Fork 0

add flake with some modules

This commit is contained in:
ibizaman 2023-06-22 21:22:34 -07:00
parent eb8776eb46
commit 8761dc2e9d
8 changed files with 1379 additions and 0 deletions

flake.lock generated Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
"nodes": {
"nixpkgs": {
"locked": {
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"narHash": "sha256-Z/g0wbL68C+mSGerYS2quv9FXQ1RRP082cAC0Bh4vcs=",
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"type": "github"
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"owner": "nixos",
"ref": "nixos-unstable",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"type": "github"
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"locked": {
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"narHash": "sha256-yMFcVeI+kZ6KD2QBrFPNsvBrLq2Gt//D0baHByMrjFY=",
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"repo": "nixpkgs",
"rev": "e2e2059d19668dab1744301b8b0e821e3aae9c99",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "NixOS",
"ref": "release-23.05",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
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"lastModified": 1686979235,
"narHash": "sha256-gBlBtk+KrezFkfMrZw6uwTuA7YWtbFciiS14mEoTCo0=",
"owner": "NixOS",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"rev": "7cc30fd5372ddafb3373c318507d9932bd74aafe",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "NixOS",
"ref": "nixpkgs-unstable",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"type": "github"
"root": {
"inputs": {
"nixpkgs": "nixpkgs",
"sops-nix": "sops-nix"
"sops-nix": {
"inputs": {
"nixpkgs": "nixpkgs_2",
"nixpkgs-stable": "nixpkgs-stable"
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1687398569,
"narHash": "sha256-e/umuIKFcFtZtWeX369Hbdt9r+GQ48moDmlTcyHWL28=",
"owner": "Mic92",
"repo": "sops-nix",
"rev": "2ff6973350682f8d16371f8c071a304b8067f192",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "Mic92",
"repo": "sops-nix",
"type": "github"
"root": "root",
"version": 7

flake.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
description = "SelfHostBlocks module";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
sops-nix.url = "github:Mic92/sops-nix";
outputs = inputs@{ self, nixpkgs, sops-nix, ... }: {
nixosModules.default = { config, ... }: {
imports = [
# templates.default = {}; Would be nice to have a template

modules/backup.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
cfg = config.shb.backup;
instanceOptions = {
backend = lib.mkOption {
description = "What program to use to make the backups.";
type = lib.types.enum [ "borgmatic" "restic" ];
example = "borgmatic";
keySopsFile = lib.mkOption {
description = "Sops file that holds this instance's Borgmatic repository key and passphrase.";
type = lib.types.path;
example = "secrets/backup.yaml";
sourceDirectories = lib.mkOption {
description = "Borgmatic source directories.";
type = lib.types.nonEmptyListOf lib.types.str;
excludePatterns = lib.mkOption {
description = "Borgmatic exclude patterns.";
type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str;
default = [];
repositories = lib.mkOption {
description = lib.mdDoc "Repositories to back this instance to.";
type = lib.types.nonEmptyListOf lib.types.str;
retention = lib.mkOption {
description = "Retention options.";
type = lib.types.attrsOf (lib.types.oneOf [ lib.types.int lib.types.nonEmptyStr ]);
default = {
keep_within = "1d";
keep_hourly = 24;
keep_daily = 7;
keep_weekly = 4;
keep_monthly = 6;
consistency = lib.mkOption {
description = "Consistency frequency options. Only applicable for borgmatic";
type = lib.types.attrsOf lib.types.nonEmptyStr;
default = {};
example = {
repository = "2 weeks";
archives = "1 month";
hooks = lib.mkOption {
description = "Borgmatic hooks.";
default = {};
type = lib.types.submodule {
options = {
before_backup = lib.mkOption {
description = "Hooks to run before backup";
type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str;
default = [];
after_backup = lib.mkOption {
description = "Hooks to run after backup";
type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str;
default = [];
environmentFile = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.bool;
description = "Add environment file to be read by the systemd service.";
default = false;
example = true;
options.shb.backup = {
onlyOnAC = lib.mkOption {
description = lib.mdDoc "Run backups only if AC power is plugged in.";
default = true;
example = false;
type = lib.types.bool;
user = lib.mkOption {
description = lib.mdDoc "Unix user doing the backups.";
type = lib.types.str;
default = "backup";
group = lib.mkOption {
description = lib.mdDoc "Unix group doing the backups.";
type = lib.types.str;
default = "backup";
instances = lib.mkOption {
description = lib.mdDoc "Each instance is a backup setting";
default = {};
type = lib.types.attrsOf (lib.types.submodule {
options = instanceOptions;
borgServer = lib.mkOption {
description = lib.mdDoc "Add borgbackup package so external backups can use this server as a remote.";
default = false;
example = true;
type = lib.types.bool;
config = lib.mkIf (cfg.instances != {}) (
borgmaticInstances = lib.attrsets.filterAttrs (k: i: i.backend == "borgmatic") cfg.instances;
resticInstances = lib.attrsets.filterAttrs (k: i: i.backend == "restic") cfg.instances;
users.users = {
${cfg.user} = {
name = cfg.user;
group = cfg.group;
home = "/var/lib/backup";
createHome = true;
isSystemUser = true;
users.groups = {
${cfg.group} = {
name = cfg.group;
sops.secrets =
repoSlugName = name: builtins.replaceStrings ["/"] ["_"] (lib.strings.removePrefix "/" name);
mkSopsSecret = name: instance: (
"${instance.backend}/${name}/passphrase" = {
sopsFile = instance.keySopsFile;
mode = "0440";
owner = cfg.user;
group = cfg.group;
] ++ lib.optional ((lib.filter (lib.strings.hasPrefix "s3") instance.repositories) != []) {
"${instance.backend}/${name}/environmentfile" = {
sopsFile = instance.keySopsFile;
mode = "0440";
owner = cfg.user;
group = cfg.group;
lib.mkMerge (lib.flatten (lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList mkSopsSecret cfg.instances));
systemd.timers.borgmatic = lib.mkIf (borgmaticInstances != {}) {
timerConfig = {
OnCalendar = "hourly";
systemd.services.borgmatic = lib.mkIf (borgmaticInstances != {}) {
serviceConfig = {
User = cfg.user;
Group = cfg.group;
ExecStartPre = ""; # Do not sleep before starting.
ExecStart = [ "" "${pkgs.borgmatic}/bin/borgmatic --verbosity -1 --syslog-verbosity 1" ];
# For borgmatic, since we have only one service, we need to merge all environmentFile
# from all instances.
EnvironmentFile = builtins.mapAttrsToList (name: value: value.environmentFile) cfg.instances;
systemd.packages = lib.mkIf (borgmaticInstances != {}) [ pkgs.borgmatic ];
environment.systemPackages = (
lib.optionals cfg.borgServer [ pkgs.borgbackup ]
++ lib.optionals (borgmaticInstances != {}) [ pkgs.borgbackup pkgs.borgmatic ]
++ lib.optionals (resticInstances != {}) [ pkgs.restic ]
services.restic.backups =
repoSlugName = name: builtins.replaceStrings ["/" ":"] ["_" "_"] (lib.strings.removePrefix "/" name);
mkRepositorySettings = name: instance: repository: {
"${name}_${repoSlugName repository}" = {
inherit (cfg) user;
inherit repository;
paths = instance.sourceDirectories;
passwordFile = "/run/secrets/${instance.backend}/${name}/passphrase";
initialize = true;
timerConfig = {
OnCalendar = "hourly";
RandomizedDelaySec = "5m";
pruneOpts = lib.mapAttrsToList (name: value:
"--${builtins.replaceStrings ["_"] ["-"] name} ${builtins.toString value}"
) instance.retention;
backupPrepareCommand = lib.strings.concatStringsSep "\n" instance.hooks.before_backup;
backupCleanupCommand = lib.strings.concatStringsSep "\n" instance.hooks.after_backup;
} // lib.attrsets.optionalAttrs (instance.environmentFile) {
environmentFile = "/run/secrets/${instance.backend}/${name}/environmentfile";
mkSettings = name: instance: builtins.map (mkRepositorySettings name instance) instance.repositories;
lib.mkMerge (lib.flatten (lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList mkSettings resticInstances));
environment.etc =
mkSettings = name: instance: {
"borgmatic.d/${name}.yaml".text = lib.generators.toYAML {} {
location =
source_directories = instance.sourceDirectories;
repositories = instance.repositories;
// (lib.attrsets.optionalAttrs (builtins.length instance.excludePatterns > 0) {
excludePatterns = instance.excludePatterns;
storage = {
encryption_passcommand = "cat /run/secrets/borgmatic/${name}/passphrase";
retention = instance.retention;
consistency.checks =
mkCheck = name: frequency: {
inherit name frequency;
lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList mkCheck instance.consistency;
# hooks = lib.mkMerge [
# lib.optionalAttrs (builtins.length instance.hooks.before_backup > 0) {
# inherit (instance.hooks) before_backup;
# }
# lib.optionalAttrs (builtins.length instance.hooks.after_backup > 0) {
# inherit (instance.hooks) after_backup;
# }
# ];
lib.mkMerge (lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList mkSettings borgmaticInstances);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
{ lib
, pkgs
with builtins;
with lib;
with lib.attrsets;
with lib.lists;
with lib.strings;
getAttrWithDefault = name: default: attrset:
if isAttrs attrset && hasAttr name attrset then
getAttr name attrset
recursiveMerge = attrList:
let f = attrPath:
zipAttrsWith (n: values:
if all isList values then
concatLists values
else if all isAttrs values then
f (attrPath ++ [n]) values
last values
in f [] attrList;
augmentedContent = fieldName: rules: parent: set:
print = {rule = k: parent: v:
assert assertMsg (isString v || isInt v) "cannot print key '${fieldName}.${k}' of type '${typeOf v}', should be string or int instead";
"${k} ${toString v}";};
matchingRule = k: v: findFirst (rule: rule.match k parent v) print rules;
augment = parent: k: v:
match = matchingRule k v;
rule = if hasAttr "rule" match then match.rule else null;
rules = if hasAttr "rules" match then match.rules else null;
indent = map (x: if hasAttr "indent" match then match.indent + x else x);
headerFn = if hasAttr "header" match then match.header else null;
header = optional (headerFn != null) (headerFn k);
trailer = optional (headerFn != null) "";
content = header ++ indent (augmentedContent "${fieldName}.${k}" rules (parent ++ [k]) v) ++ trailer;
if rule != null
then rule k parent v
assert assertMsg (isAttrs v) "attempt to apply rules on key '${toString k}' which is a '${typeOf v}' but should be a set:\n${toString v}";
if hasAttr "order" match then
inherit (match) order;
inherit content;
augmented = mapAttrsToList (augment parent) (
assert assertMsg (isAttrs set) "attempt to apply rules on field ${fieldName} having type '${typeOf set}':\n${toString set}";
sortAugmented = sort (a: b:
(isAttrs a && hasAttr "order" a)
&& (isAttrs b && hasAttr "order" b)
&& a.order < b.order
onlyContent = (x: if isAttrs x && hasAttr "content" x then x.content else x);
flatten (map onlyContent (sortAugmented augmented));
updateByPath = path: fn: set:
if hasAttrByPath path set then
recursiveUpdate set (setAttrByPath path (fn (getAttrFromPath path set)))
schema =
mkRule =
{ redirect ? false
, scheme ? "https"
, code ? null
, condition ? null
concatStringsRecursive " " [
(optional redirect "redirect")
"scheme" scheme
(optional (code != null) "code ${toString code}")
(optional (condition != null) "if ${condition}")
mkBind =
{ addr
, ssl ? false
, crt ? null
concatStringsRecursive " " [
(optional ssl "ssl")
(optional (crt != null) "crt ${crt}")
mkServer =
{ name
, address
, balance ? null
, check ? null
, httpcheck ? null
, forwardfor ? true
, resolvers ? null
"mode http"
(optional forwardfor "option forwardfor")
(optional (httpcheck != null) "option httpchk ${httpcheck}")
(optional (balance != null) "balance ${balance}")
(concatStringsRecursive " " [
(optionals (check != null) (if
isBool check
then (if check then ["check"] else [])
else mapAttrsToList (k: v: "${k} ${v}") check))
(optional (resolvers != null) "resolvers ${resolvers}")
# Lua's import system requires the import path to be something like:
# /nix/store/123-name/<package>/<file.lua>
# Then the lua-prepend-path can be:
# /nix/store/123-name/?/<file.lua>
# Then when lua code imports <package>, it will search in the
# prepend paths and replace the question mark with the <package>
# name to get a match.
# But the config.source is actually without the <package> name:
# /nix/store/123-name/<file.lua>
# This requires us to create a new directory structure and we're
# using a linkFarm for this.
createPluginLinks = configs:
mkLink = name: config: {
inherit name;
path = config.source;
pkgs.linkFarm "haproxyplugins" (mapAttrsToList mkLink configs);
mkPlugin = links: name:
{ luapaths ? []
, cpaths ? []
, load ? null
, ...
lua-prepend-path =
f = ext: type: path:
inherit type;
path =
if path == "." then
map (f "lua" "path") (toList luapaths)
++ map (f "so" "cpath") (toList cpaths);
} // optionalAttrs (load != null) {
lua-load = ["${links}/${name}/${load}"];
# Takes plugins as an attrset of name to {init, load, source},
# transforms them to a [attrset] with fields lua-prepend-path
# and optionally lua-load then returns a list of lines with all
# lua-prepend-path first and all lua-load afterwards.
mkPlugins = v:
f = recursiveMerge (mapAttrsToList (mkPlugin (createPluginLinks v)) v);
lua-prepend-path = map ({path, type}: "lua-prepend-path ${path} ${type}") (getAttrWithDefault "lua-prepend-path" [] f);
lua-load = map (x: "lua-load ${x}") (getAttrWithDefault "lua-load" [] f);
lua-prepend-path ++ lua-load;
in [
match = k: parent: v: k == "defaults";
order = 2;
indent = " ";
header = k: k;
rules = [
match = k: parent: v: k == "timeout";
rule = k: parent: v: mapAttrsToList (k1: v1: "${k} ${k1} ${v1}") v;
match = k: parent: v: k == "global";
order = 1;
indent = " ";
header = k: k;
rules = [
match = k: parent: v: k == "plugins";
rule = k: parent: v: mkPlugins v;
match = k: parent: v: k == "setenv";
rule = k: parent: v: mapAttrsToList (k: v: "setenv ${k} ${v}" ) v;
match = k: parent: v: k == "resolvers";
order = 3;
rules = [
match = k: parent: v: true;
header = k: "resolvers " + k;
indent = " ";
rules = [
match = k: parent: v: k == "nameservers";
rule = k: parent: v: mapAttrsToList (k1: v1: "nameserver ${k1} ${v1}") v;
match = k: parent: v: k == "frontend";
order = 4;
rules = [
match = k: parent: v: true;
header = k: "frontend " + k;
indent = " ";
rules = [
match = k: parent: v: k == "rules";
rule = k: parent: v: map mkRule v;
match = k: parent: v: k == "bind" && isAttrs v;
rule = k: parent: v: mkBind v;
match = k: parent: v: k == "use_backend";
rule = k: parent: v:
use = name: value: "use_backend ${name} ${toString value}";
if isList v then
map (v: use v.name v.value) v
use v.name v.value;
match = k: parent: v: true ;
rule = k: parent: v:
l = prefix: v:
if isAttrs v then
mapAttrsToList (k: v: l "${prefix} ${k}" v) v
else if isList v then
map (l prefix) v
else if isBool v then
optional v prefix
assert assertMsg (isString v) "value for field ${k} should be a string, bool, attr or list, got: ${typeOf v}";
"${prefix} ${v}";
l k v;
match = k: parent: v: k == "backend";
order = 5;
rules = [
match = k: parent: v: true;
header = k: "backend " + k;
indent = " ";
rules = [
match = k: parent: v: k == "options";
rule = k: parent: v: v;
match = k: parent: v: k == "servers";
rule = k: parent: v: map mkServer v;
concatStringsRecursive = sep: strings:
concatStringsSep sep (flatten strings);
assertHasAttr = name: attrPath: v:
(hasAttrByPath attrPath v)
"no ${last attrPath} defined in config for site ${name}.${concatStringsSep "." (init attrPath)}, found attr names: ${toString (attrNames (getAttrFromPath (init attrPath) v))}";
# Takes a function producing a [nameValuePair], applies it to
# all name-value pair in the given set and merges the resulting
# [[nameValuePair]].
mapAttrsFlatten = f: set: listToAttrs (concatLists (mapAttrsToList f set));
mapIfIsAttrs = f: value:
if isAttrs value
then f value
else value;
flattenAttrs = sep: cond: set:
recurse = mapIfIsAttrs (mapAttrsFlatten (
n: v: let
result = recurse v;
if isAttrs result && cond n v
then mapAttrsToList (n2: v2: nameValuePair "${n}${sep}${n2}" v2) result
else [(nameValuePair n result)]
in recurse set;
inherit updateByPath recursiveMerge;
default =
{ user
, group
, certPath
, plugins ? {}
, globalEnvs ? {}
, stats ? null
, debug ? false
, sites ? {}
, globals ? {}
, defaults ? {}
, resolvers ? {}
}: {
global = {
# Silence a warning issued by haproxy. Using 2048
# instead of the default 1024 makes the connection stronger.
"tune.ssl.default-dh-param" = 2048;
maxconn = 20000;
inherit user group;
log = "/dev/log local0 info";
inherit plugins;
setenv = globalEnvs;
} // globals;
defaults = {
log = "global";
option = "httplog";
timeout = {
connect = "10s";
client = "15s";
server = "30s";
queue = "100s";
} // defaults;
frontend = {
http-to-https = {
mode = "http";
bind = "*:80";
rules = [
redirect = true;
scheme = "https";
code = 301;
condition = "!{ ssl_fc }";
backend = {};
https = (
r = (
mode = "http";
bind = {
addr = "*:443";
ssl = true;
crt = certPath;
http-request = {
set-header = [
"X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]"
"X-Forwarded-For %[src]"
add-header = [
"X-Forwarded-Proto https"
http-response = {
set-header = [
''Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15552000; includeSubDomains; preload;"''
++ (mapAttrsToList (name: config:
assert assertHasAttr name ["frontend"] config;
(updateByPath ["frontend" "use_backend"] (x: [(nameValuePair name x)]) config).frontend
) sites)
++ (mapAttrsToList (name: config:
if (hasAttr "debugHeaders" config && (getAttr "debugHeaders" config) != null) then {
option = "httplog";
http-request = {
capture = "req.hdrs len 512 if ${config.debugHeaders}";
log-format = ''"%ci:%cp [%tr] %ft [[%hr]] %hs %{+Q}r"'';
} else {}
) sites)
recursiveMerge r
// optionalAttrs (debug) {
log-format = ''"%ci:%cp [%tr] %ft %b/%s %TR/%Tw/%Tc/%Tr/%Ta %ST %B %CC %CS %tsc %ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc %sq/%bq %hr %hs %{+Q}r %sslv %sslc %[ssl_fc_cipherlist_str]"'';
} // optionalAttrs (stats != null)
stats_ = {
enable = true;
port = 8404;
uri = "/stats";
refresh = "10s";
prometheusUri = null;
hide-version = false;
} // stats;
stats = {
bind = "localhost:${toString stats_.port}";
mode = "http";
stats = {
enable = stats_.enable;
hide-version = stats_.hide-version;
uri = stats_.uri;
refresh = stats_.refresh;
} // optionalAttrs (stats_.prometheusUri != null) {
http-request = [
"use-service prometheus-exporter if { path ${stats_.prometheusUri} }"
backend =
mapAttrs' (name: config:
assert assertMsg (hasAttr "backend" config) "no backend defined in config for site ${name}, found attr names: ${toString (attrNames config)}";
nameValuePair name config.backend)
inherit resolvers;
render = config:
concatStringsSep "\n" (augmentedContent "" schema [] config);

modules/haproxy.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
cfg = config.shb.reverseproxy;
options.shb.reverseproxy = {
sopsFile = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.path;
description = "Sops file location";
example = "secrets/haproxy.yaml";
domain = lib.mkOption {
description = lib.mdDoc "Domain to serve sites under.";
type = lib.types.str;
adminEmail = lib.mkOption {
description = lib.mdDoc "Admin email in case certificate retrieval goes wrong.";
type = lib.types.str;
sites = lib.mkOption {
description = lib.mdDoc "Sites to serve through the reverse proxy.";
type = lib.types.anything;
default = {};
example = {
homeassistant = {
frontend = {
acl = {
acl_homeassistant = "hdr_beg(host) ha.";
use_backend = "if acl_homeassistant";
backend = {
servers = [
name = "homeassistant1";
address = "";
forwardfor = false;
balance = "roundrobin";
check = {
inter = "5s";
downinter = "15s";
fall = "3";
rise = "3";
httpcheck = "GET /";
config = lib.mkIf (cfg.sites != {}) {
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];
security.acme = {
acceptTerms = true;
certs."${cfg.domain}" = {
extraDomainNames = ["*.${cfg.domain}"];
defaults = {
email = cfg.adminEmail;
dnsProvider = "linode";
dnsResolver = "";
group = config.services.haproxy.user;
# For example, to use Linode to prove the dns challenge,
# the content of the file should be the following, with
# XXX replaced by your Linode API token.
credentialsFile = "/run/secrets/linode";
enableDebugLogs = false;
sops.secrets.linode = {
inherit (cfg) sopsFile;
restartUnits = [ "acme-${cfg.domain}.service" ];
services.haproxy.enable = true;
services.haproxy.config = let
configcreator = pkgs.callPackage ./haproxy-configcreator.nix {};
in configcreator.render ( configcreator.default {
inherit (config.services.haproxy) user group;
certPath = "/var/lib/acme/${cfg.domain}/full.pem";
stats = {
port = 8404;
uri = "/stats";
refresh = "10s";
prometheusUri = "/metrics";
defaults = {
default-server = "init-addr last,none";
inherit (cfg) sites;

modules/home-assistant.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
cfg = config.shb.home-assistant;
options.shb.home-assistant = {
enable = lib.mkEnableOption "selfhostblocks.home-assistant";
subdomain = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.str;
description = "Subdomain under which home-assistant will be served.";
example = "ha";
sopsFile = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.path;
description = "Sops file location";
example = "secrets/homeassistant.yaml";
backupCfg = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.anything;
description = "Backup configuration for home-assistant";
default = {};
example = {
backend = "restic";
repositories = [];
config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
services.home-assistant = {
enable = true;
# Find them at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/servers/home-assistant/component-packages.nix
extraComponents = [
# Components required to complete the onboarding
configDir = "/var/lib/hass";
# If you can't find a component in component-packages.nix, you can add them manually with something similar to:
# extraPackages = python3Packages: [
# (python3Packages.simplisafe-python.overrideAttrs (old: rec {
# pname = "simplisafe-python";
# version = "5b003a9fa1abd00f0e9a0b99d3ee57c4c7c16bda";
# format = "pyproject";
# src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
# owner = "bachya";
# repo = pname;
# rev = "${version}";
# hash = "sha256-Ij2e0QGYLjENi/yhFBQ+8qWEJp86cgwC9E27PQ5xNno=";
# };
# }))
# ];
config = {
# Includes dependencies for a basic setup
# https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/default_config/
default_config = {};
http = {
use_x_forwarded_for = "true";
trusted_proxies = "";
logger.default = "info";
homeassistant = {
country = "!secret country";
latitude = "!secret latitude_home";
longitude = "!secret longitude_home";
time_zone = "America/Los_Angeles";
"automation ui" = "!include automations.yaml";
"scene ui" = "!include scenes.yaml";
"script ui" = "!include scripts.yaml";
"automation manual" = [
alias = "Create Backup on Schedule";
trigger = [
platform = "time_pattern";
minutes = "5";
action = [
service = "shell_command.delete_backups";
data = {};
service = "backup.create";
data = {};
mode = "single";
shell_command = {
delete_backups = "find ${config.services.home-assistant.configDir}/backups -type f -delete";
sops.secrets."home-assistant" = {
inherit (cfg) sopsFile;
mode = "0440";
owner = "hass";
group = "hass";
path = "${config.services.home-assistant.configDir}/secrets.yaml";
restartUnits = [ "home-assistant.service" ];
systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [
"f ${config.services.home-assistant.configDir}/automations.yaml 0755 hass hass"
"f ${config.services.home-assistant.configDir}/scenes.yaml 0755 hass hass"
"f ${config.services.home-assistant.configDir}/scripts.yaml 0755 hass hass"
shb.reverseproxy.sites.homeassistant = {
frontend = {
acl = {
acl_homeassistant = "hdr_beg(host) ${cfg.subdomain}.";
use_backend = "if acl_homeassistant";
backend = {
servers = [
name = "homeassistant1";
address = "";
forwardfor = false;
balance = "roundrobin";
check = {
inter = "5s";
downinter = "15s";
fall = "3";
rise = "3";
httpcheck = "GET /";
shb.backup.instances.home-assistant = lib.mkIf (cfg.backupCfg != {}) (
// {
sourceDirectories = [
# No need for backup hooks as we use an hourly automation job in home assistant directly with a cron job.
users.groups = {
hass = {
members = [ "backup" ];
systemd.services.home-assistant.serviceConfig = {
# Setup permissions needed for backups, as the backup user is member of the hass group.
UMask = lib.mkForce "0027";
StateDirectory = "hass";
StateDirectoryMode = lib.mkForce "0750";
SupplementaryGroups = [ config.users.groups.keys.name ];

modules/jellyfin.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ...}:
cfg = config.shb.jellyfin;
options.shb.jellyfin = {
enable = lib.mkEnableOption "shb jellyfin";
config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
services.jellyfin.enable = true;
networking.firewall = {
# from https://jellyfin.org/docs/general/networking/index.html, for auto-discovery
allowedUDPPorts = [ 1900 7359 ];
users.groups = {
media = {
name = "media";
members = [ "jellyfin" ];
jellyfin = {
members = [ "backup" ];
shb.reverseproxy.sites.jellyfin = {
frontend = {
acl = {
acl_jellyfin = "hdr_beg(host) jellyfin.";
acl_jellyfin_network_allowed = "src";
acl_jellyfin_restricted_page = "path_beg /metrics";
http-request = {
deny = "if acl_jellyfin acl_jellyfin_restricted_page !acl_jellyfin_network_allowed";
use_backend = "if acl_jellyfin";
# TODO: enable /metrics and block from outside https://jellyfin.org/docs/general/networking/monitoring/#prometheus-metrics
backend = {
servers = [
name = "jellyfin1";
address = "";
forwardfor = false;
balance = "roundrobin";
check = {
inter = "5s";
downinter = "15s";
fall = "3";
rise = "3";
httpcheck = "GET /health";
shb.backup.instances.jellyfin = {
sourceDirectories = [
systemd.services.jellyfin.serviceConfig = {
# Setup permissions needed for backups, as the backup user is member of the jellyfin group.
UMask = lib.mkForce "0027";
StateDirectoryMode = lib.mkForce "0750";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
cfg = config.shb.nextcloud;
options.shb.nextcloud = {
enable = lib.mkEnableOption "selfhostblocks.nextcloud-server";
fqdn = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.str;
description = "Fully qualified domain under which nextcloud will be served.";
example = "nextcloud.domain.com";
sopsFile = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.path;
description = "Sops file location";
example = "secrets/nextcloud.yaml";
config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
users.users = {
nextcloud = {
name = "nextcloud";
group = "nextcloud";
home = "/srv/data/nextcloud";
isSystemUser = true;
users.groups = {
nextcloud = {
members = [ "backup" ];
services.nextcloud = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.nextcloud26;
# Enable php-fpm and nginx which will be behind the shb haproxy instance.
hostName = cfg.fqdn;
config = {
dbtype = "pgsql";
adminuser = "root";
adminpassFile = "/run/secrets/nextcloud/adminpass";
# Not using dbpassFile as we're using socket authentication.
defaultPhoneRegion = "US";
trustedProxies = [ "" ];
database.createLocally = true;
# Enable caching using redis https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nextcloud#Caching.
configureRedis = true;
caching.apcu = false;
# https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/26/admin_manual/configuration_server/caching_configuration.html
caching.redis = true;
# Adds appropriate nginx rewrite rules.
webfinger = true;
extraOptions = {
"overwrite.cli.url" = "https://" + cfg.fqdn;
"overwritehost" = cfg.fqdn;
"overwriteprotocol" = "https";
"overwritecondaddr" = "^127\\.0\\.0\\.1$";
phpOptions = {
# The OPcache interned strings buffer is nearly full with 8, bump to 16.
"opcache.interned_strings_buffer" = "16";
# Secret needed for services.nextcloud.config.adminpassFile.
sops.secrets."nextcloud/adminpass" = {
inherit (cfg) sopsFile;
mode = "0440";
owner = "nextcloud";
group = "nextcloud";
# The following changed the listen address for nginx and puts haproxy in front. See
# https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nextcloud#Change_default_listening_port
# It's a bit of a waste in resources to have nginx behind haproxy but the config for nginx is
# complex enough that I find it better to re-use the one from nixpkgs instead of trying to copy
# it over to haproxy. At least for now.
services.nginx.virtualHosts.${cfg.fqdn}.listen = [ { addr = ""; port = 8080; } ];
shb.reverseproxy.sites.nextcloud = {
frontend = {
acl = {
acl_nextcloud = "hdr_beg(host) n.";
# well_known = "path_beg /.well-known";
# caldav-endpoint = "path_beg /.well-known/caldav";
# carddav-endpoint = "path_beg /.well-known/carddav";
# webfinger-endpoint = "path_beg /.well-known/webfinger";
# nodeinfo-endpoint = "path_beg /.well-known/nodeinfo";
http-request.set-header = {
"X-Forwarded-Host" = "%[req.hdr(host)]";
"X-Forwarded-Port" = "%[dst_port]";
# http-request = [
# "redirect code 301 location /remote.php/dav if acl_nextcloud caldav-endpoint"
# "redirect code 301 location /remote.php/dav if acl_nextcloud carddav-endpoint"
# "redirect code 301 location /public.php?service=webfinger if acl_nextcloud webfinger-endpoint"
# "redirect code 301 location /public.php?service=nodeinfo if acl_nextcloud nodeinfo-endpoint"
# ];
# http-response = {
# set-header = {
# # These headers are from https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/d3bb401dcfc5a46ce51cdfb5762e70cc75d082d2/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/nextcloud.nix#L1167-L1173
# X-Content-Type-Options = "nosniff";
# X-XSS-Protection = "\"1; mode=block\"";
# X-Robots-Tag = "\"noindex, nofollow\"";
# X-Download-Options = "noopen";
# X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies = "none";
# X-Frame-Options = "sameorigin";
# Referrer-Policy = "no-referrer";
# };
# };
use_backend = "if acl_nextcloud";
backend = {
servers = [
name = "nextcloud1";
address =
addrs = config.services.nginx.virtualHosts.${cfg.fqdn}.listen;
builtins.map (c: "${c.addr}:${builtins.toString c.port}") addrs;
forwardfor = true;
balance = "roundrobin";
check = {
inter = "5s";
downinter = "15s";
fall = "3";
rise = "3";
httpcheck = "GET /";
systemd.services.phpfpm-nextcloud.serviceConfig = {
# Setup permissions needed for backups, as the backup user is member of the jellyfin group.
UMask = lib.mkForce "0027";
# Sets up backup for Nextcloud.
shb.backup.instances.nextcloud = {
sourceDirectories = [