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2023-03-14 23:55:57 -07:00

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# Run tests with nix-build -A tests.integration.keycloak
{ nixpkgs ? <nixpkgs>
, systems ? [ "i686-linux" "x86_64-linux" ]
pkgs = import nixpkgs {};
version = "1.0";
disnixos = pkgs.callPackage ./common.nix { inherit nixpkgs; };
rec {
tarball = disnixos.sourceTarball {
name = "testproject-zip";
inherit version;
src = ../../.;
officialRelease = false;
builds = {
simple = disnixos.genBuilds systems {
name = "test-project-manifest";
inherit version;
inherit tarball;
servicesFile = "tests/integration/keycloak/services.nix";
networkFile = "tests/integration/keycloak/network.nix";
distributionFile = "tests/integration/keycloak/distribution.nix";
tests = {
simple = disnixos.disnixTest builtins.currentSystem builds.simple {
name = "test-project-test";
inherit tarball;
networkFile = "tests/integration/keycloak/network.nix";
# dysnomiaStateDir = /var/state/dysnomia;
testScript =
def assert_service_started(machine, name):
code, log = machine.systemctl("status " + name)
if code != 0:
raise Exception(name + " could not be started:\n---\n" + log + "---\n")
def assert_database_exists(machine, name):
if machine.succeed("""psql -XtA -U postgres -h localhost -c "SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE datname='{}'" """.format(name)) != '1\n':
raise Exception("could not find database '{}' in postgresql".format(name))
with subtest("check postgres service started"):
assert_service_started(test1, "postgresql.service")
with subtest("check db is created"):
assert_database_exists(test1, "keycloak")
# let
# utils = import ../../utils.nix {
# inherit pkgs;
# inherit (pkgs) stdenv lib;
# };
# keycloak = import ../../keycloak/unit.nix {
# inherit pkgs utils;
# inherit (pkgs) stdenv lib;
# };
# in
# makeTest {
# nodes = {
# machine = {config, pkgs, ...}:
# {
# virtualisation.memorySize = 1024;
# virtualisation.diskSize = 4096;
# environment.systemPackages = [ dysnomia pkgs.curl ];
# };
# };
# testScript = ''
# def check_keycloak_activated():
# machine.succeed("sleep 5")
# machine.succeed("curl --fail http://keycloak.test.tiserbox.com")
# def check_keycloak_deactivated():
# machine.succeed("sleep 5")
# machine.fail("curl --fail http://keycloak.test.tiserbox.com")
# start_all()
# # Test the keycloak module. Start keycloak and see if we can query the endpoint.
# machine.succeed(
# "dysnomia --type docker-container --operation activate --component ${keycloak} --environment"
# )
# check_keycloak_activated()
# # Deactivate keycloak. Check if it is not running anymore
# machine.succeed(
# "dysnomia --type docker-container --operation deactivate --component ${keycloak} --environment"
# )
# check_keycloak_deactivated()
# '';
# }