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# Phanpy voor Yunohost
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[![Phanpy met Yunohost installeren](https://install-app.yunohost.org/install-with-yunohost.svg)](https://install-app.yunohost.org/?app=phanpy)
*[Deze README in een andere taal lezen.](./ALL_README.md)*
> *Met dit pakket kun je Phanpy snel en eenvoudig op een YunoHost-server installeren.*
> *Als je nog geen YunoHost hebt, lees dan [de installatiehandleiding](https://yunohost.org/install), om te zien hoe je 'm installeert.*
## Overzicht
This Phanpy YunoHost App is packaged directly from upstream Release package.
## Features
👪 Multiple accounts
🪟 Compose window pop-out/in
🌗 Light/dark/auto theme
🔔 Grouped notifications
🪺 Nested comments thread
📬 Unsent draft recovery
🎠 Boosts Carousel™️
⚡ Shortcuts™️ with view modes like multi-column or tab bar
#️⃣ Multi-hashtag timeline
from <https://github.com/cheeaun/phanpy#features>
## Third-party services
Inline (and live) translation feature connects to <https://lingva.phanpy.social>. It's optional for the user to activate this feature.