{ config, lib, ... }:
  cfg = config.shb.postgresql;
  options.shb.postgresql = {
    debug = lib.mkOption {
      type = lib.types.bool;
      description = ''
      Enable debugging options.

      Currently enables shared_preload_libraries = "auto_explain, pg_stat_statements"

      See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/pgstatstatements.html'';
      default = false;
    enableTCPIP = lib.mkOption {
      type = lib.types.bool;
      description = "Enable TCP/IP connection on given port.";
      default = false;

    ensures = lib.mkOption {
      description = "List of username, database and/or passwords that should be created.";
      type = lib.types.listOf (lib.types.submodule {
        options = {
          username = lib.mkOption {
            type = lib.types.str;
            description = "Postgres user name.";

          database = lib.mkOption {
            type = lib.types.str;
            description = "Postgres database.";

          passwordFile = lib.mkOption {
            type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
            description = "Optional password file for the postgres user. If not given, only peer auth is accepted for this user, otherwise password auth is allowed.";
            default = null;
            example = "/run/secrets/postgresql/password";
      default = [];

  config =
      commonConfig = {
        services.postgresql.settings = {

      tcpConfig = {
        services.postgresql.enableTCPIP = true;
        services.postgresql.authentication = lib.mkOverride 10 ''
          #type database DBuser origin-address auth-method
          local all      all    peer
          # ipv4
          host  all      all   password
          # ipv6
          host  all      all    ::1/128        password

      dbConfig = ensureCfgs: {
        services.postgresql.enable = lib.mkDefault ((builtins.length ensureCfgs) > 0);
        services.postgresql.ensureDatabases = map ({ database, ... }: database) ensureCfgs;
        services.postgresql.ensureUsers = map ({ username, database, ... }: {
          name = username;
          ensureDBOwnership = true;
          ensureClauses.login = true;
        }) ensureCfgs;

      pwdConfig = ensureCfgs: {
        systemd.services.postgresql.postStart =
            prefix = ''
            $PSQL -tA <<'EOF'
              DO $$
              DECLARE password TEXT;
            suffix = ''
              END $$;
            exec = { username, passwordFile, ... }: ''
            password := trim(both from replace(pg_read_file('${passwordFile}'), E'\n', '''));
            EXECUTE format('ALTER ROLE ${username} WITH PASSWORD '''%s''';', password);
            cfgsWithPasswords = builtins.filter (cfg: cfg.passwordFile != null) ensureCfgs;
            if (builtins.length cfgsWithPasswords) == 0 then "" else
              prefix + (lib.concatStrings (map exec cfgsWithPasswords)) + suffix;

      debugConfig = enableDebug: lib.mkIf enableDebug {
        services.postgresql.settings.shared_preload_libraries = "auto_explain, pg_stat_statements";
      lib.mkMerge (
          (dbConfig cfg.ensures)
          (pwdConfig cfg.ensures)
          (lib.mkIf cfg.enableTCPIP tcpConfig)
          (debugConfig cfg.debug)