{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let cfg = config.shb.deluge; fqdn = "${cfg.subdomain}.${cfg.domain}"; in { options.shb.deluge = { enable = lib.mkEnableOption "selfhostblocks.deluge"; subdomain = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; description = "Subdomain under which deluge will be served."; example = "ha"; }; domain = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; description = "domain under which deluge will be served."; example = "mydomain.com"; }; daemonPort = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.int; description = "Deluge daemon port"; default = 58846; }; daemonListenPorts = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.int; description = "Deluge daemon listen ports"; default = [ 6881 6889 ]; }; webPort = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.int; description = "Deluge web port"; default = 8112; }; proxyPort = lib.mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "If not null, sets up a deluge to forward all traffic to the Proxy listening at that port."; type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.int; default = null; }; downloadLocation = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; description = "Folder where torrents gets downloaded"; example = "/srv/torrents"; }; oidcEndpoint = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; description = "OIDC endpoint for SSO"; example = "https://authelia.example.com"; }; sopsFile = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.path; description = "Sops file location."; example = "secrets/torrent.yaml"; }; enabledPlugins = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str; description = "Plugins to enable, can include those from additionalPlugins."; example = ["Label"]; default = []; }; additionalPlugins = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.attrsOf lib.types.path; description = "Location of additional plugins."; default = {}; }; logLevel = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.nullOr (lib.types.enum ["critical" "error" "warning" "info" "debug"]); description = "Enable logging."; default = false; example = true; }; }; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { services.deluge = { enable = true; declarative = true; openFirewall = true; config = { download_location = cfg.downloadLocation; allow_remote = true; daemon_port = cfg.daemonPort; listen_ports = cfg.daemonListenPorts; proxy = lib.optionalAttrs (cfg.proxyPort != null) { force_proxy = true; hostname = ""; port = cfg.proxyPort; proxy_hostnames = true; proxy_peer_connections = true; proxy_tracker_connections = true; type = 4; # HTTP }; enabled_plugins = cfg.enabledPlugins; # TODO: expose these max_active_limit = 10000; max_active_downloading = 30; max_active_seeding = 10000; max_connections_global = 1000; max_connections_per_torrent = 50; max_download_speed = 1000; max_download_speed_per_torrent = -1; max_upload_slots_global = 100; max_upload_slots_per_torrent = 4; max_upload_speed = 200; max_upload_speed_per_torrent = 50; dont_count_slow_torrents = true; new_release_check = false; }; authFile = config.sops.secrets."deluge/auth".path; web.enable = true; web.port = cfg.webPort; }; systemd.services.deluged.serviceConfig.ExecStart = lib.mkForce ( '' ${config.services.deluge.package}/bin/deluged \ --do-not-daemonize \ --config ${config.services.deluge.dataDir}/.config/deluge '' + (if (isNull cfg.logLevel) then "" else " -L ${cfg.logLevel}") ); systemd.tmpfiles.rules = lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (name: path: "L+ ${config.services.deluge.dataDir}/.config/deluge/plugins/${name} - - - - ${path}" ) cfg.additionalPlugins; sops.secrets."deluge/auth" = { inherit (cfg) sopsFile; mode = "0440"; owner = config.services.deluge.user; group = config.services.deluge.group; restartUnits = [ "deluged.service" "delugeweb.service" ]; }; shb.nginx.autheliaProtect = [ { inherit (cfg) subdomain domain oidcEndpoint; upstream = "${toString config.services.deluge.web.port}"; autheliaRules = [{ domain = fqdn; policy = "two_factor"; subject = ["group:deluge_user"]; }]; } ]; systemd.services.deluged.serviceConfig.UMask = lib.mkForce "0027"; systemd.services.deluged.serviceConfig.Group = lib.mkForce "media"; users.users.deluge = { extraGroups = [ "media" ]; }; users.groups.deluge = { members = [ "backup" ]; }; shb.backup.instances.deluge = { sourceDirectories = [ config.services.deluge.dataDir ]; }; }; }