{ description = "Home Assistant example for Self Host Blocks"; inputs = { selfhostblocks.url = "github:ibizaman/selfhostblocks"; }; outputs = inputs@{ self, selfhostblocks, ... }: let basic = { config, ... }: { imports = [ ./configuration.nix selfhostblocks.inputs.sops-nix.nixosModules.default selfhostblocks.nixosModules.x86_64-linux.default ]; shb.nextcloud = { enable = true; domain = "example.com"; subdomain = "n"; dataDir = "/var/lib/nextcloud"; tracing = null; defaultPhoneRegion = "US"; # This option is only needed because we do not access Nextcloud at the default port in the VM. port = 8080; adminPassFile = config.sops.secrets."nextcloud/adminpass".path; apps = { previewgenerator.enable = true; }; }; # Secret needed for services.nextcloud.config.adminpassFile. sops.secrets."nextcloud/adminpass" = { sopsFile = ./secrets.yaml; mode = "0440"; owner = "nextcloud"; group = "nextcloud"; restartUnits = [ "phpfpm-nextcloud.service" ]; }; # Set to true for more debug info with `journalctl -f -u nginx`. shb.nginx.accessLog = true; shb.nginx.debugLog = false; }; ldap = { config, ... }: { shb.ldap = { enable = true; domain = "example.com"; subdomain = "ldap"; ldapPort = 3890; webUIListenPort = 17170; dcdomain = "dc=example,dc=com"; ldapUserPasswordFile = config.sops.secrets."lldap/user_password".path; jwtSecretFile = config.sops.secrets."lldap/jwt_secret".path; }; sops.secrets."lldap/user_password" = { sopsFile = ./secrets.yaml; mode = "0440"; owner = "lldap"; group = "lldap"; restartUnits = [ "lldap.service" ]; }; sops.secrets."lldap/jwt_secret" = { sopsFile = ./secrets.yaml; mode = "0440"; owner = "lldap"; group = "lldap"; restartUnits = [ "lldap.service" ]; }; shb.nextcloud.apps.ldap = { enable = true; host = ""; port = config.shb.ldap.ldapPort; dcdomain = config.shb.ldap.dcdomain; adminName = "admin"; adminPasswordFile = config.sops.secrets."nextcloud/ldap_admin_password".path; userGroup = "nextcloud_user"; }; # Secret needed for LDAP app. sops.secrets."nextcloud/ldap_admin_password" = { sopsFile = ./secrets.yaml; key = "lldap/user_password"; mode = "0400"; owner = "nextcloud"; group = "nextcloud"; restartUnits = [ "nextcloud-setup.service" ]; }; }; sso = { config, ... }: { shb.certs = { cas.selfsigned.myca = { name = "My CA"; }; certs.selfsigned = { n = { ca = config.shb.certs.cas.selfsigned.myca; domain = "*.example.com"; }; }; }; services.dnsmasq = { enable = true; settings = { domain-needed = true; # no-resolv = true; bogus-priv = true; address = map (hostname: "/${hostname}/") [ "example.com" "n.example.com" "ldap.example.com" "auth.example.com" ]; }; }; shb.authelia = { enable = true; domain = "example.com"; subdomain = "auth"; ssl = config.shb.certs.certs.selfsigned.n; ldapEndpoint = "ldap://${builtins.toString config.shb.ldap.ldapPort}"; dcdomain = config.shb.ldap.dcdomain; secrets = { jwtSecretFile = config.sops.secrets."authelia/jwt_secret".path; ldapAdminPasswordFile = config.sops.secrets."authelia/ldap_admin_password".path; sessionSecretFile = config.sops.secrets."authelia/session_secret".path; storageEncryptionKeyFile = config.sops.secrets."authelia/storage_encryption_key".path; identityProvidersOIDCHMACSecretFile = config.sops.secrets."authelia/hmac_secret".path; identityProvidersOIDCIssuerPrivateKeyFile = config.sops.secrets."authelia/private_key".path; }; }; sops.secrets."authelia/jwt_secret" = { sopsFile = ./secrets.yaml; mode = "0400"; owner = config.shb.authelia.autheliaUser; restartUnits = [ "authelia.service" ]; }; # Here we use the password defined in the lldap/user_password field in the secrets.yaml file # and sops-nix will write it to "/run/secrets/authelia/ldap_admin_password". sops.secrets."authelia/ldap_admin_password" = { sopsFile = ./secrets.yaml; key = "lldap/user_password"; mode = "0400"; owner = config.shb.authelia.autheliaUser; restartUnits = [ "authelia.service" ]; }; sops.secrets."authelia/session_secret" = { sopsFile = ./secrets.yaml; mode = "0400"; owner = config.shb.authelia.autheliaUser; restartUnits = [ "authelia.service" ]; }; sops.secrets."authelia/storage_encryption_key" = { sopsFile = ./secrets.yaml; mode = "0400"; owner = config.shb.authelia.autheliaUser; restartUnits = [ "authelia.service" ]; }; sops.secrets."authelia/hmac_secret" = { sopsFile = ./secrets.yaml; mode = "0400"; owner = config.shb.authelia.autheliaUser; restartUnits = [ "authelia.service" ]; }; sops.secrets."authelia/private_key" = { sopsFile = ./secrets.yaml; mode = "0400"; owner = config.shb.authelia.autheliaUser; restartUnits = [ "authelia.service" ]; }; shb.nextcloud.apps.sso = { enable = true; endpoint = "https://${config.shb.authelia.subdomain}.${config.shb.authelia.domain}"; clientID = "nextcloud"; fallbackDefaultAuth = true; secretFile = config.sops.secrets."nextcloud/sso/secret".path; secretFileForAuthelia = config.sops.secrets."authelia/nextcloud_sso_secret".path; }; sops.secrets."nextcloud/sso/secret" = { sopsFile = ./secrets.yaml; mode = "0400"; owner = "nextcloud"; restartUnits = [ "nextcloud-setup.service" ]; }; sops.secrets."authelia/nextcloud_sso_secret" = { sopsFile = ./secrets.yaml; key = "nextcloud/sso/secret"; mode = "0400"; owner = config.shb.authelia.autheliaUser; }; }; sopsConfig = { sops.age.keyFile = "/etc/sops/my_key"; environment.etc."sops/my_key".source = ./keys.txt; }; in { nixosConfigurations = { basic = selfhostblocks.inputs.nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem { system = "x86_64-linux"; modules = [ sopsConfig basic ]; }; ldap = selfhostblocks.inputs.nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem { system = "x86_64-linux"; modules = [ sopsConfig basic ldap ]; }; sso = selfhostblocks.inputs.nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem { system = "x86_64-linux"; modules = [ sopsConfig basic ldap sso ]; }; }; colmena = { meta = { nixpkgs = import selfhostblocks.inputs.nixpkgs { system = "x86_64-linux"; }; specialArgs = inputs; }; basic = { config, ... }: { imports = [ basic ]; deployment = { targetHost = "example"; targetUser = "nixos"; targetPort = 2222; }; }; ldap = { config, ... }: { imports = [ basic ldap ]; deployment = { targetHost = "example"; targetUser = "nixos"; targetPort = 2222; }; }; sso = { config, ... }: { imports = [ basic ldap sso ]; deployment = { targetHost = "example"; targetUser = "nixos"; targetPort = 2222; }; }; }; }; }