{ stdenv
, pkgs
, lib
{ postgresDatabase
, postgresUsername
, postgresPassword ? null
, postgresPasswordFile ? null

assert lib.assertMsg (
  (postgresPassword == null && postgresPasswordFile != null)
  || (postgresPassword != null && postgresPasswordFile == null)
) "set either postgresPassword or postgresPasswordFile";

# From https://github.com/svanderburg/dysnomia/blob/master/dysnomia-modules/postgresql-database.in
# and https://github.com/svanderburg/dysnomia/blob/master/tests/deployment/postgresql-database.nix
# On activation, an initial dump can be restored. If the mutable component
# contains a sub folder named postgresql-databases/, then the dump files stored
# inside get imported.

stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name = postgresDatabase;

  src = pkgs.writeTextDir "${postgresDatabase}.sql" ''
    CREATE USER "${postgresUsername}" WITH PASSWORD '${postgresPassword}';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "${postgresUsername}" TO "${postgresDatabase}";

  buildCommand = ''
    mkdir -p $out/postgresql-databases
    cp $src/*.sql $out/postgresql-databases