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2024-07-16 11:23:21 +02:00

128 lines
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{ pkgs, lib, ... }:
pkgs' = pkgs;
domain = "example.com";
healthUrl = "/health";
loginUrl = "/UI/Login";
testLib = pkgs.callPackage ../common.nix {};
# TODO: Test login
commonTestScript = appname: cfgPathFn:
subdomain = appname;
fqdn = "${subdomain}.${domain}";
in testLib.accessScript {
inherit subdomain domain;
hasSSL = { node, ... }: !(isNull node.config.shb.arr.${appname}.ssl);
waitForServices = { ... }: [
waitForPorts = { node, ... }: [
extraScript = { node, proto_fqdn, ... }: let
shbapp = node.config.shb.arr.${appname};
cfgPath = cfgPathFn shbapp;
apiKey = if (shbapp.settings ? ApiKey) then "01234567890123456789" else null;
in ''
with subtest("health"):
response = curl(client, """{"code":%{response_code}}""", "${fqdn}${healthUrl}")
if response['code'] != 200:
raise Exception(f"Code is {response['code']}")
with subtest("login"):
response = curl(client, """{"code":%{response_code}}""", "${fqdn}${loginUrl}")
if response['code'] != 200:
raise Exception(f"Code is {response['code']}")
'' + lib.optionalString (apiKey != null) ''
with subtest("apikey"):
config = server.succeed("cat ${cfgPath}")
if "${apiKey}" not in config:
raise Exception(f"Unexpected API Key. Want '${apiKey}', got '{config}'")
base = testLib.base pkgs' [
basic = appname: { ... }: {
shb.arr.${appname} = {
enable = true;
inherit domain;
subdomain = appname;
settings.ApiKey.source = pkgs.writeText "APIKey" "01234567890123456789"; # Needs to be >=20 characters.
basicTest = appname: cfgPathFn: pkgs.testers.runNixOSTest {
name = "arr-${appname}-basic";
nodes.server = { config, pkgs, ... }: {
imports = [
(basic appname)
nodes.client = {};
testScript = commonTestScript appname cfgPathFn;
https = appname: { config, ...}: {
shb.arr.${appname} = {
ssl = config.shb.certs.certs.selfsigned.n;
httpsTest = appname: cfgPathFn: pkgs.testers.runNixOSTest {
name = "arr-${appname}-https";
nodes.server = { config, pkgs, ... }: {
imports = [
(basic appname)
(testLib.certs domain)
(https appname)
nodes.client = {};
testScript = commonTestScript appname cfgPathFn;
radarrCfgFn = cfg: "${cfg.dataDir}/config.xml";
sonarrCfgFn = cfg: "${cfg.dataDir}/config.xml";
bazarrCfgFn = cfg: "/var/lib/bazarr/config.xml";
readarrCfgFn = cfg: "${cfg.dataDir}/config.xml";
lidarrCfgFn = cfg: "${cfg.dataDir}/config.xml";
jackettCfgFn = cfg: "${cfg.dataDir}/ServerConfig.json";
radarr_basic = basicTest "radarr" radarrCfgFn;
radarr_https = httpsTest "radarr" radarrCfgFn;
sonarr_basic = basicTest "sonarr" sonarrCfgFn;
sonarr_https = httpsTest "sonarr" sonarrCfgFn;
bazarr_basic = basicTest "bazarr" bazarrCfgFn;
bazarr_https = httpsTest "bazarr" bazarrCfgFn;
readarr_basic = basicTest "readarr" readarrCfgFn;
readarr_https = httpsTest "readarr" readarrCfgFn;
lidarr_basic = basicTest "lidarr" lidarrCfgFn;
lidarr_https = httpsTest "lidarr" lidarrCfgFn;
jackett_basic = basicTest "jackett" jackettCfgFn;
jackett_https = httpsTest "jackett" jackettCfgFn;