{ pkgs, lib, ... }: let shblib = pkgs.callPackage ../../lib {}; in { # Tests that withReplacements can: # - recurse in attrs and lists # - .source field is understood # - .transform field is understood # - if .source field is found, ignores other fields testLibWithReplacements = { expected = let item = root: { a = "A"; b = "%SECRET_${root}B%"; c = "%SECRET_${root}C%"; }; in (item "") // { nestedAttr = item "NESTEDATTR_"; nestedList = [ (item "NESTEDLIST_0_") ]; doubleNestedList = [ { n = (item "DOUBLENESTEDLIST_0_N_"); } ]; }; expr = let item = { a = "A"; b.source = "/path/B"; b.transform = null; c.source = "/path/C"; c.transform = v: "prefix-${v}-suffix"; c.other = "other"; }; in shblib.withReplacements ( item // { nestedAttr = item; nestedList = [ item ]; doubleNestedList = [ { n = item; } ]; } ); }; testLibWithReplacementsRootList = { expected = let item = root: { a = "A"; b = "%SECRET_${root}B%"; c = "%SECRET_${root}C%"; }; in [ (item "0_") (item "1_") [ (item "2_0_") ] [ { n = (item "3_0_N_"); } ] ]; expr = let item = { a = "A"; b.source = "/path/B"; b.transform = null; c.source = "/path/C"; c.transform = v: "prefix-${v}-suffix"; c.other = "other"; }; in shblib.withReplacements [ item item [ item ] [ { n = item; } ] ]; }; testLibGetReplacements = { expected = let secrets = root: { "%SECRET_${root}B%" = "$(cat /path/B)"; "%SECRET_${root}C%" = "prefix-$(cat /path/C)-suffix"; }; in (secrets "") // (secrets "NESTEDATTR_") // (secrets "NESTEDLIST_0_") // (secrets "DOUBLENESTEDLIST_0_N_"); expr = let item = { a = "A"; b.source = "/path/B"; b.transform = null; c.source = "/path/C"; c.transform = v: "prefix-${v}-suffix"; c.other = "other"; }; in shblib.getReplacements ( item // { nestedAttr = item; nestedList = [ item ]; doubleNestedList = [ { n = item; } ]; } ); }; testParseXML = { expected = { "a" = { "b" = "1"; "c" = { "d" = "1"; }; }; }; expr = shblib.parseXML '' 1 1 ''; }; }