# YunoHost 上的 Phanpy [![集成程度](https://apps.yunohost.org/badge/integration/phanpy)](https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/apps/phanpy/) ![工作状态](https://apps.yunohost.org/badge/state/phanpy) ![维护状态](https://apps.yunohost.org/badge/maintained/phanpy) [![使用 YunoHost 安装 Phanpy](https://install-app.yunohost.org/install-with-yunohost.svg)](https://install-app.yunohost.org/?app=phanpy) *[阅读此 README 的其它语言版本。](./ALL_README.md)* > *通过此软件包,您可以在 YunoHost 服务器上快速、简单地安装 Phanpy。* > *如果您还没有 YunoHost,请参阅[指南](https://yunohost.org/install)了解如何安装它。* ## 概况 This Phanpy YunoHost App is packaged directly from upstream Release package. ## Features 👪 Multiple accounts 🪟 Compose window pop-out/in 🌗 Light/dark/auto theme 🔔 Grouped notifications 🪺 Nested comments thread 📬 Unsent draft recovery 🎠 Boosts Carousel™️ ⚡ Shortcuts™️ with view modes like multi-column or tab bar #️⃣ Multi-hashtag timeline from ## Third-party services Inline (and live) translation feature connects to . It's optional for the user to activate this feature. ## YNH Forum Comment *phanpy_ynh* on [YunoHost Forum Topic](https://forum.yunohost.org/t/phanpy-a-minimalistic-opinionated-fediverse-web-client/32095) **分发版本:** 20241122~ynh1 **演示:** ## 文档与资源 - 官方应用网站: - 上游应用代码库: - YunoHost 商店: - 报告 bug: ## 开发者信息 请向 [`testing` 分支](https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/phanpy_ynh/tree/testing) 发送拉取请求。 如要尝试 `testing` 分支,请这样操作: ```bash sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/phanpy_ynh/tree/testing --debug 或 sudo yunohost app upgrade phanpy -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/phanpy_ynh/tree/testing --debug ``` **有关应用打包的更多信息:**