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# Wordpress
[WordPress](https://wordpress.org/) is a widley used open source web content management system that this playbook can install, powered by the [mother-of-all-self-hosting/ansible-role-wordpress](https://github.com/mother-of-all-self-hosting/ansible-role-wordpress) Ansible role.
## Dependencies
This service requires the following other services:
- a [MariaDB](mariadb.md) database
- a [Traefik](traefik.md) reverse-proxy server
## Configuration
# #
# wordpress #
# #
wordpress_enabled: true
wordpress_hostname: example.org
# #
# /wordpress #
# #
## Usage
Navigate to the domain you set as `wordpress_hostname`, select a language and create an admin user.
> **Make sure to create a user with a strong password**
You can now log in and fill your website with content!
## Advanced
### Basic authentication
If you don't want to have your website accessible to everyone (e.g. you first want to present it to a client) you can use
wordpress_container_labels_middleware_basic_auth_enabled: true
# Use `htpasswd -nb USERNAME PASSSWORD` to generate the users below.
# See: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/middlewares/http/basicauth/#users
wordpress_container_labels_middleware_basic_auth_users: ''
### Increase upload limit
By default we set the upload limit to `64M`. Increasing or decreasing the upload limit can be done by adding the following to your `vars.yml`
wordpress_max_upload_size: '64M'