2023-11-20 15:29:06 +01:00
import argparse
import regex
import sys
import yaml
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' Optimizes the playbook based on enabled components found in vars.yml files ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --vars-paths ' , help = ' Path to vars.yml configuration files to process ' , required = True )
parser . add_argument ( ' --src-requirements-yml-path ' , help = ' Path to source requirements.yml file with all role definitions ' , required = True )
parser . add_argument ( ' --src-setup-yml-path ' , help = ' Path to source setup.yml file ' , required = True )
parser . add_argument ( ' --src-group-vars-yml-path ' , help = ' Path to source group vars file ' , required = True )
parser . add_argument ( ' --dst-requirements-yml-path ' , help = ' Path to destination requirements.yml file, where role definitions will be saved ' , required = True )
parser . add_argument ( ' --dst-setup-yml-path ' , help = ' Path to destination setup.yml file ' , required = True )
parser . add_argument ( ' --dst-group-vars-yml-path ' , help = ' Path to destination group vars file ' , required = True )
args = parser . parse_args ( )
def load_combined_variable_names_from_files ( vars_yml_file_paths ) :
variable_names = set ( { } )
for vars_path in vars_yml_file_paths :
with open ( vars_path , ' r ' ) as file :
yaml_data = yaml . safe_load ( file )
variable_names = variable_names | set ( yaml_data . keys ( ) )
return variable_names
def load_yaml_file ( path ) :
with open ( path , ' r ' ) as file :
return yaml . safe_load ( file )
def is_role_definition_in_use ( role_definition , used_variable_names ) :
for variable_name in used_variable_names :
if ' activation_prefix ' in role_definition :
if role_definition [ ' activation_prefix ' ] == ' ' :
# Special value indicating "always activate".
# We don't really need this dedicated if, but it's more obvious with it.
return True
if variable_name . startswith ( role_definition [ ' activation_prefix ' ] ) :
return True
return False
def write_yaml_to_file ( definitions , path ) :
with open ( path , ' w ' ) as file :
yaml . dump ( definitions , file )
def read_file ( path ) :
with open ( path , ' r ' ) as file :
return file . read ( )
def write_to_file ( contents , path ) :
with open ( path , ' w ' ) as file :
file . write ( contents )
# Matches the beginning of role-specific blocks.
# Example: `# role-specific:playbook_help`
regex_role_specific_block_start = regex . compile ( ' ^ \ s*# \ s*role-specific \ : \ s*([^ \ s]+)$ ' )
# Matches the end of role-specific blocks.
# Example: `# /role-specific:playbook_help`
regex_role_specific_block_end = regex . compile ( ' ^ \ s*# \ s*/role-specific \ : \ s*([^ \ s]+)$ ' )
def process_file_contents ( file_name , enabled_role_names , known_role_names ) :
contents = read_file ( file_name )
lines_preserved = [ ]
role_specific_stack = [ ]
for line_number , line in enumerate ( contents . split ( " \n " ) ) :
# Stage 1: looking for a role-specific starting block
start_role_matches = regex_role_specific_block_start . match ( line )
if start_role_matches is not None :
role_name = start_role_matches . group ( 1 )
if role_name not in known_role_names :
raise Exception ( ' Found start block for role {0} on line {1} in file {2} , but it is not a known role name found among: {3} ' . format (
role_name ,
line_number ,
file_name ,
known_role_names ,
) )
role_specific_stack . append ( role_name )
# Stage 2: looking for role-specific closing blocks
end_role_matches = regex_role_specific_block_end . match ( line )
if end_role_matches is not None :
role_name = end_role_matches . group ( 1 )
if role_name not in known_role_names :
raise Exception ( ' Found end block for role {0} on line {1} in file {2} , but it is not a known role name found among: {3} ' . format (
role_name ,
line_number ,
file_name ,
known_role_names ,
) )
if len ( role_specific_stack ) == 0 :
raise Exception ( ' Found end block for role {0} on line {1} in file {2} , but there is no opening statement for it ' . format (
role_name ,
line_number ,
file_name ,
) )
last_role_name = role_specific_stack [ len ( role_specific_stack ) - 1 ]
if role_name != last_role_name :
raise Exception ( ' Found end block for role {0} on line {1} in file {2} , but the last starting block was for role {3} ' . format (
role_name ,
line_number ,
file_name ,
last_role_name ,
) )
role_specific_stack . pop ( )
# Stage 3: regular line
all_roles_allowed = True
for role_name in role_specific_stack :
if role_name not in enabled_role_names :
all_roles_allowed = False
if all_roles_allowed :
lines_preserved . append ( line )
if len ( role_specific_stack ) != 0 :
raise Exception ( ' Expected one or more closing block for role-specific tags in file {0} : {1} ' . format ( file_name , role_specific_stack ) )
lines_final = [ ]
sequential_blank_lines_count = 0
for line in lines_preserved :
if line != " " :
lines_final . append ( line )
sequential_blank_lines_count = 0
if sequential_blank_lines_count < = 1 :
lines_final . append ( line )
sequential_blank_lines_count + = 1
return " \n " . join ( lines_final )
vars_paths = args . vars_paths . split ( ' ' )
used_variable_names = load_combined_variable_names_from_files ( vars_paths )
all_role_definitions = load_yaml_file ( args . src_requirements_yml_path )
enabled_role_definitions = [ ]
for role_definition in all_role_definitions :
2023-12-10 07:47:29 +01:00
if ' name ' not in role_definition :
raise Exception ( ' Role definition does not have a name and should be adjusted to have one: {0} ' . format ( role_definition ) )
2023-11-20 15:29:06 +01:00
if is_role_definition_in_use ( role_definition , used_variable_names ) :
enabled_role_definitions . append ( role_definition )
write_yaml_to_file ( enabled_role_definitions , args . dst_requirements_yml_path )
known_role_names = tuple ( map ( lambda definition : definition [ ' name ' ] , all_role_definitions ) )
enabled_role_names = tuple ( map ( lambda definition : definition [ ' name ' ] , enabled_role_definitions ) )
setup_yml_processed = process_file_contents ( args . src_setup_yml_path , enabled_role_names , known_role_names )
write_to_file ( setup_yml_processed , args . dst_setup_yml_path )
group_vars_yml_processed = process_file_contents ( args . src_group_vars_yml_path , enabled_role_names , known_role_names )
write_to_file ( group_vars_yml_processed , args . dst_group_vars_yml_path )