serving_raw_assets_probably = False
if os.path.exists("conf/nginx.conf"):
nginx_conf = open("conf/nginx.conf").read()
if "alias " in nginx_conf or "root " in nginx_conf:
webapp_serving_raw_assets_probably = True
if os.path.isdir("patches"):
for file in os.listdir("patches"):
if "-" not in file:
source_name, patch_name = file.split("-", 1)
if source_name == "app":
source_name = "main"
os.system(f"mkdir -p 'patches/{source_name}'")
os.system(f"git mv patches/{file} patches/{source_name}/{patch_name}")
# Add helpers_version = '2.1' after yunohost requirement in manifest
raw_manifest = open("manifest.toml", "r").read()
if "helpers_version" not in raw_manifest:
raw_manifest = re.sub('(yunohost = .*)', '\\1\nhelpers_version = "2.1"', raw_manifest)
raw_manifest = re.sub(r'yunohost = ">= 11\..*"', 'yunohost = ">= 11.2.18"', raw_manifest)
if webapp_serving_raw_assets_probably:
raw_manifest = re.sub(r'( *)\[resources.install_dir\]', '\\1[resources.install_dir]\n\\1group = "www-data:r-x"', raw_manifest)
open("manifest.toml", "w").write(raw_manifest)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Attempt to automatically apply changes to use YunoHost helpers v2.1 on a v2 app"
parser.add_argument("app_path", help="Path to the app to convert")
args = parser.parse_args()
if not os.path.exists(args.app_path + "/manifest.toml"):
raise Exception("There is no manifest.toml. Is this really an app directory ?")
Reference in a new issue